Susan: Morty? have you seen my mom?

莫蒂? 你看到我妈妈了吗?

Morty: Yeah. Yeah, she seemed, uh, she seemed pretty upset. I, I think, I think she took a cab home. You need, you need a ride?

是的, 她看上去相当恼火, 我想...我想她已经打车回去了。需要...需要送你一程吗?

Susan: I need to you tell me the truth about my father.


Morty: Hop in. When, uh, when I was in Korea, I was stationed outside of, uh, Pusan,and we'd, uh, we'd, we'd get these, these passes, you know, and we'd go into town,and, you know, we'd have a few beers, and we used to call it R and Rin military lingo.

上车。当我在韩国的时候,我被分配到釜山城外驻扎。然后我们得到了通行证, 你知道...然后...然后我们就进了城。然后, 我们就...就喝了几杯啤酒,用部队的行话说就是放松放松

Susan: Yeah, Well, I know what R and R means. So what does this have to do with my father?

是的, 我想我知道什么是 r 'n' r。这跟我的父亲有什么关系?

Morty: Well, that's what I’m getting to. Um, anyway, there were these, these young ladies. Professional ladies if you know what I mean.

这就是我要说的。总之,在那有些 年轻女人是从业人员,你能明白我的意思吗?

Susan: Morty,can we just move this on?


Morty: Okay. Long story short, it's just I never figured that my first time with a woman would, would be in an alley, behind a Korean noodle stand with, with my fatigues down around my, my ankles.

好吧, 长话短说,只是我从来没想到我的第一次...竟然会在一家韩国面馆后面的一条小巷里发生,军裤一直脱到了脚踝处。

Susan: Okay, again, what does this have to do with my father?

好吧, 好吧, 那这到底跟我父亲有什么关系?

-Morty: We, we've all done things that, uh, you know, that we're ashamed of.I mean, you know, we all, we all have secrets.Your, your, your father wasn't a war hero. And he, he wasn't in Viet, Vietnam.

我们都做过连自己都觉得很丢脸的事。我是说, 你知道, 我们都...我们都有秘密。你的...你的...爸爸不是什么战斗英雄。他...他也没去过越南。

Susan: Well, why would my mother tell me that?

那, 为什么我妈妈要骗我?

Morty: Uh, Sophie wasn't, wasn't married to your father. I'm, I'm not, I'm not sure she even, she even knew his name.


Susan: Are you saying that I'm the result of my mother having a one-night stand?


Morty: Well, like, like I said, we've all, you know, we've, we've all done things that we're, that we're ashamed of.

就像我说的, 我们都做过自己都觉得丢脸的事。.


苏珊:莫蒂? 你看到我妈妈了吗? 莫蒂:是的, 她看上去相当恼火, 我想...我想她已经打车回去了。需要...需要送你一程吗? 苏珊:我要你告诉我爸爸的真相。 莫蒂:上车。当我在韩国的时候,我被分配到釜山城外驻扎。然后我们得到了通行证, 你知道...然后...然后我们就进了城。然后, 我们就...就喝了几杯啤酒,用部队的行话说就是放松放松。 苏珊:是的, 我想我知道什么是 r 'n' r。这跟我的父亲有什么关系? 莫蒂:这就是我要说的。总之,在那有些 年轻女人是从业人员,你能明白我的意思吗? 苏珊:莫蒂,我们能把这段跳过吗? 莫蒂:好吧, 长话短说,只是我从来没想到我的第一次...竟然会在一家韩国面馆后面的一条小巷里发生,军裤一直脱到了脚踝处。 苏珊:好吧, 好吧, 那这到底跟我父亲有什么关系? 莫蒂:我们都做过连自己都觉得很丢脸的事。我是说, 你知道, 我们都...我们都有秘密。你的...你的...爸爸不是什么战斗英雄。他...他也没去过越南。 苏珊:那, 为什么我妈妈要骗我? 莫蒂:苏菲根本没嫁给你爸爸。我不确定她是否知道你爸爸的名字。 苏珊:你是说我是我妈一夜情之后生下来的? 莫蒂:就像我说的, 我们都做过自己都觉得丢脸的事。
