简介:Recordings of songbird duets reveal baby birds learn conversational turn-taking like we do: gradually, and from adults. ,接下来我们就来聊聊关于雏鸟二重唱教学?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!




Recordings of songbird duets reveal baby birds learn conversational turn-taking like we do: gradually, and from adults.


撰文\播音:克里斯托弗•因塔利亚塔(Christopher Intagliata)



The word "duet" usually refers to a song. But in a sense, every human conversation is a duet—with unwritten rulesabout whenparticipants take their turns to speak. You can hear how awkward it sounds when the rules are broken: as with the slight delay between this ABC News host and astronaut Rick Mastracchio. <<"Okay, so give us an idea of what you guys go through on a daily basis. —Long pause— Okay, well we wake up fairly early…">>

“Duet”这个词通常指一种歌唱类别。但从某种意义来说,人类的每一次对话都算是一次二重奏——当谈话者交替说话时遵循的不成文规定。当这条规则被打破时你能感到这到底有多尴尬:比如说ABC新闻主播和宇航员Rick Mastracchio谈话时的这个轻微延迟。(“好,请告诉我们你们每天都会经历些什么吧——长长的停顿——嗯,我们起得相当早……”)

That long pause? Pretty uncomfortable, especially if you're not talking to someone on the space station. We humans first get a feel for this back-and-forth rhythm when we're still babbling babies. And, it turns out, same goes for songbirds in learning their duets.


"What you should hear is something like the whistle, <<whistle sound>> and then something like <<trill sound>> and then <<trill sound>>. Yeah, I'm not very good at doing the song but..." <<songbird duet clip>> "It seems that only one bird is singing, that's how good they are."


Karla Rivera-Cáceres, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Miami. She and her team recorded the formative songs of a bird called the canebrake wren, in their nests in the Costa Rican forest.

迈阿密大学的博士后Karla Rivera-Cáceres如是说。她和她的团队在哥斯达黎加丛林里的藤鹪鹩巢边记录下了它们成长期的吟唱。

Here's the same baby bird singing just two weeks earlier. Listen for it trampling on the lines of its parent, in the second half of the duet. <<poor songbird duet>> Again for reference, here's the improved version, when the bird had learned to take turns. <<songbird duet>>

Rivera-Cáceres analyzed the progress of 13 juvenile birds, and was able to determine that the youngsters didn't just naturally mature into this ability to sing a duet. They gradually picked up their dueting skills from the adults they practiced with—a trait they share with humans, in learning their species' conversational rhythms. The study is in the journal Royal Society Open Science. [Karla D. Rivera-Cáceres et al., Early development of vocal interaction rules in a duetting songbird]


And these findings might provide a window into our own language learning, too. "Understanding songbirds has helped us understand more about how human language is acquired, and understanding the neural machinery and the genetic machinery that controls that vocal learning. It gives us the tools to explore more how these rules are processed in the brain."


No word yet on whether it may also reveal why some humans have such trouble carrying a tune.

