
夏天到了,很多人都会喜欢到海边去游泳放松,享受游泳的乐趣。那么,除了我们都知道的swim 外,游泳还有哪些英文表达呢?今天我们就一起来学习一下游泳的相关表达。

1. Swim 游泳

这是英语中表达“游泳”这一动作的最基本词汇。比如,“游泳运动”swimming,泳池是swimming pool。

例句: It’s so hot today,I’ll go for a swim in the afternoon.


2. Go for a paddle 去海边涉水


例如: I live right next to the beach, so I can go for a paddle anytime I want. 我就住在沙滩旁边,所以想什么时候去海边游水都可以。

3. Do some lengths 游几个来回

在这里,可数名词“length”指“游泳池的长度或泳程”。比如,“一个来回”就应该说“two lengths”如果想表示“50个来回”,就应该说“100 lengths”。

例句:She does a couple of lengths in the swimming pool and she’s short of breath.


4. Take a dip 游一会儿

这是一个口语表达。其中,可数名词dip专指“短时间内游泳”,和单词“swim 游泳”相比更随意。我们可以用搭配“take a dip”或“go for a dip”来表示“小游一会儿,游两圈”的意思。

例如: Shall we take a dip in the sea? The temperature is perfect.


5. Splash around 游水,戏水

动词splash通常用来描述“液体泼溅”。而表达“splash around” 或 “splash about”可以指“在水中嬉耍,拍打着游水”。Splash也可以做象声词,意思是“液体的泼溅声”。

例句: Parents at hotel pools can sit comfortably in the sun, watching their children splashing around in the pool.



1. sink or swim 成败全凭自己

Once you’ve taken the job, you’re left to sink or swim.


2. make a splash (非正式用语)一举成名。

The athlete’s joyful expressions during the interview have made quite a splash on social media.


3. out of one’s depth (1) (水)没过头顶

The kid tried to swim into the sea but he quickly went out of his depth.



This exam is far too hard for me. I’m out of my depth. 这次考试对我来说太难了,超出了我的能力范围了。

4. swim against the tide 逆流而上

Sometimes in order to stay true to yourself, you must swim against the tide. 有时,为了做真实的自己,必须要逆流而上。

5. jump in at the deep end 或be thrown at the deep end 独自应对难题或困境;从难入手

If you want to start working out, it’s better to start gently rather than jumping in at the deep end.


I find I can learn faster when I’m thrown in at the deep end.


