[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第41话

41. Chloe's Puppet Show 克洛伊的木偶秀

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

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Chloe's Puppet Show 克洛伊的木偶秀

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Chloe Pig is Peppa and George's cousin.

Narrator: Peppa and her family are visiting Uncle Pig and Aunty Pig and Cousin Chloe. 佩奇一家去看望猪伯伯,猪伯母和堂姐克洛伊。

Daddy Pig: I expect Uncle Pig will fall asleep after lunch, like he always does. 我觉得猪伯伯会在吃好午餐后睡着,他每次都那样。

Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig! You shouldn't say such things about your own brother! Especially in front of the children. 猪爸爸!你不该这么说你自己的兄弟!尤其是在孩子们面前。

Daddy Pig: But it's true! 但那是真的!

Uncle Pig always eats too much lunch and falls asleep, snoring loudly! 猪伯伯每次都吃太饱,然后就睡着了,而且打呼打得很大声!

Like this. 就像这样…


Daddy Pig: Err... Peppa, George, forget what I just said about Uncle Pig. 呃~~~佩奇乔治,忘了我刚说关于伯伯的事吧。

Peppa: Okay, Daddy! 好的,爸爸!

Narrator: Peppa and her family have arrived at Uncle Pig and Aunty Pig's house. 佩奇和家人到了猪伯伯和猪伯母的家。

Peppa: Hello, Aunty Pig and Uncle Pig! 你们好啊,伯伯,伯母!

Aunty Pig: Hello! 你们好啊!

Uncle Pig: Hello, everyone! 你们好啊!

Daddy Pig: Hello, big brother! 你好啊,哥哥!

Narrator: Uncle Pig is Daddy Pig's brother. 猪伯伯是猪爸爸的哥哥。

Chloe Pig is Peppa and George's cousin. 克洛伊是佩奇和乔治的堂姐。

Peppa: Hello, Chloe! 你好啊,克洛伊!

Chloe: Hello, Peppa! Hello, George! 你好佩奇!你好乔治!

I want to show you something! 我想给你们看点东西!

Peppa: Wait for us! 等等我们!

Chloe: This is my new puppet theater! 这个是我的新木偶剧场!

My daddy made it for me. 是我的爸爸给我做的。

Peppa: Wow! 哇哦!

George: Ooo! 哦!

Chloe: I've made two puppets already! 我已经做了两个木偶啦!

This one is called Chloe! 这一个叫做克洛伊!

Hello! I am Chloe Pig. 你好!我是小猪克洛伊。

And this one is my daddy. 而这个是我的爸爸。

Peppa: Uncle Pig! 猪伯伯!

Uncle Pig: Hello, Peppa! I am Uncle Pig. 你好佩奇!我是伯伯。

Peppa: Chloe? Can me and George make puppets, too? 克洛伊,我和乔治能不能也做个木偶呢?

Chloe: Yes. 可以呀。

Narrator: Chloe paints the puppet's eyes. 克洛伊画了木偶的眼睛。

Peppa: Can I do the mouth? 我能画它的嘴吗?

Chloe: Ok. 可以。

Peppa: My name is Peppa! 我名字叫佩奇!

Chloe: George? What puppet would you like to make? 乔治,你想做什么样的木偶呢?

George: Dine-saw! 恐龙!

Chloe: A dinosaur? 你想做恐龙?

Peppa: George always says ''dinosaur'' for everything. 不管你问乔治要干什么,他一定会回答你"恐龙"。

Chloe: Ok, a scary dinosaur puppet. 好的,一只恐怖的恐龙木偶。

Narrator: Chloe is making George a dinosaur puppet. 克洛伊在给乔治做恐龙木偶。

Chloe: It needs pointy teeth. 它要有尖尖的牙齿。

There! A scary dinosaur. 给你!一只恐怖的恐龙。

George: Grrrrr!

Aunty Pig: Lunch time, everyone! 吃午餐了,孩子们!

Chloe: Coming! 来了!

After lunch, we'll do a puppet show!! 午餐之后,我们来个木偶表演吧!

Peppa: Hurray. 好哇。


Narrator: Aunty Pig has made spaghetti for lunch! 猪伯母给大家做了意大利面!

Daddy Pig: This spaghetti is delicious! 这些意大利面实在太好吃啦!

Uncle Pig: Best spaghetti ever! 最好吃的意大利面!

Mummy Pig: You can Tell you two are brothers! 这就能看出来你俩是兄弟!

Aunty Pig: Alike in everyway. 每个方面都很像。

Daddy Pig: What do you mean? 什么意思啊?

Uncle Pig: We are completely different! 我们完全不一样的!

Chloe: Peppa, George and I are going to do a puppet show! 佩奇,乔治还有我准备一个木偶表演!

Aunty Pig: Fantastic! 真是太好了

Call us when you're ready. 准备好了叫我们。

Peppa: See you later! 待会见


Daddy Pig: A puppet show! 木偶表演!

That sounds fun. 听上去很好玩。

Have I got time for some more spaghetti? 还有时间,我能再多吃点吗?

Uncle Pig: Could I have some more, too? 我也想再来点行吗?


Narrator: The puppet show is about to begin! 木偶表演马上要开始了!

Chloe: Hello! My name is Chloe. 你们好,我叫做克洛伊!

Peppa: And I am Peppa! 你们好,我叫做佩奇!

George: Grr!

Peppa: Ahhhh! It's a dinosaur! 啊!是一只恐龙!

Chloe: A scary dinosaur! Eeek! 一只可怕的恐龙!

Aunty Pig: I say! That's very good! 真不错!表演得真棒!

Daddy Pig: Bravo! 太棒了!


Chloe: I am Uncle Pig. 我是猪伯伯.

Peppa: Hello, Uncle Pig! 你好啊,猪伯伯!

Chloe: Hello, Peppa! 你好啊,佩奇!

Aunty Pig: It looks just like you! 看上去真像你!

Uncle Pig: I think they've made my tummy a bit big. 我觉得他们把我的肚子做大了点。

Chloe: I did enjoy my lunch! 我非常喜欢我的午餐!

Peppa: Uncle Pig? Are you going to fall asleep and snore like you always do? 伯伯,你睡着了会打呼吗?就像是你以前那个样子。

Chloe: What do you mean? 什么意思?

Peppa: Daddy says you always fall asleep and snore loudly, like this. 爸爸说你吃完午餐总是会睡着,而且打呼声很响,就像这样。

Chloe: Hoho,Your daddy's right. 你爸爸说得对。

I do snore like this. 我确实这样打呼。

Mummy Pig: Oh, Daddy Pig! 哦,猪爸爸!

You shouldn't have said those things about Uncle Pig! 你真不该说那些关于猪伯伯的话!

Aunty Pig: I don't think Daddy Pig or Uncle Pig can hear you! 我不觉得猪爸爸和猪伯伯能听见你说话!

Narrator: Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig have fallen asleep. 猪爸爸和猪伯伯都睡着了。

Mummy Pig: You can tell they are brothers! 他们两个果然是亲兄弟啊!

Uncle Pig: Eh?! What happened? 呃?!发生了什么事?

Daddy Pig: Ugh? Has the puppet show started yet? 呃?木偶表演还没有开始吗?

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第41集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

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This is my new puppet theater!

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I've made two puppets already! This one is called Chloe!

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Chloe? Can me and George make puppets, too?

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Can I do the mouth?


1. Fall asleep

猪爸爸吐槽猪叔叔,说Uncle Pig always eats too much lunch and falls asleep. 猪叔叔总是吃很多,吃完就睡觉。

Fall asleep入睡,睡着。


Mommy will read to you until you fall asleep.妈妈会一直给你读故事,直到你睡着。





3.Pointy teeth

堂姐Chloe在做木偶,她说It needs pointy teeth. 它需要尖尖的牙齿。



Does dinosaur have pointy teeth? 恐龙有尖尖的牙齿吗?


You can tell.

猪爸爸和猪叔叔在看木偶秀的时候都睡着了,猪妈妈说You can tell they are brothers! 看得出来他们是两兄弟。

You can tell在这里可不是“你可以说”的意思,而是“看得出来”。



Chloe给木偶画上了尖尖的牙齿,然后说There! 好了。

There! 这个用法我们已经碰见好多次了,就是大功告成之后说的“好了。我做完了。”

I say.

猪婶婶对佩奇他们说I say! That’s very good! 哎呀,真是太精彩了。

I say,就是在要正式开始点评之前说的引起注意的话。就像领导发言之前都要清清嗓子一样。

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There! A scary dinosaur.

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Aunty Pig has made spaghetti for lunch! This spaghetti is delicious!

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Best spaghetti ever!

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You can tell you two are brothers!


1、especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] adv.尤其地,特别地;格外; 专门; 特地; 十分; 非常;

例:I love cold drinks, especially in summer. 我很爱喝冷饮,特别是在夏天。

2、in front of 在……前面; 当着……面,在……面前

例:There was a tall tree in front of the house. 房前有一棵很高的树。

Daddy Pig! You shouldn't say such things about your own brother! Especially in front of the children. 猪爸爸!你不该这么说你自己的兄弟!尤其是在孩子们面前。

3、snore [snɔːr] v. 打鼾; 打呼噜;

例:His mouth was open, and he was snoring. 他张着嘴巴,打着呼噜。

4、puppet [ˈpʌpɪt] n. 木偶,傀儡

例:a puppet show木偶表演

5、pointy [ˈpɔɪnti] adj. 尖的; 有尖头的;

例:She had a long face, a pointy chin, small ears. 她长脸型,尖下巴,耳朵小小的。

6、spaghetti [spəˈɡeti] n. 意大利面

例:Please show me how to make spaghetti. 请教我做意大利面。

7、tell v. 辨别,分辨

例:You can tell you two are brothers! 这就能看出来你俩是兄弟!

8、alike in everyway 在任何方面都一样

9、completely [kəmˈpliːtli] adv. 彻底地; 完全地; 完整地;

例:completely different截然不同

I've completely forgotten her name. 我完全把她的名字给忘了。

10、be about to 即将

be about to do sth. 即将做,马上做; 决计要做,拿定主意要做;

例:We are about to start. 我们就要出发了。

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The puppet show is about to begin!

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Hello! My name is Chloe. And I am Peppa! Grr!

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Hoho,Your daddy's right. I do snore like this.

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Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig have fallen asleep. Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig have fallen asleep. You can tell they are brothers!

-The End-
