


1.Lucy was ___ to find out what had happened.露西无法知道发生了什么事。

2.Unable to sleep, I got up and ___ myself a drink.我睡不着,于是起来给自己倒了杯酒。

3.Recently, I have read the complete and ___ works of Dickens.最近我阅读了未删节版的狄更斯全集。

4.I found her attitude totally ___.我觉得她的态度让人完全不能接受。

5.The ___ from this report are unacceptable to many black people. 这份报告中提出的建议让很多黑人无法接受。

6.It was ___ unacceptable to discuss sex then.那时候谈论性的问题不为社会所接受。

7.Unaccompanied children are not allowed on the ___.儿童无成人陪伴不得入内。

8.The airport X-___ all unaccompanied baggage.机场用X光检查所有托运行李。

9.Many large Third World cities have ___ unaccompanied by national industrial growth.第三世界国家许多大城市的兴起并未伴有全国性的工业增长。

10.She always felt the unaccountable shyness in Louise’s ___.在路易斯面前,她总是感到莫名的羞涩。

11.For some ___ reason, he arrived a day early.不知何故,他早到了一天。

12.Doctors still remain largely ___ to the public.医生们依然在很大程度上无须就其医疗行为对民众作说明。

13.Unaccountably, the woman had ___.不知为什么,那个女子拒绝了。

14.The planned military ___ on the city yesterday was unaccountably delayed.原计划昨天对那座城市发动军事袭击,不知何故推迟了。

15.Two people are still unaccounted ___ after the floods.洪水过后仍有两人下落不明。

16.The country boy is unaccustomed to city ___.这个乡下的男孩不习惯城市的生活方式。

17.She was completely ___ by the unaccustomed heat.反常的炎热使她浑身乏力。

18.She wasn’t used to ___ on her own.她不习惯一个人生活。

19.Unacknowledged anger can often ___ problems in later life.被忽视的愤怒往往会给以后的生活带来问题。

20.Women’s work in the home tends to be both ___ and unacknowledged.女性在家中的付出往往既无酬劳又得不到承认。

21.They liked their churches to be ___.他们希望他们的教堂朴素无华。

22.Hearing the news, she had a feeling of pure ___ pleasure.听到这个消息,她有一种百分之百的愉悦感觉。

23.The north remained largely ___ by the drought. 北部基本上没有受到干旱影响。

24.What impresses us most is her ___ unaffected manner.给我们印象深刻的是她那从容而自然的举止。

25.She was exhausted but ___.她筋疲力尽,但是并不害怕。

26.The rats were ___ and completely unafraid of human beings.那些老鼠个头巨大,而且一点都不怕人。

27.He is a ___ writer who is unafraid of trying new things.他是一个勇于尝试新事物的天才作家。

28.She is an independent woman unafraid to say what she ___.她是一个敢于说出内心所想的独立女子。

29.She can no longer walk ___.她再也不能独立行走了。

30.It is an ___ fact.这是一个不可改变的事实。

31.This kind of ___ is un-American.这种审查不是美国人的方式。

32.It was decided by a ___ vote that the school should close.关闭学习是大家一致通过的决定。

33.The decision to ___ Matt was almost unanimous.任命马特的决定几乎是一致通过的。

34.The banks were ___ in welcoming the news.各银行一致欢迎这个消息。

35.We arrived ___.我们到得很突然。


36.The case for better public transport is ___.要求改善公共交通的理由是无可争辩的。

37.Many other questions remain ___.还有许多其他问题没有得到解答。

38.The children’s ___ for help went unanswered.孩子们的呼救没有得到回应。

39.There was an ___ increase in inflation in this country last year.去年这个国家通货膨胀意想不到的上升。

40.He is entirely ___ about the violence in his movies.他对自己电影中的暴力镜头丝毫没有歉意。

41.It is a crime to kill ___ civilians.屠杀手无寸铁的平民是一种犯罪。

42.It shows that his ___ love of money.这件事显示了他对金钱恬不知耻的贪念。

43.George sat down ___.乔治不请自坐。

44.It is an unassailable ___.这是一个无懈可击的论据。

45.The party’s position looked ___.这个党的地位似乎不可动摇。

46.The result gave the team an unassailable ___.这个成绩是该队处于难以撼动的领先地位。

47.According to Jo, Mark was still ___.据乔说,马克仍然单身。

48.A military victory is ___.不可能取得军事胜利。

49.Children should not be left ___ in the playground.不可以把儿童留在游乐场无人照管。

50.___ personnel are not allowed on the premises.未经允许不得入内。

51.Funding for the new school is ___.这座新学校没有经费。

52.These materials were ___ to researchers in the past.研究人员在过去无法得到这些材料。

53.Officials were unavailable for ___.官员们未能就接受访问作出评论。

54.There are now ___ that war is unavoidable.人们现在在担心战争不可避免。

55.Molly was unavoidably ___.莫莉无奈被耽搁了。

56.Mike seems ___ of the trouble he’s causing.迈克似乎没意识到他所惹得麻烦。

57.She was totally unaware that she was being ___.她完全没有察觉到自己正在被监视。

58.The question caught me completely ___.那个问题问得我措手不及。

59.We had walked unawares ___ the border.我们无意中越过了边疆。

60.Having children can often ___ even the closest of relationships.有了孩子,即使最亲密的关系也常常会失衡。

61.He ___ against the cupboard, unbalancing a pile of books.他砰的一声撞到橱柜上,撞到了一堆书。

62.The pain was almost ___.那疼痛几乎难以忍受。

63.He was ___ life unbearable for his parents.他把父母的生活弄得不可忍受。

64.___ to him, his wife had been trying to find him all morning.他哪里知道,妻子一上午都在给他打电话。

65.The opportunities are ___. 机会好得令人难以相信。

66.The ___ was unbelievable.疼痛实在让人受不了。

67.It was unbelievable that we were expected to pay ___.让人难以相信的是竟然要我们付两次钱。

68.He’s so lazy it’s ___. 他懒得让人难以置信。

69.Yvonne’s excuse for being late was ___ unbelievable .伊冯娜迟到的理由根本不可信。

70.We aim to provide a service that is balanced and ___. 我们的目标是提供一种公平公正的服务。

71.His aim is to set up a law firm with an ___ reputation.他的目标是要创建一个声誉良好的律师事务所。

72.His father’s ___ gaze was fixed on the fire.他父亲目不转睛地凝视着炉火。

73.After the fight, Ali was bloody but ___.那场拳击赛打完,阿里虽尝败绩但并不服输。


74.Money is the unbridgeable ___ between the rich and the poor.金钱是富人和穷人之间无法逾越的鸿沟。

75.Creativity is their ___ record of success.创新是他们不断成功的记录。

76.He took off his sweater and ___ his shirt.他脱去毛衣,解开衬衫的扣子。

77.The dogs looked hungry and ___ for.这几种狗看上去很饿,好像没有人照顾的样子。

78.He made ___ efforts to help the poor.他在帮助穷人方面作出了不懈的努力。

79.He grabbed her arms and ___ her unceremoniously to her feet.他抓住她的手臂,粗暴地把她拉起来。

80.He was ___ how much further he could walk.他不清楚自己还能走多远。

81.I was uncertain ___ what to do next.我拿不定主意接下来要做什么。

82.It is uncertain how likely this is to ___.出现这种情况的可能性有多大还不清楚。

83.My whole future now seemed ___.现在我的前途似乎是个未知数。

84.I told Colin in no uncertain ___ what I thought of him.我直截了当地告诉科林我对他的看法。

85.She took a few uncertain ___ forward.她摇摇晃晃地向前走几步。

86.Times of great change are also times of ___.发生巨大变革的时期也是动荡的时期。

87.There is a great deal of uncertainty ___ the company’s future.公司的前景有很多未知的因素。

88.She couldn’t let a statement like that go ___.她不能对那样的话放任不管。

89.It’s ___ of her to be late.迟到可不是她的作风。

90.He was ___ quiet.他异乎寻常地安静。

91.It’s unacceptable for his ___ remarks.他的刻薄的言辞是不可接受的。

92.This new project will take us into ___ territory.这个新项目将我们带入未知的领域。

93.We cannot allow such behavior to continue ___.我们不能允许这样的行为继续下去而不加制止。

94.This habit, if ___ unchecked, may cause serious problems later.这种习惯如果听之任之,以后可能会引发严重问题。

95.The terms of the contract are very ___.合同的条款非常含糊。

96.I’m rather unclear about what I’m ___ to be doing here.我不太明白我在这儿该做什么。

97.Slowly, the snake ___.蛇慢慢地伸展盘着的身躯。

98.This sofa is so ___.这张沙发太不舒服了。

99.She always ___ slightly uncomfortable in a hat.她戴帽子总是觉得有点不自在。

100.So far, they are ___ to his plan.到目前为止,他们对他的计划还是不置可否。

101.Violent crimes against the elderly are fortunately very ___.幸好对老年人的暴力犯罪非常罕见。

102.It is not uncommon for students to ___ bank loans.学生有银行贷款并不少见。

103.It was an ___ cold morning.这是一个异常寒冷的早晨。

104.He is an ___ opponent of democratic reform.他是一个民主改革的坚决反对者。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 unable 2 made 3 unabridged 4 unacceptable 5 recommendations 6 socially 7 premises 8 rays 9 arisen 10 presence 11 accountable 12 unaccountable 13 refused 14 assault 15 for 16 ways 17 exhausted 18 living 19 cause 20 unpaid 21 unadorned 22 unadulterated 23 unaffected 24 easy 25 unafraid 26 huge 27 gifted 28 believes 29 unaided 30 unalterable 31 censorship 32 unanimous 33 appoint 34 unanimous 35 unannounced 36 unanswerable 37 unanswered 38 cries 39 unanticipated 40 unapologetic 41 unarmed 42 unashamed 43 unasked 44 argument 45 unassailable 46 lead 47 unattached 48 unattainable 49 unattended 50 unauthorized 51 unavailable 52 unavailable 53 comment 54 fears 55 delayed 56 unaware 57 watched 58 unawares 59 over 60 unbalance 61 banged 62 unbearable 63 making 64 Unbeknown 65 unbelievable 66 pain 67 twice 68 unbelievable 69 totally 70 unbiased 71 unblemished 72 unblinking 73 unbowed 74 gulf 75 unbroken 76 unbuttoned 77 uncared 78 unceasing 79 hauled 80 uncertain 81 about 82 occur 83 uncertain 84 terms 85 steps 86 uncertainty 87 about 88 unchallenged 89 uncharacteristic 90 uncharacteristically 91 uncharitable 92 unchartered 93 unchecked 94 left 95 unclear 96 supposed 97 uncoiled 98 uncomfortable 99 felt 100 uncommitted 101 uncommon 102 have 103 uncommonly 104 uncompromising
