英语单词用可记008 区别because,as,since,for,并写推理小说

1-12月英语单词美式 英语单词用可记008(1)

because 因为,直接原因,因果关系最强as 由于,众所周知的原因或理由since 既然,总所周知的原因或理由,因果关系比as强烈for, 因为,表示一种推测。这个词还可以翻译为:你看……must be 一定是can’t be 不可能是murderer 杀人犯killer 杀手commit a crime 犯罪victim 牺牲品,死伤者innocent 无辜的normal 正常的detective 侦探paintist 画家


“Look at the four guys!The second man [must be] the murderer [for] he keeps so calm!The first one [must be] innocent [since] he has no time to commit a crimeThe third one should be normal [as] he can not have been there.”But another detective pointed out:“Mr. Black, you seem to be right! But I have to tell you!The second one [can not be] the murderer because it is a picture of the victim!The other three are all murderers[ because] they have planned the whole thingAnd they asked a [killer] to [kill] the paintist!”

英汉对照“Look at the four guys!看这四个家伙The second man [must be] the murderer [for] he keeps so calm!第二个一定是那个杀人犯,你看,他一直那样镇定啊!The first one [must be] innocent [since] he has no time to commit a crime第一个一定是无辜的,既然他没有犯罪的时间The third one should be normal [as] he can not have been there.”第三个应该是正常的,由于他没有时间到那里去But another detective pointed out:但是,另一个侦探指出:“Mr. Black, you seem to be right! But I have to tell you!Black先生,你似乎对了!但是,我不得不告诉你!The second one [can not be] the murderer because it is a picture of the victim!第二个不可能是杀人犯,因为它是受害人的一张图画而已!The other three are all murderers[ because] they have planned the whole thing其他的三个都是罪犯,因为他们已经谋划了整件事And they asked a [killer] to [kill] the paintist!而且他们叫了一个杀手去杀了那个画家!”
