狮子与农夫(Lion and farmer)



A lion broke into the farmer's livestock pen. The farmer wanted to catch him and immediately closed the gate of the yard. Because the lion couldn't run out, he killed some sheep first, and then rushed to the cattle. The farmer was afraid that he could not protect himself, so he opened the door and let the lion out. After the lion escaped, the wife said to her lamenting husband, "you deserve it! People are far away from the terrible lion. Why do you lock him up”

Moral: to provoke people who are stronger than themselves is bound to ask for trouble.

狮子、熊和狐狸(Lions, bears and foxes)



The lion and the bear caught a lamb at the same time. They fought fiercely for the lamb. After a hard struggle, both sides were seriously injured and lay powerless on the ground. A fox had been watching from a distance. When he saw that they were both lying upright on the ground, weakly motionless, he slipped over, grabbed the lamb and ran away. The lion and the bear watched helplessly as the fox robbed the lamb, but there was nothing they could do. They could only sigh and say, "we lost both in the fight, but the solitary fox benefited!"

Moral: snipe and clam compete to gain.

