









Longtaitou Festival


Longtaitou FestivalThe Longtaitou Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival held on the second day of the second month of the Chinese calendar. Its name means "Dragon raising its head" because the dragon was regarded as the deity in charge of rain, an important factor in ancient agriculture. The festival is sometimes simply called "2 Month 2" for short.龙抬头,是中国的传统节日,在中国农历的第二个月的第二天。它的名字意为龙抬起它的头,因为龙被视为掌管雨的神而在古代农业生活中有重要的作用。这个节日有时简单地称为二月二。



Dragon Head-Raising Day



The story goes that after this day, the Dragon King would wake from his winter sleep and bring rainfall for the crops. The Chinese saying ‘Er yue er, long tai tou,’ which translates to ‘On the second day of the second month, the dragon lifts its head,’ celebrates the ancient agrarian culture in China. Although some of the traditions to celebrate the day are no longer practiced, some do remain.传说从这一天起,龙王会从冬眠中醒来,为庄稼带来降雨。谚语“二月二,龙抬头”,翻译过来就是在第二个月的第二天,龙起了它的头,以庆祝中国古代的农耕文化。尽管庆祝节日的某些传统已经不复存在,但仍有一些保留了下来。The most notable tradition on the day is getting a haircut, which is said to get rid of bad luck. In contrast, getting a trim during the first lunar month is said to bring bad luck – with one saying even warning that your uncle will die if you get a haircut during the first month.其中最著名的习俗就是理发,据说理发可以驱除霉运。相反,据说正月理发会带来霉运,有人甚至警告说,如果你在正月理发,你的舅舅就会死。However, some argue the Chinese phrase has been misinterpreted, and actually calls for people to ‘remember the past’ (思旧, sijiu). Men of Han ethnicity were required to shave the front of their head and braid their back portion of hair during the Manchu rule of the Qing dynasty. The similar pronunciation of ‘remember the past’ (sijiu) and ‘death of the uncle on your mother’s side’ (sijiu) probably led to the later saying.然而,一些人认为这其实是对于这一个俗语的误解。这个俗语其实事实上是在呼吁人们记住过去(思旧)。在清朝满族统治时期,汉族男子被要求剃光一半头发,并将剩下的头发编成辫子。“思旧”和“死舅”发音相近,可能导致了后来的误传。It was a tradition for folks to lineup outside barbershops on Longtaitou Festival, waiting for their first haircut of the New Year. 人们在龙抬头那天在理发店外排队剪头发,等待新年的第一个发型的景象已经成为了传统。

The Longtaitou Festival , also known as the Eryue'er Festival(二月二), is a traditional Chinese festival held on the second day of the second month of the Chinese calendar. Its name means "Dragon raising its head" because the dragon was regarded as the deity in charge of rain, an important factor in ancient agriculture. The festival is sometimes simply called "2 Month 2" (Er Yue Er, 二月二) for short.

在龙抬头,也被称为Eryue'er节(二月二),是一种传统的中国第二月的第二天举行的节日的中国历法。它的名字意为“龙抬起头”,因为龙被认为是负责降雨的神灵,而雨是古代农业的重要因素。该节日有时简称为“ 2月2日”(Er Yue Er,二月二)。

Today, Longtaitou Festival is celebrated in various ways, most of which are still identical to those practiced in the ancient times, including eating Chinese pancakes (春饼) and dragon beard noodles. Perfume bags filled with the powder of ground fragrant herbs are made to be carried by women and children for good fortune, though they are no longer used as insect repellent as in ancient times. Another ancient celebration still practiced today is that Longtaitou Festival is the first day of the Taihao (太昊) temple fair that lasts until the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar. The fair is a celebration of ancestral deities Fuxi and Nüwa, and the Longtaitou Festival marks the beginning of this celebration.


其他表达方式Dragon Heads-raising DaySpring Dragon FestivalLongtaitou FestivalEryueer Festival




Longtaitou Festival is an important worship ritual of wishing for good harvest in the coming months. In addition to paying homage to the Dragon King, Tu Di Gong is also worshipped. Another ancient practice to celebrate Longtaitou Festival was to get rid of insect pests in homes via fumigation by burning various herbs with recognized insect repellent effects.


Having haircuts for good luck



Since it's a folk taboo in traditional Chinese culture to have haircut in Zheng Yue, the first lunar month, Dragon Head-raising Day is the first time in the new year to have a haircut.




going to the barber today can get rid of bad luck.


getting a haircut during the first month of the lunar calendar cause your uncle to die.(虽然这只是迷信~)

go to the barber 理发

get a haircut 剪头发

lunar calendar 阴历

各种发型的英语表达bangs 刘海slicked back 大背头buzz/Crew cut 板寸straight 直发wavy 大波浪curly Hair 卷发waist-length hair 齐腰长发shoulder-length hair 齐肩长发long hair 长发medium-length hair 中长发short hair 短发bob hair 波波头to part my hair in the middle/on the side 中分和偏分pony-tail 马尾辫plate hair 盘发bun 发髻



Eating ”dragon“ food


People eat toufu balls in East China's Fujian province during this festival.


Traditional chengyao cakes are sold in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu province.


People in parts of Shandong province eat fried beans to celebrate the festival.


There are also food with dragon names.


Dumplings, spring rolls and popcorn are all given dragon names.


Noodles are called dragon's beard (long xu), dumpling are dragon's ears (long er), spring rolls are dragon's scales (long lin), and popcorn is called dragon seeds (long zi).



1.二月二吃的不是面条是“扶龙须”,寓意是:顺顺溜溜一整年being lucky the whole year.

2.据说,龙王为给民间降雨,触犯了天规被贬下界,玉帝规定:除非金豆开花,不然龙王别想回天庭。The God of Rain can't go back to heaven unless the golden beans bloom.所以就有了炸爆米花的传统,这样金色的豆子就开花了。
