DAY 036


Source: bloombergbusiness


Title: China and the US are racing to make billions from **mining** the moon's minerals




Just like in the era of Apollo and Sputnik half a century ago, the world's largest superpowers are in a space race and looking to make billions from mining minerals from the moon. Only this time, the countries don't **see eye-to-eye** on rules of the road for **extracting** resources in outer space.


This becomes particularly dangerous in an **era** where the **cosmos** are becoming more crowded, with billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos **launching** their own rockets.


Unlike Earth, the moon may **contain** large amounts of **helium**-3, a potential **non-radioactive** **alternative** to **uranium**. In fact, Chinese state media has previously said the moon is "sometimes **referred to** as the **Persian Gulf** of the solar system," with experts believing 5,000 tons of **coal** could be replaced by about three **tablespoons** of helium-3.


**Keywords: 关键字词:**

Mine 挖矿;采矿

See eye-to-eye 看法一致

Extract 挖掘;采掘

Era 时代

Cosmos 宇宙

Launch 发射

Contain 包含

Helium 氦元素

Non-radioactive 非放射性的

Alternative 替代品

Uranium 铀元素

Refer to 指的是;参考

Persian Gulf 波斯湾

Coal 煤炭

Tablespoon 汤匙
