

据BBC文章说到当地时间周一03:30 GMT之后不久,地球的轨道意味着我们的星球在几分钟内直接位于太阳和月球之间。

在那段时间里,月球完全落入地球的阴影中 - 暂时将其变成暗淡的深红色。


恰逢一个单独的事件 - 超级月亮。这是当月球在其轨道上最接近地球的点时,因此看起来比平时大。


超级血月落在北马其顿共和国的山顶上 那些关注由此产生的超级血月亮的人从03:29 GMT获得了最佳视野,这是月全食开始的那一刻,该事件在西半球变得可见。



在希腊,观众聚集在雅典附近的波塞冬神庙,在日全食前观看月亮。 在欧洲,这种现象仅在部分时间里可见,因为月球开始落下。但在美洲地区,晴朗的天空下,他们受到了充分的考验。

“你实际上会同时看到地球上发生的每一个日出和每一个日落。所有这些光都将投射到月球上,“伦敦格林威治皇家天文台的天文学家Gregory Brown博士解释说。




更新于 2022 年 5 月 16 日


Full lunar eclipse creates rare super blood Moon

BBC Englishdailynews 2022-05-16 21:00

Stargazers have been treated overnight to a stunning and unusual sight - a super blood Moon.

Shortly after 03:30 GMT on Monday, Earth's orbit meant that for several minutes our planet was positioned directly between the Sun and the Moon.

In that time the Moon fell completely into Earth's shadow - temporarily turning it a dusky shade of dark red.

Its hue was created by sunlight being projected through Earth's atmosphere onto the Moon's shadowed surface.

The lunar eclipse coincided with a separate event - a super Moon. This is when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit and so appears larger than usual.

Those watching out for the resulting super blood Moon got the best view from 03:29 GMT, the moment the full lunar eclipse started and the event became visible in the Western hemisphere.

For almost one and a half hours afterwards, the only sunlight reaching the Moon had passed through the Earth's atmosphere turning it red.

In Europe, the phenomenon was only visible for some of that time because of the Moon beginning to set. But in the Americas areas under clear skies were treated to the full spectacle.

"You'll actually be seeing every sunrise and every sunset occurring around the Earth at once. All of that light will be projected on to the Moon," explained Dr Gregory Brown, astronomer at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, ahead of the event.

"If you were an astronaut standing on the Moon, looking back towards Earth, you'd see a red ring running around the outside of our planet," he told the BBC.

News from BBC NEWS

UPDATED 16 May 2022
