





第㈠种表达:Life becomes enormously valuable to a person. This would enable him/her to see vehicle drivers pleasantly set off and return home safely. That means road safety is essential to their happiness.

第㈡种表达:Becoming enormously valuable to a person, his or her life enables him/her to see vehicle drivers pleasantly set off and return home safely. That means road safety is essential to their happiness(由于生命对人是珍贵的,这样大家可乐见驾驶员安全行车,平安回家。因此道路安全对他们的幸福绝对是必要的。)


At recent-year time, WECHAT plays an important role in our daily life, that enables most people not to come to an agreement on whether WECHAT is both advantageous and disadvantageous to children. The latter forces some of them to find it harmful to children as students who continue watching WECHAT to become negative about acquiring cultural-lesson knowledge, together with about potentially healthy growth.

By watching WECHAT properly for relaxation, younger people could fall their pressure on course-taking life so well that they may consider how WECHAT would be mentally and intellectually beneficial to them.

Some WECHAT programs remain true with important and interesting to them, turning some students favourable to receiving excellent education I regarded as advisable day by day when, comparing with books and textbooks, WECHAT program always is in line with the latest event and information. This is easy to assist students in keeping well-informed about what is new in daily life, and giving a up-to-date outlook on the world-wide life.

This tells people that WE-CHAT-watching is too excessive to maintain physical fitness, leading to students’ eye-sights falling. This fact comes from that they could spend a lot time watching WECHAT by lying down sofa, meaning without participating in physical exercises, they would have put on more than average fatness to suffer from disease, possibly. That enables them to fill with a sense of the self-confidence loss on overweight. Compared with this, WE-CHAT-watching excess turns children/students negative about effects on academic development, having something colorful to present clean-cut images on mobile-phone screen and produce such a pleasant-sound effect as is made attractive to students.

WE-CHAT-watching students or children have been got favourable to widening scope of knowledge and information as well as keeping pace tightly with up-to-date world. This avoids looking poor for progress on their study.






英语作文的内容思想观点鲜明,暗逻辑使用熟练,观点之论据清楚,如:事实论据和理论论据,非一味地追求特殊语法形式,如,倒装句等特殊句法,所以有自己独有想法,考生实现心中理想——得高分数——意外之妙!用“原因←提示→结果”原理 大考考生写出优秀英语作文,这源于写作英语如画舒展花绽放,逻辑推理走多远,思维之路就走多远!
