第二天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右单词,一个月争取读完,接下来我们就来聊聊关于学英语从1到10英语单词?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!



第二天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右单词,一个月争取读完。












heal 治愈 和解

The small threads then weave together to form a dry dressing over thewound, which comes off naturally asthe skin heals underneath.

cattle 牲畜 家畜

Owen and her husband, Clive, raise their nine children, aged between four and 19, at their remote farmhouse in Ravenseat, on a 2,000-acre farm three miles west of Keld, with 1,000 sheep, 40 cattle, four horses and seven dogs

multiply 多样的 复合的

There are several hypotheses to study. Perhaps the viral load is higher, or that the variant can enter more easily into human cells and multiply faster

interior 内部的 里面 内政 内务

Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, said: “We have to pay attention to the fears of the French.”

resemble 类似 像

When you look at it under the microscope it resembles this fine mesh weave that allows fluid to come through but also stays stuck to the wound underneath

restore 恢复 还原

Having already announced plans for a pandemic recovery fund, Brussels promised to restore a sense of European solidarity amid a patchwork of wildly differing national responses and re-erected borders.

antique 古老的 古董

Soon enough, Maxim guns and explosives produced a bonanza of antique Benin Bronzes and ivory, thereafter carted away to Britain

retain 保持 持有

It conveys a sense of movement out of the lockdown while retaining ability to slow the exit if the data on infections requires it.

he retained a close interest in the subject.

youthful 年轻的 早期

Though Casanova’s youthful ambition to study medicine came to nothing, he retained a close interest in the subject.

charm 魅力 吸引力

Back then, Mourinho was a mix of the charming and challenging,
