整体结构的百家姓 文字-舒-(1)

舒 读音 shū


⑴ 同本义 [stretch]

⑵ 展现 [emerge]

⑶ 宣泄积滞,抒发 [express]


⑴ 徐;迟缓;舒缓 [slow]

⑵ 舒畅 [comfortable]

⑶ 宽;广阔 [broad]


⑴ 古国名 [Shu state]。春秋时为徐所灭。后置县,故城在今安徽省庐江县西

⑵ 姓(见下)


⑴ 展开,伸展:舒展。舒畅。舒张。舒卷。舒适。舒心。

⑵ 从容,缓慢:舒缓。

⑶ 姓。

整体结构的百家姓 文字-舒-(2)




Shu surname is the direct descendant of the yellow emperor.

Taking the country as its surname, it comes from " Yan surname". according to the book Zuo zhuan, the descendants of Zhou dynasty and Hao Tao were sealed in Shu state ( in the west of lujiang county, Anhui province today ). in 657 BC, Shu Ziping was destroyed by Xu Guo. the earliest source of Shu surname after that can be traced back to the ancient times, which is called Shu dove state. In 552 BC, it was destroyed by the state of Chu. the descendants took Shu as their surname.

Shu surname later developed into a family of wangzu in julu county, Hebei province, which is known worldwide as julu Wang. The main works are as follows: the long novel " Lao Zhang's philosophy", " Zhao zi yue", " 2 horses", " cat city", " divorce", " cow's heaven - sent biography", " doctor Wen", " camel's appearance", " cremation", " four generations together", " drum artist", " under the red flag" ( unfinished ), the novelette " crescent moon", " my life", the collection of short stories " ganji", " yinghai collection", " clam algae collection", " train collection", " anemia collection", the screenplay " dragon beard ditch", " teahouse", as well as " complete works of Lao she's plays", " collection of Lao she's essays", " collection of Lao she's poems", " collection of Lao she's literary criticism" and " and" collection of Lao she's works " etc.


徐缓 [slowly]

  • 登东皋以舒啸,临清流而赋诗。——晋·陶渊明《归去来兮辞》

整体结构的百家姓 文字-舒-(3)
