
Most people have experienced the notorious “food coma” after eating a large meal. This results in a feeling of heaviness that drains your energy. This happens because the body releases chemicals that signal drowsiness (昏睡) after eating. This is particularly true if you eat certain foods, such as a meal that is high in carbohydrates (碳水化合物).

Carbohydrates release more serotonin (血清素) from the brain, which makes you feel good. However, too much serotonin can increase the production of melatonin (褪黑素), leading to drowsiness. Basically, not all foods have the same impact on your body. While some foods can increase your energy , others can make you sleepy.

Also, tasking your body with digesting (消化)a large meal is exhausting. Eating large portions一especially of unhealthy foods一will leave your body with little energy to use elsewhere. You can keep a stable level of energy if you eat smaller meals more frequently. This gives your body the opportunity to digest smaller amounts of food at a time, leaving you feeling energized instead of tired after your meals.

Avoid heavy food and opt for healthy, balanced meals instead. A healthy meal to eat before class could include fruit, vegetables, lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fat. An example of a well-rounded break-fast to have before class would be one cup of plain Greek yogurt sprinkled with bran flakes and topped with 1/4cup of berries.


Eating a big meal will make you extremely sleepy.(要点1) Carbohydrates can cause the brain to release more serotonin, which makes you feel good, but too much is not good.(要点2) Plus, getting your body to digest a big meal is exhausting, so we should eat smaller and more frequent meals.(要点3) We should also choose a healthy, balanced diet instead of junk food so that we can maintain a steady energy level.(要点4)#高考##高考英语##2022高考#








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