


Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.

大家好,欢迎回到跟着 Lucy 学英语。

Today I have a pronunciation video for you.


I'm going to teach you, the pronunciation mistakes that you should avoid if you want to sound professional, and you want to sound intelligent.


These are common mispronunciations of words that are used in professional and formal situations, in universities, in educational establishments, in the work place, in job interviews.


Make sure that you do not pronounce these words incorrectly.


Before we get started, I would just like to thank the sponsor of today's video.


It is Skillshare.

那就是 Skillshare。

Skillshare offers creative classes designed for real life and all of the circumstances that come with it.

Skillshare 提供专为现实生活以及相关情况设计的创意课程。

These lessons can help you stay inspired, continue with your creative journey and introduce you to a community of millions.


There are so many classes that you can take.


Languages, web development, illustration, graphic design, spontaneous acts of creativity may help break up the routine of a day spent indoors.


I'm currently taking a class on calligraphy essentials, with world renowned calligraphy icon Seb Lester.

我目前正在跟着世界闻名的书法大佬 Seb Lester上书法要点课程。

You might know him from Instagram.

你可以通过 INS 认识他。

I just find it so relaxing and I want to use what I've learnt, to be able to write really beautiful thank you cards.


Skillshare is curated specifically for learning, meaning there are no ads and they are always launching new premium classes, so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you.

Skillshare 专为学习而生,意味着那里没有广告,而且它们总是在投放新的高级课程,因此你可以保持专注并让你的创意带你去任何地方。

And it's less than $10 dollars a month, with an annual subscription.

而且年费平摊到每个月才不到 10 美元。

The first 1000 of my subscribers to click on the link in the description box, will get a two month free trial of premium membership, so that you can explore your creativity.


Okay, let's get started with the pronunciation lesson.


Number one is this one.


It is et cetera.


Et cetera.


Now you will sometimes hear people mispronouncing this as excetera, excetera.

有时候你会听到人们把它错读为 exetera,exetera。

It's a Latin word and it should be pronounced as et cetera, et cetera.

这是一个拉丁词,所以它的发音应该是 et cetera,et cetera。

Many people make a mistake with these words because it's two words, because they never see them written down.


And in fact I always said, ex cetera ex cetera before I saw it written down.

事实上,在看到它的书面形式之前我总是说ex cetera,ex cetera,

We just use etc normally.

我们通常就写成 etc。

I heard people say ex cetera so that's what I said too.

我听到别人说 ex cetera,所以我也这么说。

It's used after a list, to show that there are other things that you could have mentioned.


An example, the application form asks for a few personal details—age, sex, nationality, et cetera.


Number two is this one.


This is the little star symbol and it should be pronounced as asterisk.

那就是星号,而它应该读作 asterisk。



You will hear people mispronouncing this as asteriks, asterisk.

你会听到人们错误地读作 asteriks,asteriks。

This is a mistake I used to make.


Again, people make mistakes with this word, I did too, because we don't usually see it written down.


We just see the little star symbol, so I heard people say, asteriks and that's what I said as well.


Well, now you know how to pronounce it correctly.


An example, sometimes taboo words are written with asterisks to avoid causing offence.


Number three is this word.


This word might be one that you're all familiar with, it's a building in which collections of books newspapers et cetera are kept for people to read study or borrow and there are two possible pronunciations for this.


The one I use is library, library.


So it has two syllables, or you can say, library, library.


That's a little more complicated.


Now some people say, library. Library and this is incorrect, apart from some places in America, where that's widely accepted.


If you want to speak with British English accent, library or library.

如果你想用英式口音说,那么应该是 /'laibri/或/'laibrəri/。

But really library is the most common one.


An example, I spent many hours studying in the library at university.


Number four has a similar ending.


It is this word.


It's the second month of the year, between January and March.


It should be pronounced as February, February, but many people mispronounce it as February and this is a pronunciation that I was brought up to use.


I was very surprised as a child, when I saw the spelling of February.


I thought, well why is there an R before the U.


It's February.



Don't worry too much if you mispronounce this one because I think this mispronunciation is so common now that it's actually extremely accepted.


An example, February is always a difficult month in the sales department.


Number five we have this word.


And this word is usually used as part of a phrase but on it's own it means unlikely to happen and therefore not worth considering.


However it's pronounced as moot, moot.


However lots of people mispronounce it as mute, mute and this is because it's used as part of a phrase, moot point, meaning a matter about which, there might be a difference of opinion or lack of understanding and people automatically assume that it's a mute point.

但是很多人都把它读错为mute,mute,这是因为它被用在一个短语里,讨论要点,意思是某个存在不同意见或缺乏理解的事情,而人们自动地把它当成mute point。

Mute is like silent without any sound and people wrongly assume this is a mute point but it should be a moot point.

Mute的意思是没有任何声音的,而人们错误地认为这个短语是 a mute point,但是应该是 a moot point。

For example, whether this should be enforced by law or not is a moot point.


Number six.


This is one that I have mentioned in a previous video.


I grew up mispronouncing this and it was only when I started doing research into common mispronunciations that I realised that my whole life was a lie.


It's this word, it means enjoying playing tricks or annoying people and it should be pronounced as mischievous, mischievous, but for some reason, in many regions in the United Kingdom, we say, mischievous, mischievous, we add in a whole new letter.

就是这个词,意思是喜欢戏弄或惹怒他人,而它应该读作 /ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/,/ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/,但由于某种原因,在英国的许多地区,我们说,/ˈmɪstʃɪviəs/,/ˈmɪstʃɪviəs/,我们加入了一个新字母。

It's vous, not vious.


I was so surprised when I actually looked at the spelling and realised, wait a minute, what have we been doing?


An example, Anne had a mischievous grin on her face when she entered the meeting.


Number seven.


This is a really common one.


I heard it on the radio today.


I heard it on radio four.


It is this word, meaning the way in which a language or a particular word or sound is pronounced and it should be pronounced as pronunciation, pronunciation, but many people mispronounce it as pronunciation, pronunciation.


Now, sometimes I get accused of mispronouncing pronunciation but this is actually because in the middle of the word, the nun, nun, that can sometimes sound like a-nan pronunciation, pronunciation, pronunciation.

有时我会被指控读错了发音这个词,但这实际上是因为这个词的中间是 nun,nun,有时候听起来像 nan的发音,应该是/prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn/,/prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn/。

So sometimes I get accused of a mispronunciation that I'm not making, but that's okay, I do manage to sleep at night.


An example, her pronunciation of the technical terms was impressive.


Number eight.


This isn't a word, well it is, but it's a reduction of a word.


It is apostrophe, V E.


And this is a reduction of, have.

它是 have 的缩略形式。

It should be pronounced as ev, ev, but this is more of a grammatical mistake as well as a pronunciation mistake.

它应该读作 /əv/,/əv/,但更应该说这是个语法错误,同时也是发音错误。

People often confuse this with, of.

人们经常将它与 of 混淆。

So instead of, would've, could've, and should've, people say, would of, should of, could of.

因此,人们会说 would of,should of,could of,而不是 would've,could've,和 should've。

It's a common mistake and anyone who's interested in grammar gets really annoyed by it.


It's ev, ev, not of, of.


This is much more of a native error, than a non-native error.


An example, you should've come last night—you would've met the new boss.


Not you should of come, you would of met, no.

而不是 you should of come,you would of met,不是这样的。

Right, number nine is this word.


It's got two meanings.


It's either the front of a building or it refers to the way that someone or something appears to be, which is different from the way they really are, and it should be pronounced facade, facade.


But honestly if I read it and I didn't know this word, I would think it was facade, or facade maybe.


But it's facade.


An example, the investors seem interested but I think it's all a facade. and the last one number 10, this is quite lighthearted but it's very very important, it is this word.


Not an English word, but one that we do tend to use lots in professional situations, this is an Italian word, this is strong black coffee made by forcing steam or boiling water, through ground coffee and it should be pronounced as espresso, espresso at least in English.


In Italian it's espresso, espresso.


I don't know if I'm winning any awards for my Italian accent there, but lots of people including my previous self, mispronounced this as expresso, expresso.

我不知道我刚刚的意大利口音能不能为我赢得一些点赞,但是很多人包括我以前都会误读作 expresso,expresso。

And again it's because we have the word express, expresso, makes sense.

同样地,因为我们有 express 这个词,所以读成 expresso就说得通了。

I didn't realise that it was espresso, with an S.

我没有意识到应该是/eˈspresəʊ/,发 s 的音。

Until I moved to London and saw the word espresso written in coffee shops.


An example, shall we discuss this over a couple of espressos?


Right, that's it for today's pronunciation lesson.


I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learnt something and I hope that it makes you feel more confident while speaking in professional situations.


If you've got any other common mispronunciations please share them down below in the comments section.


Don't forget to check out Skillshare.

不要忘记查看 Skillshare。

The first 1000 of my subscribers to click on the link in the description box, will get a two month free trial of premium membership.


And don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media.


I've got my Facebook, my Instagram and my Twitter.


And I shall see you soon for another lesson.
