


评论翻译adonaisales1I am Brazilian and I am impressed that such a rich country maintains so much poverty. Brazil is very poor, but here everyone has the right to free health, universities are mostly public, we have labor laws that protect the worker, rents are very cheap, that is, we don't spend more than 30% of the our rental income. We are poor, but here we can have a little dignity. In my opinion you have a big political problem with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, because both are conservatives. These parties do not want to change anything and only think about international politics.我是一个巴西人,美国那么富裕的一个国家,竟然有那么多的人处于贫穷之中,这让我感到很惊讶。巴西虽然很穷,但在这里每个人都有免费的医疗,大学几乎都是公立的,巴西工人的权利受到劳动法的保护,租金非常便宜,我们花在租金上的钱不会超过工资的30%。我们很穷,但在巴西我们可以获得一些尊严。我认为美国的民主党和共和党出现了很严重的问题,因为这两个党都是保守党,他们不想改变任何东西,他们只关心国际政治。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处OGEMA WEYAUSIt sucks here. Come and earn your dream... be like the rest of us. Slaves to insurance这里糟糕透了,来美国实现你的梦想吧,像我们一样成为保险的奴隶。Historiador PesquisadorBrasil is not poor; it’s very unequal.巴西不穷,但不平等情况很严重Arufa"Brazil is very poor"Brazil is the 12th largest economy in the world and the largest in South America, almost overcome Russia and South Korea.Are you sure you live in Brazil?“巴西很穷”巴西是世界第12大经济体,是南美第一大经济体,巴西的经济规模几乎超过了俄罗斯和韩国你确定自己是生活在巴西吗Melona AbelardeTrue like my country in Philippines education are free universities are free和我们国家菲律宾一样,这里的教育也是免费的,大学是免费的4376EDI agree 100 percent.100%同意el toroI only have a high school education and i live a very comfortable life in New York..Its called work ethic..The majority of poor people in America are unnormal..Even immigrants come here and become successful..我只上过高中,但我在纽约生活的很好,我能过上这样的生活依靠的是职业道德,美国大部分穷人都不正常,即便是那些移民,来到美国后,也可以获得成功。lev mikhaylovIf what you say is true about Brazil then the crime rate wouldn't be so high.如果巴西真的像你说的那样的话,那么犯罪率就不会那么高了。WoZaNawe woz@Historiador Pesquisador and one of the most unequal countries in the world巴西是世界上最不平等的国家之一Kwok LEONG AW YongYes even in Thailand, healthcare can be free and paid for by the government.Even in Singapore, healthcare and housing is subsidized.是的,即便是在泰国,医疗也是免费的,费用由政府支付即便是在新加坡,医疗和住房都是有补贴的Henry CruzAnd this is why many of your people are leaving and coming to the US?????既然美国那么差,那么为什么你们那么多人要离开自己国家来到美国呢?JjangguThe right amount of poverty is necessary for capitalism to continue. If it was everyone to become rich then there wouldn’t be any workers.资本主义要想继续存在就必须要有相当程度的贫穷存在才行。如果每个人都成为了富人,那么还有谁愿意去做工人呢。Xpozen@JjangguThen that system is a failure. Because the ultimate goal is not for anyone to work.如果是这样的话,那么说明资本主义制度是一个失败的制度。因为制度的终极目标是让每个人都不用工作。Damiano Abbina@Arufa bro Brazil is a rich country if you look at statistics but people that live there will tell ya otherwise, people in Brazil either have a rich life or a very poor one. It's like in Manhattan, you'll find millionaires and billionaires same as you'll find homeless people and underpaid workers that can't pay the rent如果你只看统计数据的话,就会认为巴西的确是一个富裕的国家,但生活在巴西的人却不这样认为,巴西人要么生活非常富裕,要么就非常的贫穷。巴西就像美国曼哈顿一样,在那里既有亿万富翁和百万富翁,也有无家可归和付不起房租的低收入劳工。Mr@OGEMA WEYAUS move to Russia, you will work for $ 130 a month and receive a pension of $ 150, since you feel so bad in the USA既然你觉得美国那么糟糕,那么你就搬到俄罗斯去吧,在那里每个月的工资只有130美元,退休金只有150美元原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处OGEMA WEYAUS@Mr maybe I will thanks!!!或许我会搬到俄罗斯去的,谢谢S. SeagullDamn! I agree with you!Republican Party = Democratic Party我同意你的看法共和党=民主党amanda cruzuniversities are mostly public? are you kidding? we have a few federal/ state universities that only the top students get accepted in. the basic public education is so horrible most poor people will never have the chance to enter a public university since it will be full of really smart students or peoplewho went to private school and that’s why they were able to pass. I’m not saying the US doesn’t need to improve in those aspects as well but please don’t compare our education with theirs, med school here is at least 8.000 reais per month when the average salary is not even 2.000! they also always have universities being ranked in the top 10 when the best one we got (USP) in not even in the top 50…巴西大学几乎都是公立的?你在开玩笑的吧?我们只有几家联邦和州立大学,但这些大学只招那些最好的学生。巴西基础公共教育非常的糟糕,大部分的人根本没有机会进入公立大学,因为能进去的都是那些非常聪明的或者是那些上私立学校的学生,这就是为什么他们可以通过入学考试的原因。我不是说美国在这些方面就完美无缺,但请不要把巴西的教育和美国的教育进行对比,在巴西上医学院每个月要花8000雷亚尔,而巴西的平均工资还不到2000。在大学排名上,美国有好几所大学一直排在世界前十,而我们最好的大学甚至还进不了前50S CTYou hit it on the nail, both political parties only care about domination of other countries, and don’t address domestic problems. It’s capitalism.你说到点子上了,美国的民主党和共和党只关心控制别的国家,他们从来不去解决自己国内的问题。这就是资本主义。
