秋天的图画Autumn’s Picture,接下来我们就来聊聊关于秋天手抄报简单又漂亮?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!




Autumn’s Picture

秋天来啦,秋天来啦,Autumn is coming! Autumn is coming!

山野就是美丽的图画。Mountainous wilderness is a beautiful picture.

梨树挂起金黄的灯笼,Pear trees are hanging up golden-yellow lampshades.

苹果露出红红的脸颊,Apples are showing their red cheeks.

稻海翻起金色的波浪,Seas of paddy are stirring with golden waves.

高粱举起燃烧的火把。Sorghums are holding up burning torches.

谁使秋天这样美丽?Who make autumn so beautiful?

看,蓝天上的大雁作出了回答,它们排成一个大大的“人”字,好像在说——勤劳的人们画出秋天的图画。Look, wild geese in the blue sky are providing an answer by flying in a big Chinese character "man" (an arrowhead shape) formation as if they are saying: "Hard-working people draw pictures of autumn".
