

Look at the world with a softer eye, and live with a warmer heart. Down to earth, go against the wind, and strive to become a better self.


就是突然之间,鼻子一酸,眼眶一湿, 觉得自己什么也做不好,没有什么因为,就是突然的难受,我嘴硬,从未真正表达过我想说的话。

All of a sudden, my nose is sour, my eyes are wet, and I think I can do nothing well, nothing because, it is suddenly uncomfortable, my mouth is hard, and I have never really expressed what I want to say.



Be an excellent ordinary person, excellent is your spirit, is a kind of your inner vitality. Love everything, love all living beings. Know what you want, and then turn it into what I have.



We all have to travel far, and eventually have to say goodbye to their young themselves, maybe the journey is a little hard, a little lonely, but through the pain, we can grow up.
