智能时代头部效应显现 The head effect of the intelligent age appears


Since the Industrial Revolution, every technological revolution has made the division of socialization more and more detailed.


The intelligent revolution we are facing today is no exception, and will impact all industries. But another result brought about by this is that the head effect will become more and more obvious. Most industries strive to become the top 2% of people, and there is no worry that life will be bad.



How can I squeeze into the head? The key is to increase your scarcity and let yourself have skills that others cannot replace.

最具发展潜力的7个职业. 7 careers with the most potential for development


The following 7 occupations with potential for development are based on the data released by the BLS of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, including MarketWatch, the Wall Street Journal, financial news websites and other media. The time is from 2011 to 2020, which is about 10 years. , So this reflects the situation in the United States, given that the US was industrialized earlier than China, but the Chinese market is expected to follow the same trend.

1. 软件行业

Software Industry


The higher the level of informatization of the society, the more intelligent it is, and the demand for software personnel must increase.

软件从业人员数量增加的原因一方面是创业公司(Start Up)的数量在剧增,另一方面是大公司一直在招人,而它们招人的目的其实不同。

The reason for the increase in the number of software professionals is that, on the one hand, the number of start-up companies (Start Up) is increasing sharply, and on the other hand, large companies have been hiring people, and their hiring purposes are actually different.


It is understandable that start-up companies are recruiting people because they have seen changes in the IT industry landscape and want to catch up with a new wave. And big companies recruit people not because of how much they can do, but because of defensive considerations.



In Silicon Valley, companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook are fighting for people. These large companies recruit the best people to prevent the rapid development of new startups that can threaten them in the near future. Today in the Silicon Valley area, it is very difficult for small companies to recruit people, so that it is no longer like the continuous emergence of new companies that can disrupt the industry around 2000. Even those so-called unicorns do not threaten the businesses of the above companies. This situation is similar in China. For a period of time, it is inevitable that the strong will remain strong.


Due to the joint role of startups and large companies, the number of software engineers in the United States has increased by 20% in the past five years, and is estimated to increase by 17% in the next five years. In addition, in the United States, the salary increase of software engineers is also significantly higher than that of other industries. The median salary in 2020 will exceed $200,000 per year. In major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the median salary in the software industry has exceeded 200,000 yuan per year.

2. 私人理财顾问

Private Financial Advisor


With the advent of the intelligent age, this matter of investment will be replaced by computers, but in fact, after people get rich, they hope to find some professional people to help them manage their finances.


Because many wealthy people do not have time, and secondly, they are well aware of their own human weaknesses. If they take care of their own finances, it is difficult to get rid of the word "greedy". Many investment methods are not that wealthy people don’t understand, but listen to the opinions of third parties and implement them, making it easier to treat investment objectively.


According to estimates by the US Bureau of Labor, the number of personal financial advisers will increase by 30% in the future. However, what is different from the past is that in the past, financial advisors mostly belonged to an investment bank, such as Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley. Today, they increasingly belong to small partnership companies or even self-employed individuals. The main reason is that in the past, data and customer resources were monopolized by large investment banks, but now thanks to the information revolution, all kinds of data are easy to obtain, and it is not difficult to reach customers.



It is not difficult to become a private financial adviser. You can start working with a degree in finance, accounting or similar, good calculation and good use of data. But to do well, the experience of dealing with people is more important than simple skills.


Many private financial advisors have begun to help high-net-worth individuals take care of businesses such as "family offices", and the commission income is very generous.

3. 生物医疗工程师

Biomedical engineer


Biomedicine is not a branch of biology, but an interdisciplinary subject. It is at the intersection of two popular fields, namely health and STEM (that is, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).


Biomedical engineers develop medical equipment, including both instruments and software. The big data medical treatment and medical image recognition mentioned today belong to this field.



Practitioners in the biomedical industry usually need to have an understanding of biotechnology and IT technology, and be able to work with doctors. Now and in the future, they will help doctors better treat patients. Since the use of IT technology to help medical care is the general trend in the future, the number of employees in this industry will increase by 23% in 2022, which is still a considerable increase.


Biomedicine is an industry that requires high skills, so the entry barrier is relatively high. In the United States, the median income of biomedical engineers is $180,000 per year.

4. 环境工程师

Environmental engineer


The environmental problem has always been a big problem, and this matter has received more and more attention from everyone, and it is impossible to solve it well in the short term. Therefore, the future Environmental engineering will be an industry that will continue to develop, and it will not disappear because of the IT technology revolution.



Today, any industry related to "regeneration" and "green" is developing rapidly. In the future, this industry will benefit from the rapid increase in surveillance technology (IoT) and data (big data), and we will see a different field of environmental engineering emerge. It is estimated that in the next five years, the number of environmental engineers will increase by 10%.


Environmental engineering is also an industry with high entry barriers, and the income is in the middle among engineers. In the United States, the median income is $150,000 per year.

5. 数据分析师

Data Analyst


This is a newly created profession in recent years. Practitioners use tools developed by scientists and software engineers to perform various data analysis.



Benefiting from the development of big data technology and artificial intelligence technology, the number of jobs will continue to grow in the future, and it is expected to increase by 30% in five years. The entry barrier in this industry is not as high as imagined. It is enough to have a certain mathematical foundation and engineering literacy, but the potential for development is very considerable.

6. 护士和理疗师

Nurses and physical therapists


The nursing profession is highly respected in the United States.



In the United States, nurses have been rated as the most trustworthy group for many years, followed by police officers and teachers. Although many people think that with robots in the future, the matter of caring for patients may be replaced by robots, but the fact is just the opposite. Most people still prefer to have people take care of themselves.


In addition, the income of nurses is not low, with a median income of US$90,000, which exceeds that of data analysts. In the next five years, not only will the number of nurses not decrease, but they will increase by 16%.


The demand for physical therapists in society is similar, and the fundamental reason for their employment growth is the aging society and the increasing demand for medical care. In addition, these industries are not affected by the technological revolution.

7. 健身教练

Fitness coach


The demand for fitness coaches in society is similar to the demand for financial advisers. When people have money, they hope that professionals will provide them with personalized services.


Moreover, after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, people have paid more attention to personal health, believing that resistance is the first competitiveness.



As the domestic fitness market matures, the division of labor is more and more careful. In addition to strengthening the body, fitness will also develop in the direction of rehabilitation and physical therapy.



Today, we use the data of the U.S. Labor Office to speculate on the seven most promising occupations in the intelligent era. These occupations have three characteristics:

1. 直接受益于智能革命,比如软件工程师和生医工程师都是如此。

Directly benefit from the intelligent revolution, such as software engineers and biomedical engineers.

2. 直接为个人提供个性化的服务,比如理财顾问和健身教练。

Provide individualized services directly to individuals, such as financial advisors and fitness coaches.

3. 和健康相关,这不仅包括医疗行业,而且环保其实也对人类健康有好处。

Related to health, this not only includes the medical industry, but environmental protection is actually good for human health.
