


OK! Get off my back!好了!别烦我了。

No way! Get out of here!没门!滚粗!

OK. Let's get down to business.好吧,让我们开始做正事。

I'm getting a head start on my Christmas shopping.我的圣诞采购比别人更早一点。

Sweetheart, it's 2016. Get with it!宝贝儿,现在是2016年了,接受现实吧!

She got tied up at work.她工作缠身。


1. receive / have 得到

Are you getting a refund?你能拿到退款么?

Don't expect to get a high-paying job right out of school.别刚一毕业就期待能得到高薪的工作。

Can I get change for a twenty?我能换20块的零钱么?

I only got four hours of sleep last night.我昨晚上只睡了四个小时。

2. become 变成

I can definitely tell you're getting better.我可以明显看出来你正在好转。

I want to try to shed a few pounds and get back in shape.我想要减轻体重,恢复原来的体形。

It's getting harder and harder to earn a living as a photographer these days.现在当摄影师,真是越来越难过活了。

3. go / come / arrive 去、来、到达

My wife will kill me if I don't get home soon.


I was talking with this girl who just got back from maternity leave.我刚刚在和刚休完产假回来的女孩聊天。

4. understand 理解

I don't get it.我不懂。

Got it!懂了!

She was asking something about her travel arrangements, but I didn't quite get what she wanted.她刚刚在问关于她的旅行安排的事宜,但是我并没有弄懂她究竟想要什么。

5. 表示负面含义

I got caught without an umbrella.我没带伞,被雨淋了。

I got yelled at for not calling.我因为没打电话被骂了。


1. get to开始;对…产生影响

All right - let's get to work.好吧,让我们开始工作。

Don't let their pettiness and negativity get to you.不要让他们的卑鄙和负能量影响了你。

I probably won't be able to get to that until tomorrow morning.我可能到明天早上才能做这件事。

2. get into进入,陷入

I watched a few episodes, but I couldn't really get into it.我看了几个片段,但我不能真正沉浸其中。

Try not to get into a temper.尽量不要生气。

3. get sth straight办好

I think you need to get your priorities straight.我认为你需要把优先要做的事情办好。

4. get rid of去除,摆脱

The only thing about fish is that it's so hard to get rid of the odor.鱼最不好的一件事就是腥味很难去除。

But seriously, it's time you got rid of that thing.讲真,你是时候该摆脱这事儿了。

5. get doing开始做某事

I should get going.


6. get back to回电话给某人

Please get back to me by the end of the day.请在今天结束前给我回电话。

7. get through to使理解;打通电话

What's it going to take to get through to you?到底怎么样才能让你明白?

8. get around to doing抽空做某事

Looks like they finally got around to fixing that light.看上去他们终于抽出时间来修灯了。
