
当有人说你“You're such a snowflake.”的时候,你以为是夸你像雪花一样“洁白、纯洁、美丽”?


还有人说现代的年轻一代是“generation snowflake雪花一代”。这个用法有诋毁他人之意,用的时候可要格外小心。


… from BBC Learning English.


sensitive /ˈsensətɪv/ adj.敏感的,易受影响的;脆弱的

deliberately /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ adv.故意地;从容不迫地,小心翼翼地

unique /juˈniːk/ adj.独一无二的,独特的

offend /əˈfend/ v.得罪,冒犯;令人不悦 get offended受到冒犯

delete /dɪˈliːt/ v.删除

comment /ˈkɒment/ n.评论,意见;批评 deleted a comment删除评论

criticism /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ n.批评,批判;意见

insulting /ɪnˈsʌltɪŋ/ adj.侮辱的,无礼的;污蔑的 insultv.侮辱,污蔑



Neil:Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm Neil. Feifei will be joining me in just a second. She's a little bit…sensitive, so I'm going to try to deliberately upset her - just to teach you an expression in English!

Feifei:Hi, Neil.

Neil:Oh, hi Feifei! What do you think of the new One Direction album?

Feifei:Oh, it's just great. I love it!

Neil:Really? I think it's rubbish. You must have terrible taste to like One Direction.

Feifei:Neil, that's so rude!

Neil:It's not rude – it's just a difference of opinion. Honestly, Feifei, you're such a snowflake.

Feifei:Oh, you mean beautiful and totally unique?

Neil:Err, no… I mean you melt easily. You can call someone who gets offended or upset too easily(定语从句) a 'snowflake'. Here are some Examples.


A so-called friend of mine deleted a comment I made on his social media page(定语从句) just because I didn't agree with him. What a snowflake!

There are so many places you can express yourself(定语从句) these days, but at the same time everyone gets offended so easily. You can see why it's called 'generation snowflake'.

Neil:That’s right. 'Generation snowflake' refers to young adults who are too sensitive to handle criticism of their opinions(定语从句).

Feifei:But this is pretty insulting, Neil.

Neil:It is pretty insulting, Feifei – but you're only upset because you're such a snowflake. Though, of course you're also unique and beautiful.

Feifei:Oh, I see – trying to be nice in case you offend me? Who's the snowflake now, Neil!?

Neil:Well, it's just better if we all get along, isn't it? Goodbye!





