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bbc 6分钟听力(每日听力BBC六分钟)

bbc 6分钟听力




We don't leave home without our mobile phones - and are always consulting apps like spellcheckers and maps. Rob and Neil talk about how dependent we are on computers - and wonder if this is a good thing. Listen to their conversation and learn some new vocabulary.


Note: This is not a word-for-word transcript

RobHello, I'm Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. With me in the studio today is Neil. Hello, Neil.

NeilHi. Hi Rob!

RobAre you alright, Neil? Are you playing on yoursmartphoneagain, are you?

NeilErr... what was that? Yeah, sorry, Rob... just doing something on my smartphone, you know, the kind of phone which allows you to go online.

RobOh I can see that. But are you waiting for a call?

NeilNo. No, I just carry it with me at all times. Where I go, the phone goes. No phone, no Neil!

RobOK, but why do you need your phone so much?

NeilWhy?! What if I need to need to go somewhere? How will I find my way? What about the weather? Will it rain today? I need to know these things.

RobWhy don't you just look up in the sky and see if it is cloudy?

NeilLook up to see if it is going to rain?! I have anapp- which is short for an application, which is a computer programme for a specific purpose. My app tells me the weather... and this one does all the maths I need... and here's one for translations, and this one here... can tell me what I'm going to...

RobOK, OK, OK, I get the point. Today we're talking about computers - and we'll bring you some wordsconnectedwith the digital age.

NeilConnected -to connect- we use this verb a lot. It means 'to link, or join, one thing to another thing. In this case, connected means 'linked to the internet'.

RobOK, I can see you are very excited about computers. So that's what my question is all about. The first commercially produced "desktop computer" was designed and produced by the Italian company Olivetti and presented at an event in New York. When did it happen? Was it in:

a) 1955

b) 1965 or

c) 1975

NeilWell, I think it's (a) 1955.

RobVery interesting. You'll get the right answer at the end of the programme. Now, let's talk about computers. You can't live without them but American technology writer Nicholas Carr, the author of a book called 'The Glass Cage - where automation is taking us', thinks they might cause problems.

NeilProblems?! They cause us problems when theycrash- that's what we say when our computer suddenly stops working.

RobWell, not just that. Let's listen to Nicholas Carr. He says if we rely too much on computers we lose something. But what is it?

American technology writer Nicholas CarrThe ability of computers to do things we used to do is growing astronomically and we're rushing to hand over to computers tasks, activities - both in our work lives and in our personal lives - and what you begin to see is what is often called ade-skillingeffect. The person becoming reliant on computers; because they are not exercising their owntalents, those talents begin to fade. And we begin to lose, as a result, the unique things that human beings can do that computers can't: feelempathy, take a broad perspective, interpret all the stuff that can't be turned into data.

NeilAccording to Nicholas Carr, using computers means that we are losing skills - he talks about 'de-skilling'. A skill is the ability to do something well because we've practised it.

RobAnd he also talks about the loss of talent - talent is a natural ability to do something - you didn't have to learn it, you're just naturally good at it. It's something we're all born with. Carr says that relying on computers means our talent is fading because we don't use it any more.

NeilAnd he goes even further and says we're losing some of the things that make us human, like empathy, the ability to imagine and understand what other people might be feeling.

RobSo, do you agree with this writer, Neil?

NeilI think he's got a point actually.

RobIt's like the friendships we make on social media. It is nice to get to know new people in different countries, but we have to remember that it's important to talk to people face-to-face too.

NeilSo... maybe we shouldn't useGPSto find our way around all the time. GPS, the global positioning system which gives us directions with the help of satellites orbiting the Earth... instead, have a conversation with someone - ask for directions.

RobYes, and perhaps we can give thespellcheckera miss occasionally. A spellchecker is a very useful piece of software which helps us avoid making spelling mistakes when we're typing on a computer but... it is good to actually learn how to spell the words properly and not leave everything to the machine.

NeilGood idea, Rob. I'll try not to rely so much on digital technology. Computers are here to stay and they'll become more and more sophisticated, but we have to remember they are just tools.

RobYes, computers are here to stay. And by the way, when was the first commercially produced "desktop computer" launched? As I told you, it was designed and created by Olivetti and launched in New York. But when was it launched? Was it: 1955, 1965 or 1975?

NeilAnd I said 1955.

RobPerhaps you should ask your smartphone because the correct answer is actually (b) 1965.

NeilI don't believe it!

RobThe computer was called Programma 101 and it was presented at the New York World's Fair. They sold 44,000 units all over the world. The initial price in the US was US$ 3,200. Well, we are almost out of time so let's remind ourselves of some of the words we said today, Neil.


app (application)

to connect





GPS (Global Positioning System)


RobThank you. Well, that's it for today. Do log on to bbclearningenglish.com - maybe on your smartphone, Neil - to find more 6 Minute English programmes. Until next time. Goodbye!


We don't leave home without our mobile phones - and are always consulting apps like spellcheckers and maps. Rob and Neil talk about how dependent we are on computers - and wonder if this is a good thing. Listen to their conversation and learn some new vocabulary.


smartphonephone which allows you to connect to the internet

app (application)a computer programme for a specific purpose

to connectto link or join one thing to another thing

crashstop operating (computers and systems)

skillthe ability to do something well because you have practised it

talenta natural ability to do something well

empathythe ability to imagine and understand what another person might be feeling

GPSGlobal Positioning System which gives us information about location and directions with the help of satellites orbiting Earth

spellcheckersoftware which prevents us from making spelling mistakes when we type text on a computer




  • 听不懂(听力材料太难)

  • 两天打渔,三天晒网,不能坚持(绝大部分人都输在这一条上面)

  • 没有刻意练习(没有精听的过程,不能提高)


  • BBC听力材料是对话题材,相对简单,一般水平都能听得懂

  • 我们设计打卡小程序,监督你打卡,一起听1年。

  • 可以练习,每天听写两到三个句子。


  • 1. 听3-5遍以上

  • 2. 对照文本听2遍,并查5-10个单词

  • 3. 盲听5遍以上。

  • 4. 留言处写下问题的答案以及听写的两至三个句子。

你留言,我给你上墙,留言格式:昵称 天数,e.g 爱酱-Day 4-C- I love bread.






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