艺术类 民办 普通本科江西服装学院是经国家教育部批准设立的全日制普通本科高校,学校坐落于江西省南昌市,是江西省应用型特色本科重点建设高校,是一所面向时尚行业,以培养创意设计、工程技术、市场推广和经营管理高级专门人才为主的专业性院校 学校前身是1991年7月建立的民办江西服装学院;1998年2月,更名为江西服装专修学院;2003年4月,学校更名为江西服装职业技术学院,成为具有独立颁发国家高等教育学历文凭资格的全日制普通高校2011年4月,经国家教育部批准设置为本科高等教育学院,并正式更名为江西服装学院 据2016年8月学校官网显示,学校江西服装学院占地1300亩,建筑面积70万平方米;共有有专兼职教师500余人,在校生10000余人;开设7个分院和2个教学部,19个本科专业、20多个专科专业,现在小编就来说说关于江西4所臭名远扬的大专院校?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



艺术类 民办 普通本科

江西服装学院是经国家教育部批准设立的全日制普通本科高校,学校坐落于江西省南昌市,是江西省应用型特色本科重点建设高校,是一所面向时尚行业,以培养创意设计、工程技术、市场推广和经营管理高级专门人才为主的专业性院校。 学校前身是1991年7月建立的民办江西服装学院;1998年2月,更名为江西服装专修学院;2003年4月,学校更名为江西服装职业技术学院,成为具有独立颁发国家高等教育学历文凭资格的全日制普通高校。2011年4月,经国家教育部批准设置为本科高等教育学院,并正式更名为江西服装学院。 据2016年8月学校官网显示,学校江西服装学院占地1300亩,建筑面积70万平方米;共有有专兼职教师500余人,在校生10000余人;开设7个分院和2个教学部,19个本科专业、20多个专科专业。

Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology

Art private ordinary undergraduate

Jiangxi institute of fashion technology is established with the approval of the Ministry of Education of full-time ordinary undergraduate course colleges and universities, the school is located in nanchang city, jiangxi province is applied characteristics of undergraduate in jiangxi province key construction of colleges and universities, is a face to the fashion industry, to train creative design, engineering, marketing and management of the senior specialized talents of professional colleges and universities. Its predecessor was Jiangxi Institute of Fashion, which was established in July 1991. In February 1998, it was renamed Jiangxi Fashion College. In April 2003, the university changed its name to Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology and became a full-time university with the qualification of granting national higher education diploma independently. In April 2011, Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology was approved by the Ministry of Education as a college of higher education for undergraduate students and officially renamed Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology. According to the official website of the university in August 2016, Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology covers an area of 1,300 mu, with a building area of 700,000 square meters. There are more than 500 full-time and part-time teachers and more than 10,000 students in the school. It has 7 branches and 2 teaching departments, 19 undergraduate programs and more than 20 specialty programs.