
作者:白兰地Brandy来源:Brandy Mercury原标题:投行求职系列:简历与求职信


什么是target school(目标校)?

针对前台岗位,一般外资投行都有自己的target school list。比较公认的是美国top30大学 & top20文理学院/ Oxbridge G5 LBS / 港三大 / 国内top4(欧洲和加拿大的学校不是特别了解,但听说也有少部分同学拿到offer)。美国投行的前台岗位基本只对本科生开放,部分二级市场相关岗位也会考虑研究生(金融工程等quant类岗位)。个别非目标校同学通过networking like a ninja一样有机会进入。HK则对本科和硕士一视同仁。(这里附上一位前辈关于HK投行美国硕士目标校的科普贴:https://www.chasedream.com/show.aspx?id=23964&cid=29)

这个list未必是绝对的。我认识不少能力极强的前辈,他们都并非毕业于以上学校。如果对自己的学校是否属于target school有疑问,最好的方法还是上LinkedIn搜索公司并查看员工们的背景和毕业院校。毕竟公司也只是找几个能干活又听话的聪明小孩,闭眼挑学校面试不要太差就行,到最后大家其实都差不多。所以作为非target school的学生,假使你想进香港或纽约的外资投行做front desk,还是去国外念个top的金融工程硕士比较靠谱。现在连本土投行都是海归遍地,家里有关系的都要去海外刷个文凭,更不要说一般家庭。宽裕的话本科的时候就转到国外念,不少trading都是只在本科生里招。再就是客观评估下自己的学术能力如何。普通人不要轻易读PhD,这一行越早入坑越好,多刷实习是王道。

进不了target school投行不要怎么办?也没关系,纽约乃至全美国大大小小的fund总归有机会,要是实在有投行情节的话在buy side刷两年经验也可以作为experienced hire继续申,总之只要你留在这个行业,不忘磨练自己的技术,就总归有机会。其实有时候我观察一下街上混得比较好的中国人,很多都不是大投行出身。大投行毕竟只是把人塑造成一个超级螺丝钉,所以我认为也不要太纠结这些名头,小fund里说不定机会更多。



比起专业,在校成绩和相关实习更为重要。如果面试官认为你对金融领域有不错的了解,对这份工作感兴趣(通过networking和实习展现),就有可能给你面试机会。投行并不是dealing with rocket science(quant除外),所以检验一个申请者是否优秀的标准还是成绩和实习。GPA肯定是越高越好,一般专业3.7/4.0为佳,math相关的专业则会放宽到3.5/4.0。

这里想重点聊一下成绩的作用。中国学生一般都很看重绩点,会花大量的时间和精力在提高GPA上。我自己认为在成绩过线后继续死磕4.0的边际效益不是很高。我也见过<3.0的朋友靠着solid technical skills和逆天的社交能力进入front office。还有同学问有没有必要为了进入投行而刻意选择好拿分的课,我认为这些都是个人选择。想清楚自己究竟要什么最重要,毕竟教育是一辈子的事。

所以一般来说,target school 高GPA 1-2段相关实习,过简历关都是没问题的。



可以但没必要。CFA一级几乎覆盖了金融行业的方方面面,考完会让你对行业有一个全面的了解。但这对应届生求职外资投行,并不会直接加分。CFA更多的作用还是在于增进对行业的了解。不过想要求职equity research和asset management这类岗位的同学可以考虑考一个,因为美国这边CFA对portfolio manager来说几乎是标配。其实说到底还是要看个人的时间分配。我的建议是,非金融专业的同学还是先把精力放在准备面试的相关知识上,等到大四开学拿到return offer后,再考个level 1来增进对行业的了解,这样可以节省一定的时间成本。金融专业的同学考起证来就更容易了,不过我个人认为如果本科已经学了金融,考证的边际效益不是很大。

简历 Resume



金融行业简历切记不能超过一页,格式上必须整齐。很多人容易忽视的一点是,简历的字数未必越多越好,要有适当留白。绝对不能有错别字(analyst很看重这点,equity research最看重这个),所以一定要反复修改,必要时可以请专业人士帮忙检查。简单列一些具体的格式要求:

  • 字体一般用times new roman的10号;
  • 一定要用bullet point和分割线;
  • title一般是大写的姓名,底下列一行个人信息:电话 地址(学校) 邮箱(学校)。




一般的步骤是从job description出发,梳理该岗位重视的经历和特质,然后筛选出跟所申岗位最相关的经历(未必越多越好)。所以比较稳妥的做法是选择3-4个 industry-specific & most related work experience 各写3-4个bullet points。大家耳熟能详的 STAR (situation, task, action, result) 原则也同样适用于简历写作。 以下是一些注意要点:

  • 面试官第一眼看到并盘问的一定是最上面的实习经历,所以第一份工作经历一定要是最相关最有把握应对的;
  • Relevant courses 放在最前面的一定是你最confident的,被提问专业知识的几率也最大;
  • 低年级的同学可以适当写一写high school时获得的奖项,比如AP scholar之类的;
  • 社团和课外活动里如果有比较senior的position记得要提;如果没有相关经历的话,volunteer experience 在外资投行看来也是非常好的extra-curriculum; 想强调自己的 technical skill 和职业兴趣可以有针对性参加一些 trading competition, finance club, stock pitching competition 等。


其实一个很好的办法是去几所著名商学院的官网搜索sample resume book,多借鉴别人的用词和句式。以下是我自己几个boost experience的小tips:

  • 用数字说话。注意使用细节数据,记得要 expand on the data:产出了多少份报告?搭了多少个model?参加了多少个meeting?How much %profit did you bring?How many people have you influenced?申请quant相关可以把 Sharpe Ratio 或 annual rate of return 写上去。总之尽量用数字 quantify your impact;
  • 多用action verb, 针对jd里的skillset有针对性地使用不同动词。这个就不需要我再强调了吧,在网上随手找了一个list供参考:https://www.themuse.com/advice/185-powerful-verbs-that-will-make-your-resume-awesome
  • Highlight YOUR ability/contribution. 要强调的是你为公司/团队作了多少贡献。例如你如何让一个 trading algorithm more efficient, 然后为小组创造了多少额外利润。公司最想看到申请者如何 go beyond assigned task & take extra steps;
  • 对比凸显你的能力。一些常见的例子有:GPA (or major GPA, whichever is higher) 高的同学可以写rank top % or x/y, 或 Dean's list all semesters;在国内读本科的同学可以写 admitted on basis of performance on national college admissions exam (x/yyyyyy); Selected awards 可以写 First Prize in XXX Competition (top x% of ~X,000 participants); XXX Scholarship (top 3%, awarded to those with outstanding XXX performance and XXX); 有些录取难度较大的研究生项目可以写 Selected to XXX Program (top 5%, on basis of outstanding research performance);
  • Associate with a big friend & mention any connection you have. 例如你曾经实习/合作过大公司,或者你是 ex JP Morgan, ex Goldman Sachs,都是很好的resume booster。但也要注意这些都有可能拔高面试官对你的期望,从而导致面试难度加大,是把双刃剑;
  • An objective statement is a waste of time. 切忌直接抄 job description。


其实每个申请者看起来都成绩优异 & 经历丰富,这种情况下就需要 differentiate yourself from others. 投行可不喜欢招书呆子,所以招聘中很重要的一个审核标准是,这个申请者是不是个有意思的人。毕竟他们面试的目的就是招聘将来一起工作的人,所以能否做到讨人喜欢非常重要。这部分就需要在经常被大家忽视的interests & extracurriculum下功夫。传说trading desk看简历一般只花几秒浏览:1. 学校 2. 兴趣爱好。由此可见其重要性。

这部分大家可以先思考下自己能否survive著名的 airport test 和 elevator pitch。关于具体内容,我个人认为亚洲学生比较常见的一些兴趣,如果不是有特殊成就最好就不要放了(虽然我自己也写了钢琴哈哈)。一些比较加分的有:校报的journalist and photographer,wine tasting(曾经有朋友跟MD聊了半小时红酒被录),community service/volunteering。public speaking/debate, fashion blogger/video design/vlogging,还有运动竞技类(能体现团队合作为佳)。根据特定岗位来分,Trader喜欢Texas Hold'em和极限运动,sales一般会看重第二外语和多国旅游的经历。

最后要注意的是,简历都是employer-focused的,所以don't brag about yourself,同时也不要有self-depreciation。

求职信 Cover Letter

接着来看Cover Letter的部分。

这点中美又有很大差异。香港因为申请者太多,不一定会真的一个个审核。但美国这边比较注重cover letter,浏览材料的顺序一般是先看cover letter后看resume。所以很有必要在里面声明background和preference,并根据想要申请岗位的skillsets列出一些相应的bullet points。Cover letter其实又分为三类:perspective cover letter,application cover letter,和networking cover letter,这里着重讲一下第二种。格式如下:


一般来说要写四段,一共20 行。其中有几行可以灵活改动,这样就可以适用于各类公司。具体内容如下:



First and Last Name

Street Address

City, State Zip




Format: I’m very interested in xxx. How you fit in the job? Whom you get the info from?


  • I am very interested in the entry-level position that is available at ABC Investment Partners. I recently graduated from XYZ University College and my courses in investments, finance, and business have given me a solid base upon which I plan to build to build my career.
  • I am writing to express my strong interest in the International Marketing position open at WellCam, Inc. My colleague Janna Doling recommended that I contact you directly about this position, due to my years developing successful campaigns for XYZ Company.
  • I'm writing to express my interest in the Editorial Assistant position listed on Monster.com. Given my five years of editorial experience and excellent capabilities, I would appreciate your consideration for this position.


Format: Why you interested in this job? What’s your specific skill set? Why this skill is related to the position you applied for?


IBD强调团队合作technical skills等:


“Among the technical skills I possess are Bloomberg and Capital IQ, which allow me to maintain all customer communication and any charts that are needed, as well as design effective presentations. My advanced multitasking skills allow me to easily handle a multitude of projects at once, which I know is vital in a fast-paced organization such as yours. As a dedicated team member, I am willing and able to go above and beyond to meet deadlines and ensure that my team's and the company's goals are met. In addition, my strong communication skills ensure that I will help create the best impression for your clients and prospects. I am constantly looking to improve my individual contribution to the team, as well as my ability to take a lead role when needed. I helped analyst do daily work, established trust with team members and project collaborators, mediated disputes and motivated others into action.”

ER强调 reports writing, detail-oriented, analytical skills等:


“I developed my ability to critically analyze the industrial reality in the technology and industrial sector as well as stock and bond performance. In addition, I defended my views in front of my team and the investment committee of the firm. I utilized my analytical skills in determining the adequacy of business plans for companies across various industrials. Through careful consideration of the financial projections and the business model, I prepared reports for seniors with recommendations about how to proceed with investor funding. I utilized my analytical skills in determining the adequacy of business plans for companies across various industries.”

Sales/PWM: 强调client-oriented (communication)等:


“I have developed considerable experience working with clients, including collecting data to determine their needs, conceptualizing and researching creative solutions, selling and defending those solutions, and finally leading and working with diverse teams during implementation while also managing client expectations. In addition, I have solid multi-tasking, organizational leadership and decision-making skills that can make an immediate contribution to your company.”




“I look forward to further discussing my qualifications, which are fully presented in my enclosed resume, and demonstrating how I will be the perfect fit for the Investment Banking Summer Analyst position and your firm. Thank you sincerely for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. ”

最后列一些我认为不好的cover letter特征,大家可以自我检验:

  • Poor overall appearance
  • Poor grammar, punctuation, and misspelled words
  • Rambling - lack of focus
  • Self-focused versus employer focused
  • Bland, boring text
  • Gross exaggeration - bragging
  • Aggressive, pushy tone
  • Self-depreciation

读者 Q&A


A:我当时自学的教材是Ludwig的<Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management>,之后还在Coursera上了stochastic calculus, numerical methods和ordinary differential equation(因为本科的时候来不及修这些比较高阶的数学课)。我本科时学过python,不过做量化特别是高频交易的话还是推荐C 。所以我当时还去上了Baruch college一门叫C programming for financial engineering的课并拿了证,虽然价格不低但对入门来说还是比较推荐的。

