托福听力答案详解 托福TPO听力Official08-Lecture4答案详解(1)


下划线-听力过程需要记录的关键信息,记笔记不在于还原原文,关键是记录关键词 关系


1.In the beginning of the lecture a student asks a question about the periodic table. How does the story of element 43 answer her question?


所有选项都有By providing an example of ,结合predictable和关键词段落定位即可选对(像这种关键词即使没听懂文章也很容易记下)

A. By providing an example of an element whose place in the periodic table was moved 未提及move

B. By providing an example of an element whose existence was predictable from the periodic table

C. By providing an example of an element which scientists predicted was formed from uranium 前面几段未提及 uranium

D. By providing an example of an element that can only be made artificially前面几段未提及 artificially

2.What does the professor say about early versions of the periodic table?

Early version是关键词,看看能不能回忆起来early version在哪里提到?


A. Early versions listed two names for some elements.


B. Early versions had the incorrect atomic number for some elements.


C. Early versions were not as easy to use as modern versions.


D. Early versions did not list an element for every atomic number.

3.What fact inspired researchers to give the name “technetium” to element 43?


比较不容易排除错误选项,因为关键词radioactive uranium x-ray spectroscopy都在文中出现

A. The element was radioactive.


B. The element was derived from uranium.


C. The element was created artificially.

D. The element was found using x-ray spectroscopy.


4.What characteristic of element 43 might explain why the scientific community doubted the findings of Ida Tacke’s team?


A. Element 43 has a very fast rate of decay.

B. Element 43 always contains small amounts of other elements.


C. Element 43 cannot be created artificially.


D. Element 43’s radioactivity makes it easy to isolate and measure.



5.What does the professor believe about the claim that Ida Tacke’s team made about element 43?

A. Scientists should have accepted the claim when it was first published.

B. There is not enough evidence to know if the team actually discovered element 43.

C. The team’s unusual scientific methods were unreliable.

选项后半部分是正确的,但不是Tacke团队,属于半真半假 答非所问

D. If the team’s ore sample had contained element 43, the team would have been able to isolate a weighable amount.

6.What does the professor imply about the chemist Ida Tacke when he says this:

A. She did not realize that the periodic table predicted the radioactivity of element 43.


B. She did not understand why her team’s findings were dismissed by the scientific community.


C. Her theory about uranium would have explained the presence of element 43 in her team’s ore sample.


D. Her theory about uranium would have explained the errors that created element 43 in a cyclotron.



Listen to part of a lecture in a chemistry class. The professor has been discussing the periodic table of elements.


So … are there any questions?


Yes, um, Professor Harrison? You were saying that the periodic table is predictive? What exactly does that mean? I mean, I understand how it organizes the elements, but … where’s the prediction?


OK, let’s look at our periodic table again.

OK - it groups elements into categories that share certain properties, right?


Uh-huh …


And it’s arranged according to increasing atomic number, which is … ?


The number of protons in each atom of an element.

部分一 解释predicatable (第一题答案出处,整合部分一大意即可答出正确选项,这部分内容比较简单,也没有什么转折关系,经常出现听懂了大部分内容却做错题的同学很可能就是听懂了这类内容,却忽略了出题点)


Right. Well, early versions of the periodic table had gaps. Missing elements. Every time you have one more proton you have another element, and then — oops — there’d be an atomic number for which there was no known element. (第二题答案出处,反复说了好几句,不能错的题)And the uh prediction was that an element with that atomic number existed somewhere, but it just hadn’t been found yet.(托福听力中长句,复合句或者意思比较绕的句子如前很容易引走做题者的注意力,注意,出题点一定是非常清晰的,遇到这样的句子不要过度纠结,结合上下文理解即可) And its location in the table would tell you what properties it should have. It was really pretty exciting for scientists at that time, to find these missing elements and confirm their predicted properties.

Um actually, that reminds me of a, of a, of a very good example of all this … element 43. See on the table, the symbols for elements 42 and 44?

部分二 引入element 43

Well in early versions of the table, there was no symbol for an element with 43 protons because no element with 43 protons had been discovered yet. So the periodic table had a gap between elements 42 and 44. And, then, uh, in 1925 a team of chemists led by a scientist named Ida Tacke claimed that they had found element 43. They had been , uh, using a relatively new technology called x-ray spectroscopy(作为混淆项出现,应该尽量多去记录关键词,但要注意不能听到关键词就去选择,初学者的进阶就在于记录关键词到记录关键词及相互间关系) —and they were using this to examine an ore sample — and they claimed they’d found an element with 43 protons. And they named it masurium.(注意,托福听力中有大量复杂的背景知识,不需要提前掌握这些生词词意(出题者也无意让做题者提前知道这些单词和知识),但需要在听力过程中学习,通过解释和上下文大概了解这些词是什么意思,词之间的关系是什么)


Um, Professor Harrison? Then how come in my periodic table here element 43 is “Tc”--that’s technetium, right?


OK, let me add that …

Actually, uh, that’s the point I’m coming to. Hardly anyone believed that Tacke had discovered a new element. X-ray spectroscopy was a new method at the time(作为混淆项出现). And they were never able to isolate enough masurium to have a weighable sample, to convince everyone of their discovery, so they were discredited.(第四题比较难,此处提出了不被信任的原因,无法分离masurium,但是是什么特性导致其难以分离呢?)

部分三 例子Tacke的发现及不被相信的原因

But then, twelve years later, in 1937, a different team became the first to synthesize an element using a cyclotron(作为混淆项出现). And that element had …


43 protons?


That’s right. But they named it technetium to emphasize that it was artificially created(第三题答案出处,属于原文重现) — with technology. And people thought that synthesizing this element, making it artificially, was the only way to get it. We still hadn’t found it occurring in nature. Now, element 43, whether you call it masurium or technetium, is radioactive. Why does that matter? What’s true of a radioactive element?


It decays? It turns into other elements? Oh, so does that explain why it was missing in the periodic table?(第四题答案出处,前文推导至masurium的某一特性导致其难以分离最终使Tacke的研究无法被人信任,此处给出解答,注意需要结合教授和学生的话才能得出答案)


Exactly. Because of its radioactive decay, element 43 doesn’t last very long … and therefore… if it ever had been present on Earth it would have decayed ages ago …So … the masurium people were obviously wrong and the technetium people were right … right?(托福听力文本中的一些地道表达方法可通过多训练去熟悉,否则容易引起疑惑)

部分四 例子technetium的发现

Well, that was then. Now we know that element 43 does occur naturally — it can be naturally generated from uranium atoms that have spontaneously split(一个关键的信息点,作为混淆项出现). And guess what

... the ore sample the masurium group was working with had plenty of uranium in it — enough to split into measurable amounts of masurium. So Tacke’s team might very well have found small amounts of masurium in their ore sample. It’s just that once it was generated from split uranium, it decayed very quickly. And you know, here’s an incredible irony. Ida Tacke — the chemist who led the masurium team — well, she was the first to suggest that uranium could break up into smaller pieces. But she didn’t know that that was the defense of her own discovery of element 43! (重听题,需要结合前后文推理教授的意图)


So is my version of the periodic table wrong? Should element 43 really be called masurium?


Maybe. But you know it’s hard to tell for sure after all this time if Ida Tacke’s group did discover element 43. They didn’t um publish enough detail on their methods or instruments for us to know for sure(第五题答案出处,关键转折点). But I like to think element 43 was discovered twice. As masurium, it was the first element discovered that occurs in nature only from spontaneous fission; and, as technetium, it was the first element discovered in a laboratory. And, of course, it was an element the periodic table led us to expect existed … before anyone had found it — or made it.

部分五 Tacke的遗憾





为数不多的窍门就是:1 注意文本意群划分 2 一般在出现转折、否定、关键词的地方是常考点 3 大致的题目顺序和文本答案出处顺序是一致的
