

Google has suspended business with Chinese tech giant Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware, software and technical services, confirmed Lu Kang, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, at a regular press conference Monday.




"China will pay attention to the progress of the situation and support Chinese enterprises in defending their legitimate rights through legal methods," said Lu.




After the partial suspension, Huawei issued a statement saying that the company has made substantial contributions to the development and growth of Android around the world.

"As one of Android's key global partners, we have worked closely with their open-source platform to develop an ecosystem that has benefited both users and the industry," read the statement.

"Huawei will continue to provide security updates and after-sales services to all existing Huawei and Honor smartphone and tablet products, covering those that have been sold and that are still in stock globally," it added.


5月20日,操作系统安卓(Android)官方发布声明称,在遵守美国政府全部要求的前提下向用户保证,现有华为设备上,如谷歌应用商店(Google Play)、通过谷歌应用商店保护(Google Play Protect)提供的网络安全等服务将继续运行。


According to Android, the ban from Google on Huawei would have little impact on the functioning of Google applications on existing Huawei devices.

"We assure you while we are complying with all U.S. government requirements, services like Google Play and security from Google Play Protect will keep functioning on your existing Huawei device," Android said on its official Twitter account.

The latest ban on the company came after the U.S. effectively barred the use of Huawei equipment in its telecom networks through an executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump, and the Commerce Department added Huawei to a blacklist that bans the company and its 70 affiliates from buying technology and components from American firms without U.S. government's approval.


On Friday, the U.S. Commerce Department said it may scale back its blanket ban on Huawei to ensure the operations of its existing U.S. customers, Reuters reported citing a spokesperson.

According to the spokesperson, the Commerce Department is considering issuing a 90-day-long temporary general license to allow Huawei to buy U.S. goods so it can help existing customers maintain the reliability of networks and equipment.

But it is still forbidden to buy American parts and components to manufacture new products.

On Sunday, Huawei's founder and CEO said that the company was fully prepared for U.S. restrictions and would be "fine" even if the U.S. chipmaker would not sell chips to the company.

