

动词 介词


react to 对…的反应

He reacted to the news negatively.他对这条消息反应消极。

recover from ST


He is recovering from his illness.他正在康复中。

refer to ST

He was referring to the chart on page 24.他指的是第24页的图表。

relate to

She is not related to their family.她和他们家没有亲戚关系。

rely on

We rely on the latest information to make such decisions.我们依靠最新的信息来做出这些决定。

remind SO of SO/ST

He reminds me of my grandfather.他使我想起了我的祖父。

reply to

We replied immediately to the letter.我们立即回复了这封信。

rescue SO from SO/ST

He rescued the puppy from the icy lake.他把小狗从结冰的湖里救了出来。

resign from ST

He resigned from the company.他从公司辞职了。

respond to

We responded to the request for help.我们对要求帮助的请求作出了回应。

result in ST

His outburst result in his being fired.他的爆发导致他被解雇。

retire from ST

He retired from the company after 40 years of faithful service.他在公司忠心耿耿地服务了40年后退休了。
