need 的用法need 可以当动词用,也可当助动词用,现在小编就来说说关于need的四个用法?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



need 的用法

need 可以当动词用,也可当助动词用。

1. 当动词用时,用法如下:

1) 他们需要食物。

They need food.

(疑问句) Do they need food?

(否定句) They do not need food.

(过去时) They needed food.

2) 他需要出席本会。

He needs to attend the meeting.

(疑问句)Does he need to attend the meeting?

(否定句) He doesn't need to attend the meeting.

(过去时) He had to attend the meeting.

(将来时) He will have to attend the meeting.

3) 这篇文章需要修订。

This article needs revising.

This article needs to be revised.

2. 当助动词时,只能用于疑问和否定的情况,其用法与其他助动词无异。

4) 他需要写什么吗?

Need he write anything?



I don't know whether he need write anything.

6) 他不需要写什么。

He need not write anything.



Nobody need write anything.


You need only write your name.

9) 你其实不需要那么急的,火车晚点。

You need not have hurried. The train is late.

注意:Need not have Vp﹒p 表示"实在不必做,但已经做了"


We need not have ordered so much food.

补充几个最常用的名词句型:a need for something; a need to do something; there is a need; be in need of.

她对友谊的需要 (her need for friendship)有必要保护环境 (a need to preserve the environment)急需现金(There is a desperate need for cash.) 我们需要资金 (we are in need of funds. 不说 we have a need of funds.)
