1. Get the Ball Rolling - Do something to begin a process 着手做某事
  2. Against The Run Of Play - Atypical of the way a game has been going 比赛进行的方式很不寻常
  3. Ballpark figure - A rough estimate 大概数字
  4. Throw in the Towel - To give up, admit defeat 承认失败
  5. Take the Gloves off - Negotiate in a more aggressive way 用更加激烈的方式谈判
  6. Play ball - Cooperate, agree to participate 同意加入;同意合作
  7. Hit the Ground Running - To begin a job or project with no learning period needed 开启一份不需要学习期的项目或者工作
  8. Heavy Hitter - A powerful, influential person 有权利,有影响力的任务
  9. Hat trick - Achieving three successes one after another. 三连胜
  10. Ball in your court - A phrase used to show that the decision has to be taken by you. 决定权在你
  11. Still in the game - This phrase is used when someone is in a difficult situation but can make a comeback.当某人处于困难的处境,但可以卷土重来时,使用这个短语。
  12. Pack a punch - This phrase is taken from the sport of boxing and is used to describe a strong influence. 这个短语取自拳击运动,用来形容强大的影响力。
  13. Keep your eye on the ball - To stay alert and ready for action. 保持警惕并随时准备行动
  14. A stricky wicket - A tricky situation. 棘手的情况

Learn English with Idioms

