




Ebola Fighters, a 24-episode TV series, centers on Zheng Shupeng, the show's protagonist who's about to end his tenure as a doctor on a Chinese team that is helping a fictional country to battle an epidemic. He decides to stay and fight alongside fellow medical workers.

Aside from nerve-racking scenes that show doctors racing against time to save lives, the drama provides an exotic look at the daily lifestyle of the locals, ranging from bustling street markets to distinctive ceremonies.

With major scenes set in Africa, the crew recruited more than 100 African people, living in Guangdong and Hainan provinces at the time of shooting, to appear in the series.

To do a comprehensive preparation for the new series, its major creators traveled to Tanzania and Sierra Leone in early 2019, and interviewed nearly 100 experts and medical workers, making notes of around "10 million words" over three years, according to Chief producer Mao Yi.

To consolidate the realistic effect, the crew also constructed a replica of a P4 laboratory, the highest biosafety level to protect researchers from dangerous pathogens, and a mobile medical vehicle, in a soundstage covering an area of 2,400 square meters.

The series also develops a parallel plot about an overseas Chinese journalist, played by actress Mao Xiaotong, venturing into the village, disguised as an international doctor, in order to investigate a diamond-smuggling racket.

Cao Guang, a surgeon from Beijing Anzhen Hospital, is an archetype that inspired the role Zheng Shupeng. Another role in the TV series is inspired by his late Guinean colleague, Bangoura Gassimou, who died of Ebola after treating an infected patient in 2014.

There are two numbers in the series that have also stirred Cao's memory of his time in Guinea. The protagonist's badge on his white hospital uniform is "3281" in the series, close to Cao's own "3481"—on his uniform, both in Beijing and Conakry. The first infected patient in the TV series is treated in the No 18 hospital cot, same as the bed number of the first diagnosed Ebola case at the China-Guinea Friendship Hospital, where Cao worked in 2014.







曹光是北京安贞医院的一名外科医生,他就是郑树鹏这个角色的原型。该剧的另一个角色灵感来自于他已故的几内亚同事班古拉·加西穆(Bangoura Gassimou),他在2014年治疗了一名感染埃博拉病毒的患者后死于埃博拉。



1. protagonist [prəˈtæɡənɪst],(n): 主角;(戏剧、电影、书的)主要人物;主人公;(比赛、斗争中的)主要人物;主要参与者;(政策、运动的)倡导者;拥护者

2. tenure [ˈtenjə(r)],(n):任期;(尤指重要政治职务的)任职;(尤指大学教师的)终身职位;长期聘用;(房地产的)保有权;保有期

3. exotic [ɪɡˈzɒtɪk],(adj,n):异国情调的;来自异国(尤指热带国家)的;奇异的;异国风味的;舶来品,外来物,外来品种;外来语

4. replica [ˈreplɪkə],(n):复制品;仿制品

5. pathogens [ˈpæθəˌdʒɛnz],(n):病原体

6. diamond-smuggling:钻石走私

7. archetype [ˈɑːkitaɪp],(n):原型;典型



