本案为儿童乐园LOGO设计,名称为"Butterfly Kidsland“ 即 ”蝴蝶乐园"。


This case is the LOGO design of the children's playground, and the name is "Butterfly Kidsland". This case is the LOGO design of the children's playground, and the name is "Butterfly Kidsland". This case is the LOGO design of the children's playground, and the name is "Butterfly Kidsland".

The design adopts an abstract technique and uses two symmetrical images to form the shape of a butterfly. The overall style is simple, three-dimensional, with bright and unconventional colors, and has a modern style and lively characteristics.

之石设计 | Turqstyle Logo Design


Butterfly 蝴蝶LOGO有色底版本


Butterfly 蝴蝶LOGO透明底版本


Butterfly 蝴蝶LOGO单色版
