Classification is a kind of human cognitive abilities. We are prone to sort out everything we see, hear, smell, taste and touch, such as classing willow, poplar, ginkgo and oak as trees; lotus, chrysanthemum, peony and wintersweet as flowers; monkey, zebra, tiger and snake as animals; piano, violin, trumpet and flute as instruments; hamburger, sandwich, cheese and bread as food. As there are hundreds of thousands of phenomena in the world and we humans are too limited in time, energy and wisdom to study them one by one, the most convenient and pragmatic way to explore the nature of everything and thereupon put them at the service of us is to research categories into which everything is arranged instead.


As everything around us must be arranged into some categories, we human beings ought to be naturally put into a class. In spite of the fact that people vary widely in race, physique, disposition, education, occupation and background, scientists still tried to abstract some specific commonalities, also known as human nature, from finite samples via observation and experiment, (for instance, incentive mechanism can strengthen the behavior while punishment can weaken it; everyone is thirst for respect and approval from people around him, a man is apt to be depressed and look down upon himself when he is constantly rejected; maternal love is universal, almost every mother set her child’s life before hers, if necessary, she can even die for her darling), and make further efforts to help politicians initiate policies to manage and control 5 billion people around the world with only a few criteria.



The philosophers making reasonable assumptions on human nature throughout history are too numerous to mention, the following are the most important ones: Marx believed the essence of man is the sum total of all social relations; Freud regarded the nature of man as the primitive impulses and instinctive desires in the unconsciousness guided by happiness and satisfaction; Aristotle saw men as born political animals; Schopenhauer considered human nature as a kind of will to live; Christians believed that every human being is born with original sin, therefore the meaning of earthly life is to atone for it and reconcile with God. In spite of theories mentioned above, a school of thought holds that humans are not a species and thus by no means has a thing called the essence of man: if “the sum total of all social relations” can be seen as human nature, a solitary man is definitely not to be regarded as a human being; if “to win respect and approval from people around you” is deemed available to every man, how can you interpret a monk’s psychology? If, like Freud, you treat human and animal as equals and admit that every human being lives according to his instinctive desires, can you tell me why there are countless martyrs and ascetics through the ages?


If it is incumbent upon someone to argue with me that mankind, as it could be counted as a species, has an essence, after all, my theory is not so convincing and simple as 1 1=2, then I’m so sorry to tell him that despite the fact that everything around us, known as object, can be sorted into some categories, mankind, known as subject, is an exception. You are probably to argue that according to Darwin, man evolved from lower animals and as a result acquired some characteristics of them. But actually, there is some fundamental change happened to mankind at the very moment of its evolution. Mankind is such a special being that it has nothing in common with anything else in the world, and none of us can make an universal judgment upon it. In my viewpoint, everyone is born a seed with any possibilities. As time went by, it will sprout and grow into something as totally different from its kind as it is between oak, stone, lotus and cat. Can you treat Qin Hui and Yue Fei as equals? Can you say Eugenie Grandet and Bill Gates are the same in kind? Who can interpret Nero’s tyranny in the light of human nature? If they are of the same kind, why did Robespierre bring Louis XVI to the scaffold? Perhaps most people prefer to divide humans arbitrarily into several types, then there must be a kind of incommensurability between them. That is to say, a man’s essence has already been determined when the a seed has grown up into a giant tree, it can't be changed into another one of distant relationship. Different kinds of people, if get them together, must stand up for their own values and dispute with each other without stop. The best way to settle it, instead of assimilate one kind into another, is to part them and tell your dissidents “you look after your own concern and leave me to my own affairs”.


如果有人非得跟我争辩人类作为一个种属必定有一个本质,毕竟我的理论不如1 1=2那般简单且有说服力,那我只能遗憾地告诉他:尽管我们周围的一切,也称作客体,都能被归入某一类,人类,也称作主体,却是个例外,你可能会争辩道根据达尔文的观点,人类是从低等动物进化而来,并因此具备了动物的某些特征,但事实上,在动物进化为人的那一刻,人类的身上发生了某种质的变化,人类是一种如此特别的存在以至于他跟世界上任何其他的东西没有一丝一毫地相似之处,没有人能给人类做一个全称判断。在我看来,每个人生来只是一粒具有任何一种可能性的种子,随着时间的演进,它将会发芽并成长为一个与自己同类大相径庭、截然不同的东西,其差异的程度就好比橡树、石头、莲花和猫之间的差别,话说你能把秦桧和岳飞看作是同类吗?你能说欧也妮葛朗台跟比尔盖茨是一类人吗?谁能用人性解释尼禄的暴政?如果说罗伯斯庇尔和路易十六是同类,那么后者为何要将前者送上断头台?或许大多数人偏向于将人分为不同的类型,那么不同种类的人之间就具有不可通约性,换句话说,一旦一粒种子长成了一颗参天大树,一个人的本质也就被决定了,它不可能被转变为关系较远的另一种类型,如果把不同类型的人聚在一起,他们必定会因维护各自的价值观而争论不休,解决问题最好的方式不是将一类同化为另一类,而是天各一方,你走你的阳关道,我走我的独木桥。

Speaking of human nature, we have to mention collectivism. Collectivism presupposed the essence of man and, take it as a starting point, imposed its rules and regulations upon everyone within the environment without exception. The whole process likes raising pigs, as everyone of them doesn’t have any difference with its kind, the keepers are able to take care of everybody as long as they have examined the kind carefully and plan everything in line with the instincts and habits of the kind. Which nature is a collectivist prone to think human beings have? Appetite, sexual desire, self-respect and a sense of security. Although “self-indulgence leads to degeneration and crime” is an irrefutable fact, most people are so rational as to get a job for themselves, create wealth with their hands and in this way get material rewards at their disposal. One can do whatever he wants as long as he has the money. As to his sexual needs, a man have to start a family and take responsibility for bringing up his child. Sexuality must have something to do with reproduction, it is discouraged by any collectivist if it is merely for amusement. The operation mode of collectivistic society is just founded on these hypothesis, if you want to be regarded as a normal man and win respect from people around you, you need to regard them as golden rules, or you might be treated as an outcast and excluded from the circle of normal people.



In a sense, this hypothesis of human nature is an inextricable part of the enlightenment thoughts and Adam Smith’s classical economics. The eternal theme of the Enlightenment is reason and freedom. To react against the medieval philosophy that human desires are evil and everyone has to repent and abandon them, enlightening thinkers made an assumption that a portion of human desires are reasonable. It is deemed inadvisable only when a human being resorts to some illegal and immoral means to achieve them. In contrast, a man sells his labor for material reward by which he satisfy his needs is deemed acceptable. On the other hand, Adam Smith’s theory holds that in a state with perfect legal system, an egoistic human being who needs money for his wants has to find a job and contribute to the society, since there is no other means to get it legally. In this way, the more material rewards one gains, the more he contributes to the society. The nation will create maximum wealth as long as everyone within it is selfish, avaricious and find some legal way to fulfill it.



I was grown up in a collectivistic environment. Because I have very little in common with the shiftless, undistinguished majority, I have long since been seen as an outcast and driven out of the group of normal men. It pains me to think that everybody else is normal, whereas I am morbid. When I was rejected and marginalized at an early age, I felt myself being humbled to nothingness and even subjectively worse than a beggar. With the enrichment of my knowledge and life experience, I realized that although humans inherited instincts and desires from lower animals, (if Darwin’s theory of evolution is true), they are more than any animals. It is undeniable that appetite and sexual desire are the utmost driving force of the vast majority to survive, yet none of us can thus make an universal judgment to say that human beings live to satisfy these needs. Even if those ones study definitely not for fame and gain are few and far between, this kind of people do exist in real life; shiftless ones are the overwhelming majority, they can’t speak for everyone. Nobody could have denied that I can also live a wonderful life even if I was treated as an outsider. In my eyes, They are much more close to animals, whereas it is me who truly embodied the indispensable factors of a man: a kind of spiritual enrichment kept at all times.


When I changed my way of thinking, I felt much more relieved. And that is my viewpoint of human nature.

