Parthenon marbles: PM says return is up to British Museum帕特农神庙大理石:首相称,归还与否由大英博物馆定夺

returning the Parthenon marbles to Greece is a matter for the British Museum, Downing Street has said, apparently reversing longstanding UK government opposition to the idea, reiterated by Boris Johnson as recently as March .

英国首相曾称,是否把帕特农神庙大理石归还给希腊是大英博物馆的事。这显然一改英国政府对这一说法持有的长期反对态度,并且鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)最近在3月份又重申了这一说法。


Johnson met the Greek prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, at No 10 last night, with Mitsotakis reiterating his offer to exchange a series of treasures that had never before left Greece as rotating exhibitions for the British Museum in exchange for the marbles. appealing to Johnson’s background as a classicist, Mitsotakis told him he was “a true philhellene ” – while insisting the Greek government did not consider the marbles question to be a “footnote” that could be forgotten or overlooked

约翰逊昨晚在唐宁街10 号会见了希腊总理基里亚科斯·米佐塔基斯(Kyriakos Mitsotakis),米佐塔基斯重申,他愿意拿以前从未参加大英博物馆巡回展览的珍宝作为交换,以换取帕特农神庙的大理石。米佐塔斯基想借助约翰逊是个古典主义者这一点,来说服约翰逊,并称其为“一个真正的希腊之友”——但同时坚称,希腊政府认为大理石问题不是一件可以被遗忘或忽视的“微不足道的小事”。




Downing Street said that when Mitsotakis had raised the issue of the marbles, Johnson said that he “understood the strength of feeling of the Greek people on this issue, but reiterated the UK’s longstanding position that this matter is one for the trustees of the British Museum”. This has not, however, always been Johnson’s stated view about returning the 80 metres of monumental frieze sawn off the Parthenon in 1802 on the order of Lord Elgin, Britain’s ambassador to the Ottoman empire .

唐宁街表示,当米佐塔基斯提到大理石问题时,约翰逊表示他“能理解希腊人民在这件事上的强烈感受,但依旧重申了英国长期以来的立场——这是大英博物馆受托人的事情”。 然而,对于归还80 米巨大楣板(1802 年英国驻奥斯曼帝国大使埃尔金勋爵下令在帕特农神庙上锯下)这一问题,这并非约翰逊一贯的观点。



In an interview with the Greek newspaper Ta Nea in March, Johnson said: “The UK government has a firm, longstanding position on the sculptures, which is that they were legally acquired by Lord Elgin under the appropriate laws of the time and have been legally owned by the British Museum’s trustees since their acquisition.”

约翰逊3月份接受希腊报纸 Ta Nea 采访时称:“英国政府有着坚定且长期一致的立场,即依照当时的相关法律,这些大理石雕塑是埃尔金勋爵合法获得的,并且,自大英博物馆的受托人将这些大理石收购以来,博物馆便合法拥有这些文物。”



Questioned yesterday about the apparent change to the UK’s position, the prime minister’s spokesman said: “The British Museum operates independently of the government. It is free, rightly, from political interference. Any decisions relating to the collections are taken by the museum’s trustees, and any question about the location for the Parthenon sculptures is a matter for them.”




A Downing Street source insisted that despite Johnson’s views, it had long been the official UK position that any return was a matter for the British Museum – whose new chair of trustees is the former Conservative chancellor George Osborne . The seeming shift in approach is likely to reignite the wider debate about museums returning artefacts taken from other countries during colonial times, which UK ministers have so far resisted under the mantra of “retain and explain”.

一位唐宁街消息人士坚称,尽管首相态度前后不一,但英国官方的立场长期一致,即是否归还大理石是大英博物馆的事——其新任理事长是前保守党财政大臣乔治·奥斯本 (George Osborne)。对此英国政府看似发生了态度上的转变,这可能会再次引发更广泛的争论——博物馆是否应当归还殖民时期从其他国家掠走的文物。迄今为止,英国部长们一直以“坚持立场、重复解释”的斡旋策略来抵制这种争论。


Some regional UK museums have said they could repatriate disputed Benin bronzes , most of which were looted by British forces in 1897. This year Germany said it would start returning a “substantial” number of the Benin bronzes held in its museums to Nigeria. Maintenance work at the British Museum and the pandemic have prevented the marbles from being publicly viewed for almost a year. The Acropolis Museum, which was purpose-built to house the classical carvings at the foot of the monument in Athens, reopened in May.英国一些地方性的博物馆表示,他们可能会归还面临争议的贝宁青铜器,其中大部分是在 1897 年被英国军队掠走带到英国的。今年,德国表示将开始把其博物馆中收藏的“大量”贝宁青铜器归还给尼日利亚。受大英博物馆的维护工作和新冠疫情影响,这些大理石近一年没有向公众公开展览。雅典卫城博物馆专门用于收藏雅典纪念碑脚下的古典石刻,该博物馆已于 5 月重新开放。



The British Museum’s consistent view is that the sculptures were acquired legally, with Elgin receiving formal consent from the Ottoman empire, which governed Athens, to remove the section of sculptures from the Parthenon, along with “sculptural and architectural elements” from other buildings on the Acropolis.






时任希腊总统 普罗科比斯·帕夫洛普洛斯:我认为对帕特农神庙雕塑而言,大英博物馆像一座阴暗的监狱,存放着埃尔金伯爵掠夺和破坏行径的战利品。
