

7 simple rules you can follow to increase your energy level.你可以遵循的7个简单规则来提高你的能量水平。


If your answer is yes, you’re not alone.如果你的回答是肯定的,那么你并不孤单。Even though feeling tired is not our natural state, it’s the daily reality for most people. Yet, there’s a major problem with this constant state of exhaustion: It influences all areas of your life.尽管感到疲惫不是我们的自然状态,但对大多数人来说,这是日常现实。然而,这种持续的疲劳状态有一个主要问题: 它影响你生活的所有方面。


Passion, however, is what drives us forward and empowers us to make great things happen.然而,激情是我们前进的动力,它使我们能够做出伟大的成就。


Instead, you can try some simple strategies that, if practiced regularly, will naturally boost your energy level and mood.你可以尝试一些简单的策略,如果经常练习,自然会提高你的能量水平和情绪。


Most people get up in the morning, eat breakfast out of a box, go into a box office, use a box elevator, do their work on a box, talk on a box, go into a box room for meetings, and in the evening, they turn the box on.大多数人早上起床,在一个盒子里吃早餐,走进一个盒子办公室,使用一个盒子电梯,在一个盒子里工作,在一个盒子里说话,进入一个盒子房间开会,晚上,回家打开盒子。Even though our bodies are capable of performing extraordinary activities, we barely use our physical capabilities. Yet, as a human being, you’re not made to be lazy and sit around all day long. You’re made to move.尽管我们的身体有能力进行非凡的活动,但我们很少使用我们的身体能力。然而,作为一个人,你并不是生来就懒惰,整天无所事事的,你被迫要动起来了。Our ancestors had to be physically active to survive and it was perfectly fine because our bodies are made for movement, not for screens and chairs.我们的祖先必须通过体力活动才能生存下去,这是完全正常的,因为我们的身体是为运动而生,而不是为屏幕和椅子而生。How to do it:怎么做:If done regularly, even low-intensity activities like walking can have a significant impact on your energy level.如果定期锻炼,即使像步行这样的低强度运动也会对你的能量水平产生重大影响。The more time you spend sitting on the couch, the lazier you’ll get. The more you move, the more energetic you feel.你坐在沙发上的时间越长,你就会变得越懒,你移动得越多,你感觉越有活力。It’s such a simple yet often ignored rule: Using your energy creates more of it.这是一个很简单却经常被忽略的规则:用你的精力创造更多的能量。


Guess what happens if you constantly tell yourself that you’re tired? Correct, you’ll feel tired.猜猜如果你不断地告诉自己你累了会发生什么? 对,你会感到累。There’s no mental button that’ll instantly boost your energy, but deciding to be more energetic and acknowledging that you are in charge of your state is the first step to feeling more energized.这个世界上不存在什么精神按钮可以立刻提升你的能量,但是决定变得更有活力,并承认你在掌控你的状态是感觉更有活力的第一步。If you change what you think and believe, you’ll automatically change what you do.如果你改变了你的想法和信念,你自然会改变你的行为。


How to do it:In the past years, I’ve set up various small rules and habits that help me stay inspired and energized.怎么做:在过去的几年里,我建立了各种小规则和习惯,帮助我保持灵感和活力。


Another great tip is to change your posture and stand upright each time you go through a door. Once you got used to it, this habit can turn into a priceless asset because your posture significantly affects how you feel.另一个很好的建议是每次进门都要改变你的姿势并且站直,一旦你习惯了,这个习惯就会变成无价之宝,因为你的姿势会极大地影响你的感觉。You can build similar little triggers and habits in all areas of your life.你可以在生活的各个方面建立类似的小诱因和习惯。You can change your screensaver to a positive, energizing picture, do something energizing after each meal you eat, walk during phone calls, do jumping jacks after brushing your teeth, and so much more.你可以把你的屏保改成一张积极的,充满活力的图片,在每顿饭后做一些激励你的事情,在打电话的时候散步,在刷牙后做跳跃运动等等。It’s less about what exactly you do and more about that mindset of staying in motion and using your natural source of energy and inspiration.这与你具体做什么无关,更多的是关于保持运动的心态和使用你的自然能量和灵感来源。A lot of people experience an energy-dip around lunchtime. That’s because we eat the wrong foods for lunch and our bodies need lots of energy to digest the meals we consume.很多人在午餐时间都会感到精力不足,这是因为我们午餐吃错了食物,我们的身体需要大量的能量来消化我们吃的食物。What follows are additional shots of caffeine to make it through the second half of the day. Yet, that’s the wrong approach.接下来就是额外的咖啡因来撑过这一天的后半程,然而,这是错误的方法。What you should do instead is exploring your energy level and adapting your daily schedule.相反,你应该做的是探索你的能量水平,调整你的日常计划。How to do it:There are two things you can try when you lack energy:怎么做:当你缺乏精力的时候,你可以尝试两件事:#1. Allow yourself to rest and fuel your energy through a short nap or some calming exercises such as meditation.1. 让自己休息一下,通过一个小盹或一些平静的运动如冥想来补充能量。




Create Physical ClarityFeeling energized is hard if you’re surrounded by clutter and dust.创建物理清晰度如果你被杂物和灰尘包围,感觉精力充沛是很难的。


Yet, the reality is that decluttering and tidying up can give you a nice energy boost, especially if you’re facing a little energy dip throughout the day.然而,事实是,整理和收拾可以让你精力充沛,特别是当你一整天都面临一点精力下降的时候。That’s why I start and end my days with a quick organizing session: I tidy up, remove used cups from my desk, get rid of clutter and loose papers, and organize my to-do list and calendar for better mental clarity.这就是为什么我每天开始和结束的时候都会做一次快速的整理 :我会从我的桌子上移走用过的杯子,清除杂乱和散乱的文件,整理我的待办事项清单和日程表以获得更好的思维清晰度。A sense of control over my own life helps me feel much more energized.对自己生活的掌控感让我感到更有活力。How to do it:When we feel tired, we often think that we need rest. Yet, quite often, the opposite is true and we need movement to feel more energized.怎么做:当我们感到疲倦时,我们常常认为我们需要休息,然而,很多时候,事实恰恰相反,我们需要运动来感觉更有活力。Tidying up your home or office is a great way to get in motion.整理你的家或办公室是一个很好的行动方式。



Even though a great part of our bodies consists of water, many people claim that they forget to drink water. Or even worse: They consume drinks that further dehydrate their bodies, such as alcohol, sugary drinks, or coffee.尽管我们身体的很大一部分是由水组成的,但许多人都会说他们忘记了喝水,或者更糟:他们喝的饮料,比如酒精、含糖饮料或咖啡会进一步使他们的身体脱水。How to do it:Whenever you feel thirsty and have a dry mouth, it’s a sign that you’re already dehydrated. Your goal should be to avoid this feeling and drink small amounts of water or sugar-free drinks throughout the day.怎么做:当你感到口渴或者口干舌燥时,这就是你已经脱水的信号,你的目标应该是避免这种感觉,每天喝少量的水或无糖饮料。You can easily remind yourself of that goal by setting a silent hourly alarm on your phone or even create a tracking system that encourages you to accomplish your daily hydration goal.你可以在手机上设置一个每小时无声闹钟,甚至创建一个跟踪系统来鼓励你完成每天的补水目标,这样你就可以很容易地提醒自己这个目标。


Limit Your Mindless Screen timeToday's digital opportunities to build connections can be a curse or a blessing — depending on how you use them.限制盲目看屏幕的时间今天帮我们建立联系的数字设备会可能是一种诅咒,也可能是一种祝福ーー这取决于你如何利用它们。A blessing because tools like social media allow us to stay connected, influence people, and build independent, meaningful businesses.这是一种祝福,因为像社交媒体这样的工具可以让我们保持联系,影响他人,并建立独立的、有意义的企业。



How to do it:Various studies prove that most adults widely underestimate the time they spend staring at screens.怎么做:各种研究证明,大多数成年人普遍低估了他们盯着屏幕的时间。


This will not only help you gain mental clarity, but it’ll also help you have more time for activities that can help you increase your energy level.这不仅能让你头脑清醒,还能让你有更多的时间来做活动,提高你的能量水平。Instead of staring at your phone screen and scrolling through pointless social media posts, you could do breathing exercises, stretch your body, go for a walk, drink more water, fuel your body with fruits and veggies, or do anything else that helps you feel better instead of worse.与其盯着手机屏幕,浏览毫无意义的社交媒体帖子,你可以做呼吸练习,伸展身体,散步,喝更多的水,吃水果和蔬菜,或者做其他任何能让你感觉更好而不是更糟的事情。


And how well you sleep is widely influenced by what you do before going to bed.睡眠质量的好坏很大程度上取决于你睡觉前做了什么。If you eat fatty meals, drink caffeinated drinks, argue with your partner, or spend your evening watching action movies, you’ll likely struggle to fall asleep.如果你吃高脂肪的食物,喝含咖啡因的饮料,和你的伴侣争吵,或者整个晚上都在看动作片,你很可能很难入睡。


And soon, you find yourself in a doom loop of lacking energy and consuming too much caffeine.很快,你发现自己陷入了缺乏能量和消耗过多咖啡因的恶性循环。What you should do instead is creating a proper evening routine that helps you wind down and relax before going to bed. This will help you sleep better and feel more energized when you wake up in the morning.你应该做的是创造一个合适的晚间活动,帮助你在睡觉前放松下来,这会让你睡得更好,早上醒来时感觉更有活力。How to do it:There’s no right or wrong for your daily wind-down routine. The only thing that matters is that it helps you relax, calm down, and prepare for a good night's sleep.怎么做:你的日常放松习惯没有对错之分,唯一重要的是,它是否能帮助你放松,平静下来,并为一个良好的夜间睡眠做好准备。My favorite way to end the day is by preparing a cup of tea, reflecting on my day, and reading a good book.我最喜欢的结束一天的方式是准备一杯茶,回顾我的一天,读一本好书。Other activities that can help you calm down are meditation, yoga, stretching exercises, a skincare routine, listening to your favorite music, painting, or talking to your loved ones.其他可以帮助你平静下来的活动有冥想,瑜伽,伸展运动,日常护肤,听你喜欢的音乐,画画,或者和你爱的人交谈。By minimizing noise and light during your wind-down routine, you can also help your body get into sleep mode so that falling asleep becomes easier once you’re in bed.在你逐渐放松的过程中尽量减少噪音和光线,也可以帮助你的身体进入睡眠模式,这样一旦你躺在床上就会更容易入睡。


You might’ve heard some of the tips above a dozen times, but are you applying them?你可能已经听过上面的一些建议很多次了,但是你正在应用它们吗?



评论翻译Chris WeberDo you ever feel like you lack the energy and motivation to finish simple daily tasksI meditate and sleep. I’m great!“你是否曾经感觉自己缺乏能量和动力去完成简单的日常任务?”我冥想和睡觉。我太棒了!McKay CastonExcellent insights and practical advice. Thank you Sinem!非常好的见解和实用的建议。谢谢你,塞纳姆!Ronald Fel JonesYou might’ve heard some of the tips above a dozen times, but are you applying them?I was thinking this the moment before I read it. So very true. Love this very practical list of ideas and actions. The trick is, as you say, to 'just do it.'“以上的一些建议你可能已经听过很多次了,但是你真的在应用它们吗?”在我读到这篇文章之前,我就在想这个问题,你说的非常对,我喜欢这种非常实用的想法和行动清单,就像你说的,诀窍就是‘只管去做’。Jim SestitoThese are great.Try this one: Move your final meal of the day one hour earlier and follow it up with a 10-20 minute walk immediately after. I feel best when implementing this.Reply文章很赞。试试这个:把一天中的最后一顿饭提前一个小时吃完,然后马上做一个10到20分钟的散步,当我这样执行时感觉非常好。


Ons BounebThank you for sharing those simple tricks with us Sinem, I will try to apply it !谢谢你与我们分享这些简单的技巧,我会尽力应用它!



Emily CradduckReal growth happens when you put your ego aside, stop thinking that you already know that, and start applying all these hidden gems.I was just writing in my journal this morning how exhausted I am and listed all the things I knew I was doing wrong...thank you for reminding me of all the things I could do RIGHT :)“真正的成长发生在你放下自我,停止认为你已经知道,并开始应用所有这些隐藏的珍宝的时候。”——今天早上我正在日记里写我是多么的疲惫,列出了所有我知道我做错的事情...... 谢谢你提醒,那些我可以做对的事情。:)
