

China's northeastern city of Shenyang on Friday marked the 89th anniversary of the "September 18 Incident" with fourteen strikes of the memorial bell and a sobering siren,中国东北的沈阳市今天纪念了已经过去89周年的 “九一八事变”, 14击警钟并鸣警笛。

注意词汇:September 18 Incident,九一八事变,历史上重要事件,事变,用incident;


Strike the memorial bell and a sobering siren,敲警钟,鸣警笛

The Incident is often viewed as a national humiliation, and the beginning of Japan's war atrocities in China, including chemical warfare, the Nanjing massacre, and so on. 九一八事变是中国的耻辱,也是日本无数罪行的开端,其中的罪行包括对中国使用生化武器, 南京大屠杀等等。

注意词汇:chemical warfare,生化武器战争;

Nanjing Massacre,南京大屠杀



The September 18 Museum has already held activities for visitors to pay homage to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression。九一八博物馆举行了一些活动功游客对在抗日战争中牺牲的先烈们致敬。

注意词汇:pay homage to the martyrs,对先烈致敬,pay homage to……,向……表示敬意(通常表示对已故者的敬意,如果在生活中,对身边的人表示尊重,我们通常用show respect for)


Sacrifice,牺牲,sacrifice one’s life,牺牲某人性命;

War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,抗日战争
