
You will make it if you try. 你会成功的,如果你努力的话。

You needn’t worry; he will make it. 你不必担心,他会办成的。

If you want to make it, better get doing. 如果你想把这事干成,就该动手了。


The train won’t leave for another ten minutes, so I think we can make it. 离开车还有10分钟,我想我们能赶得上。

We are too late; I don’t think we can make it. 我们太迟了,我想我们难以准时赶到了。


Let’s make it at 8:30. Is that all right for you? 我们约定在8点半吧,这对你合适吗?


The doctor knew that the patient was unlikely to make it. 医生知道那个病人没什么希望了。

He had a high fever, but it doesn’t mean he couldn’t make it. 他发高烧,但这并不意味着他挺不过去。

以下make it…结构中的it为形式宾语:

I have to make it clear that my family is poor. 我得说清楚我家里很穷。

He made it a rule to take part in physical labour. 他规定自己应参加体力劳动。

I make it a rule to write in my diary every night. 我把每晚写日记当成一种习惯。


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