Synopsis of The 42nd Parallel of Dos Passos’ trilogy U.S.A.



费尼麦克里里( Fainy McCreary或“Mac”,麦克)受其叔叔蒂姆·奥哈拉(Tim O'Hara)的影响充满了社会理想主义,他在一家图书发行公司工作,该公司的老板欺骗了他。他和一个社会主义朋友在整个大陆游荡,在旧金山的一家无政府主义印刷厂工作,编辑一份《世界卫生组织》(I.W.W.)报纸,结婚,抛弃妻子和孩子,和一位革命家一起去墨西哥。

J、 沃德·穆尔豪斯(Ward Moorehouse)是俄亥俄州一家电台代理的儿子,他成为一名精明、无情的交易员,与安娜贝拉·斯特朗(Annabelle Strang)结婚并搬到巴黎,后与她离婚,并进入匹兹堡新闻业和广告业。他娶了一位钢铁业女继承人格特鲁德·斯塔格尔(Gertrude Stagle),并在世界大战爆发时制定了一项资本与劳工“合作”的计划。

埃莉诺·斯托达德(Eleanor Stoddard)和伊芙琳·哈钦斯(Eveline Hutchins)成为芝加哥的室内装潢师;只有埃莉诺继续经营业务,装饰穆尔豪斯的宅邸,并与资本家亲密接触。

珍妮·威廉姆斯(Janey Williams)在哥哥乔伊(Joe)参加海军时失去了朋友,她与杰里·伯纳姆(Jerry Burnham)有过不愉快的恋情,杰里·贝纳姆后来成为了一名战地记者,并与一名不诚实的劳工领袖G.H.巴罗(G.H.Barrow)找到了一份工作,她通过巴罗认识了穆尔豪斯,作为后者的秘书,她陪他去墨西哥,徒劳地试图“收买”麦克;再次在纽约,她与她的兄弟就美国参战一事争吵,他谴责这场战争是军火制造商的阴谋。当摩尔豪斯将他的热情集中在埃莉诺身上时,她与巴罗变得亲密起来。他的妻子很嫉妒,直到他们去华盛顿时,她觉得自己的地位得到了保证,在那里,他帮助即将到来的战争。

查理·安德森,一个贫穷的北达科他州男孩,被社会主义和国际妇女组织所吸引,在美国旅行,遇到了本·康普顿,珍妮的室友格拉迪斯的兄弟,并了解了穆尔豪斯的大企业宣传。对社会主义的镇压感到失望,渴望采取行动,他和他的朋友Doc Rogers加入了法国救护队。

The 42nd Parallel, novel by Dos Passos,published in 1930. It is the first of the trilogy U.S.A. (collected 1938), the other two are 1919(1932)and The Big Money(1936). Interspersed in the narrative are brief biographies of Debs, Burbank, Haywood, Bryan, Minor Keith,Carnegie, Edison, Steinmetz,and La Follette.

Fainy ('Mac') McCreary, imbued with social idealism by his uncle Tim O'Hara, works for a book distributing company, whose proprietor defrauds him. With a socialist friend he bums across the continent, works for an anarchist printer in San Francisco, edits an I.W.W. paper, marries, deserts his wife and children, and goes to Mexico with a revolutionist.

J. Ward Moorehouse, son of an Ohio station agent, becomes a shrewd, ruthless trader, marries and moves to Paris with Annabelle Strang,divorces her,and enters Pittsburgh journalism and advertising. He marries a steel heiress,Gertrude Stagle, and fosters a plan of 'co-operation' between capital and labor at the outbreak of the World War.

Eleanor Stoddard and Eveline Hutchins become interior decorators in Chicago; Eleanor alone continues the business,decorates the Moorehouse home,and becomes intimate with the capitalist.

Janey Williams, left friendless when her brother Joe enlists in the navy, has an unhappy affair with Jerry Burnham,who becomes a war correspondent, and gets a job with G.H.Barrow, a dishonest labor leader, through whom she meets Moorehouse. Becoming the latter's secretary, she accompanies him to Mexico in a vain attempt to ‘ buy' Mac; again in New York, she quarrels with her brother over U.S. participation in the war,which he denounces as the plot of munitions makers. She becomes intimate with Barrow, when Moorehouse concentrates his ardor on Eleanor. His wife is jealous until she feels her position assured when they go to Washington,where he aids in the impending entrance into the war.

Charley Anderson, a poor North Dakota boy, is attracted to socialism and the I.W.W., travels through the U.S.,meets Ben Compton, brother of Janey's roommate Gladys, and learns of Moorehouse's big business propaganda. Disillusioned by the suppression of socialism,and craving action, he and his friend Doc Rogers join a French ambulance corps. .
