

今年年初时尚圈迎来一波离职潮, Saint Laurent, Chloé 和 Givenchy的创意总监纷纷离开老东家,一时之间,关于他们的流言蜚语在坊间流传开来。毫无疑问,传统的品牌发布会已经是昨日黄花,秀场正在迎来新一轮的变革。一大波革命性的浪潮已席卷全球,从首位女性创意总监加盟顶级奢侈大牌到即买即看的品牌发布新模式,各大品牌各出奇招,迎接这波时尚圈的新趋势。


Gucci: 意大利


事实证明,强大的领导力可以有效激发创造力。 自2016年起,Marco Bizzarri走马上任,担任了Gucci公司的总裁兼首席执行官,在2016年第一季度,就把Gucci的销售额一下子提升了21%,使得众多Gucci员工的为之折服,有效激励了员工的工作积极性。 Marco Bizzarri运用强大的领导手段,提升员工工作积极性,使得全公司上下士气满满,斗志盎然。基于清晰有条理分明哲学理念,使得企业文化得以提升。要知道,只有通过和员工进行清晰和有效的沟通,才能让企业文化深入人心,显然Marco Bizzarri深谙其道。Bizzarri对《BOF时装商业评论》说:“我们的指导方针是‘一切皆有可能’。当你在处理一项新任务时,总是会觉得这是不可能做到的事情。像是我们Gucci这么大的一个品牌,我们做事的时候更需要集思广益,做到处理每件事情的过程中都是开放式思维”。在《BOF时装商业评论》上,Gucci被评选为2017年最具领导力和具有职业发展前景的公司,该顶级大牌非常重视员工培训,Gucci认为对公司的长远发展而言,一套完善的员工培训计划是至关重要的。


H&M: 瑞典


从设立第一家实体店开始,H&M的规模日益壮大。如今H&M 已是国际最大的高街品牌之一,该品牌旗下拥有十六万名员工,以其民主的文化氛围为人所称道。H&M注重团队力量,知人善用。和很多北欧品牌一样,H&M的企业文化类似于家族式公司,具备历史传承。旗下员工团结一致,工作积极性高昂,能很好地平衡工作和家庭之间的关系。一位H&M员工对《BOF时装商业评论》说,:“在H&M工作时,你就会感受到民主的企业文化氛围。全公司上下齐心,犹如一体,在工作中,大家都会互相帮助,而不是简单地自扫门前雪,对其他人的事情不问不管。”H&M的一位市场专员说:“我们都是平等的。在工作中,我们每个人都互相帮助。我们朝着同一个目标前行。我们的公司文化就是万众一心,在工作中团结一致”。


Farfetch: 英国


Farfetch鼓励旗下员工在工作中尽情表达真实感受,其公司总部在英国。作为一家国际时尚网站,Farfetch以其创新和革命性的办公室文化为人所称道。根据员工的意见,公司会对其现行策略进行调整。Farfetch 公司作为一个国际时尚网站,已成功跻身于创新型科技公司行列,其日常工作模式和美国的硅谷有着异曲同工之处。公司会组织一系列额外活动,鼓励员工参与其中,比如:跑步俱乐部,家庭午餐会。Farfetch 相信仅凭单纯的业绩考核并不能激发员工的工作积极性,故而该公司的年终考核是基于员工一年二次参与公司活动的报告。Farfetch 还会让旗下天赋过人的员工体验下做公司掌门人的感觉,让每个员工都有机会为这个市值一亿美金的公司出谋划策,群策群力,为公司谱写出一个光明的未来。




Market Research - The world's top three fashion companies to work for and why

The world of high fashion is an attractive industry to work for, creating opportunities to collaborate and create with international design houses that define style on a global scale. But in a competitive job market where sales fluctuate, long hours are commonplace and diminishing budgets stifle the status quo, many big names have been defecting to design houses that put their visionaries first.


This year has been a whirlwind of sartorial musical chairs that has seen Saint Laurent, Chloé and Givenchy all bid a fond farewell to creative directors that left high design under the whisper of rumour and intrigue. There can be no denying that the conventional catwalk is changing. From the first female creative directors to the see now, buy now revolution, the changing tides of a competitive marketplace are having an effect on brand image from the inside out.


From underground prêt à porter to the highest echelons of haute couture, we took a look at Business of Fashion’s first annual report on the best companies to work for in fashion, surveying over 2,600 industry professionals in 190 leading companies to find out where we should be sending our CVs, and why?

Gucci: Italy

Best for - Motivational leadership

Proving that great leadership can reinvigorate creativity from the ground up, Marco Bizzarri, the new chief executive for Gucci since 2016, has helped the company grow by a staggering 21% in its first quarter, surprising analysts and inspiring Gucci’s 4,000 employees.Improving company culture with a philosophy based on clear, concise and effective communication, his bold leadership strategy has led to improved motivation and company morale. Bizzarri said to BOF: “Our guiding principle is ‘no is not an option.’ Often the human reaction when you’re doing something new is, ‘it’s not possible.’ To disrupt a brand as big as Gucci, we needed to be open to all proposals, at every stage of every process.”(Source, BOF).Voted the best fashion business to work for in 2017 for leadership and development opportunities, the brand’s in-house talent development program and push to integrate better technology has played an important role in the company’s comeback.


H&M: Sweden

Best for - a democratic high-performance culture

Starting out as a single store that transformed into one of the world’s largest high street chains, H&M has long been revered as the little brand that could. Employing over 160,000 people worldwide, their democratic culture prides itself on the power of teamwork and individual progression. Like many Nordic brands, their reputation as a family company precedes them, working together to promote passionate individuals whilst balancing an essential work/life balance. One employee said to BOF: “When you work for H&M, you’re working for a democracy. It’s all about working together, as a team or a store, rather than simply what someone’s job title is”. It is a sentiment that is echoed in the comments of a marketing specialist: “We are all equal. We all have to do each other’s jobs, to an extent. We all try to work towards a common goal. It’s all about teamwork here.” (Source, BOF).


Farfetch: UK

Best for: Employee values over business remuneration

Encouraging their employees to express what they really feel about the workplace, the UK-based e-tailer is reputed for their innovative and revolutionary attitude to office culture. Regularly surveying their staff to see where Farfetch can improve on current company policy, the UK-based fashion retailer is one of a few new tech start-ups that has fully embraced a Silicon Valley attitude to the working week. Offering their employees a range of office perks from running clubs to family lunches, they believe facts and figures can never truly motivate their workforce, basing their reward schemes on bi-annual engagement reports. Putting their talented workforce in the driving seat, each individual is given the opportunity to help steer the 1 billion dollar company into the future, together.


上海大学巴黎国际时装学院∣MOD'ART SHANGHAI


