【行尸走肉第五季第12集】Do you want more of The Walking Dead? Well of course you do, and AMC has heard you loud and clear. The zombie drama's Season 5 finale will run longer than usual to satiate fans' appetites.你想知道更多《行尸走肉》相关消息吗?你当然想知道啦,AMC电视台知道你想要什么。这部丧尸主题美剧第五季的结局集将会比往常都来得长一些。The episode, which airs Sunday, Mar. 29, will run 90 minutes long instead of the usual 60 minutes, Entertainment Weekly reports. That means there will 50 percent more brain-splattering goodness (and also 50 percent more talking about feelings).


行尸走肉第五季第12集弩哥被虐死 遭丧尸包围掏内脏啃咬死


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