

1. 通读全文,了解大意


2. 瞻前顾后,逐步填空



Today is Thursday. December 25th. Tom is really busy. _ begin at 8:00am. The _ class is math .He doesn’t like math .He thinks it is so _ .Then at 9:00 he has English。English is his favorite _.because it is interesting .He likes his English teacher ,Miss liu。She is friendly .Then he _morning exercises for about ten minutes .At 10:15he_ history 。It is boring,but at 11:00he

has PE,he likes PE,but he is often very _after class .He eats _at 12:15.At 2:30p.m,he begins his _classes.His last class _ at4:30. He likes his school and he also likes all his teachers .They are strict and kind.

( ) 36 A:Classes B Lesson C School D Class

( ) 37 A one Blast C first D school

( ) 38 A interesting B different C exciting D different

( )39 A sport B subject C club D color

( )40 Ado B doing C to D does

()41A wants B has C asks D.likes

( ) 42 A.happy B new C tired D busy

() 43.breakfast B lunch C diner D supper

()44.A evening B morning C night D afternoon

()45A am B are C is D be
