Thanks for the e-mail. 

It is always nice to hear from people, especially from you, Scott.

I have not got any reply, a positive or negative one, from Seibido yet.

Let's wait and hope that it will make a BOOK.

Have you finished your paperwork for Kaken and writing academic articles?

If you have some free time in the near future, I want to meet you and

explain to you our next project. 

Why not drink out in Hiroshima if we are accepted?

We need to celebrate ourselves, don't we? 

Let's have a small end-of-the-year party!



Dear XXX,

Hope you are well.

I'm writing to you, yet again, in your capacity as "Answer Man."

One of our David English House teachers has just e-mailed me to see if I

have any more information on "university listening tests" which are to be

administered soon.

I have no information about any such tests.Do you?

If so,could you please let me know.

Thank you kindly.

Best regards,


Hi there, XXX

Long time no see. Hope all's well in your world! 

I haven't been to JALT all year, shame on me, but I needed the break.

I still see the guys and I'm going to the national, so don't write me off


I was trying to remember who you've published with in the past, and I

wondered if you had any contacts at Nan'Un-Do. I want to send a

proposal to them but have no names, and the personal touch is always


I might go to see Jane Willis, family commitments permitting,

any plans in that direction? Going to Shizuoka I presume?

Bye for now

All the best

Dear XXX,

How are you? 

I think I haven't told you yet. 

After workin for Kobe Kaisei Girls' Junior High School,

I got a job here at Kure National College of Technology.

Anyway, coming home to Hiroshima, I resumed my research.

I know what I have to do first: To publish the dissertation of mine ...

When I was in Kobe, it was too difficult.

These days I finally finished writing a summary in English, 

which is required for publication.Prof. YAMADA gave me some comments. 

But I wonder if it is free of any unnaturalness. 

Could you have a look at the attached file (it is the summary in question)

and give me comments?I'm not in such a hurry.

Best wishes

Hi Everyone!

Thought I'd send out a picture of my little monsters. 

They had a great Halloween yesterday.

Doreen and Dennis came over to hand out candy so

Ray and I were both able to go out with the kids. 

They made quite the haul, the dentist is going to love us!

Doreen and Dennis left this morning for Wisconsin. 

They hope to get to Idaho today. 

Judy, you should be seeing them sometime next week. 

I hope they have good weather. 

They'll be back here in time for Thanksgiving.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Love, Sue.

Hi George,

Thanks for your reply.You are always so quick!

I sent an-mail to Mr. Imai of Seibido yesterday,

and I just got a phone call from him. 

They want us to send the whole thing and also a "Project Plan." 

It seems that they have some form to fill in to describe the project 

in Japanese, so I will write something which will appeal to the publsiher.

That's all for now.Let's hope it will come out!

K. Tanaka

Dear Prof. Lauer,

I hope you are doing fine. I am now in Saitama,

but will go back to Hiroshima to attend the conference.

We would like to visit you to say thank you for your cooperation.

During this week, WED, THU, and FRI, 

please let me know when you will be in your office.

We would like to visit you shortly.



Hi Professor Lauer,

I was asked by Mr. Nagai, the leader of our tennis club to let you know 

that we have made plans for a tennis camp, which is to be held on Nov.

23-24 at Taishakukyou.

We hope you will join the camp. If it's impossible, how about coming on 

either of the two days? I guess we can enjoy seeing autumn leaves as 

well as playing tennis.

All the best.

C. Iwasaki

Hi Dennis,

After the exciting Saturday, I guess you've been doing as good as that

Saturday.  The weather is good, food is good, and studying is good in this

season.  I like this season the best.

Oh, well, this introduction may remind you of students' writing, so I

should stop it now.  To make a long story short (or the introduction 

short?), I am sending you this message to say thank you.  I said so for 

the Saturday already.  Today's "thank you" is to the vocabulary test, 

which was delivered to me today.  On the letter from Professor Tanaka, 

your name was also written, so I assume that you and Prof. Tanaka 

worked together to develop this test.  To tell you the truth, I like it, and I 

do want to use it for my research and classes.  He said that an online 

delivery is being planned.  I wonder if anyone can use the test.  If so, this 

is really great.

Sending you a thank-you message, I would like to ask you a favor.  The

attached is a thank-you letter to  Prof. Tanaka.  Would it be too much to

ask you to print it out and hand it to him?  If so, would you send me back

a "Do it yourself" message.  I'll send it by regular mail.  Or would you let 

me know his mail address.  (I hope he is a regular mail user.  In our school,

there are still quite a few senior professors who don't use e-mail at all.

Yes, AT ALL!  Can you believe that?)

OK, Dennis, sorry for interrupting you with my favor.  Hope to see you

soon again. 

Best wishes,

MAEDA Chiaki

Hamada City University

Dear Sachiko,

Hope you are well and that the second semester is going smoothly for you.

The other day when we were talking at the bus stop you mentioned a

web page on which Linda Holkenson detailed her reasons for leaving.

If you don't mind, would you send me the URL for that web page if you still have it?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,

Tim Brown

Dear Professor Teaman,

How are you?

Nakai sensei has forwarded your email to me, I would like to have a real

play with you on Wednesday.

By the way, I attached a cover letter that I prepared for applying a

position of fish pathologist in Australia. I would appreciate it very much

if you would check and return it to me on Monday because the deadline 

for application is  Oct. 28.

Thank you in advance and best regards,


Dear Mr. Broadbent,

First, I have to apologize for not writing to you on time. I was out in

Okayama playing in a tennis tournament from Oct. 5 to Oct.12. I'm very


Now,let me introduce myself. I'm Hiroki Iwai. I'm 18 years old and a

freshman. I'm in the Faculaty of Education  and I major in math. I want to

be a high school teacher and teach math and tennis to the students in

the future. I usually play tennis after  school as a member of Hiroshima

University Tennis Club. I've played it for over 4 years and I think I'm a

pretty good player. If you like to play tennis, I'd like to play with you.

I live in an apartment in Saijo by myself. My parents live in Tokushima,

where I was born and brought up. My sister is a high school

student. And now she studies at a high school in Ohio as an exchange

student. I also want to study abroad in my near future. I am busy every

day as I have to study, practice tennis, and do all the housework.

However, I enjoy my life in Hiroshima, and would like to try to do

many things. Of course, I'd like to learn a lot from you.

Sincerely yours, 

Hiroki Iwai

Hi Naomi,

Thanks for getting back to me.

As I suggested, I would rather have

transportation reimbursed than honorarium. I will donate the

honorarium to the chapter. A rough guess round trip Okayama -

Hiroshima is 10,000 yen. I will e-mail Steve, but it won't be until late 

Friday afternoon at the earliest and Saturday morning at the latest.

In the future, I hope the travel reimbursement (or not) policy of the

chapter will become clearer for invited speakers even in the


Looking forward to Saturday,


Hi Simon,

I'm now preparing a few materials for the  meeting this weekend. Basically,

I'll just introduce the Sadako's School program with some general

information and some photos, then we can share the

highlights of our own experiences. After that, we can field a few

questions. How does that sound?

Yes, I agree it can be a challenge to meet the needs of a class with

different levels. Good luck with this!

My students have all sent letters to their foster children (including photos

and small gifts), so hopefully we'll get some responses from Cebu by the

end of the month!

See you Saturday,


Dear Professor Lauer

Having had some trouble calling you, I did drop in last Monday, but I have

since seen Abdellah who told me he'd seen you and you don't go in on


How about you nominate a time for me to call you, or nominate a time for 

me to come and see you or, you can call me if it's easier because I am

mostly here in my wee apartment.

Please let me know.  If you want to call the number is 21-5815.

Otherwise, I'm happy to fit in with you.

Kind regards,


Dear Ray,

Thanks for your e-mail.

I am leaving for Cambodia on Dec. 12 and return to Hiroshim on Jan. 12.

This means that I will have to miss only one class on Dec. 16.

Unfortunately, my friend won't be able to teach that class since he is not

sure if he can make it on time.

I am still interested in teaching the course if you can find any other

teacher to replace me on Dec. 16.

Bye now,



My name is John Fanselow. I was the Director of the TESOL Program at

Teachers College, Columbia University in Tokyo and New York prior to my

retirement.  I was also president, second vice president and program chair 

of TESOL and president of NYSTESOL. 

During the years, I have done many workshops for JALT and other

affiliates. Breaking Rules, Contrasting Conversations, both from Longman  

and Try the Opposite by SIMUL are the books some know me by.

I am now president of a 500 student college in New Zealand which has 

many Japanese students.  Part of my role as president is to meet parents

of students in Japan.  On my trips to Japan, I usually do workshops. 

Some of these my college--International Pacific College--has arranged.

Sometimes, teachers at schools arrange the workshops and sometimes

JALT chapters have arranged them.

I was wondering whether you would have any interest in co-sponsoring a

workshop for the Hiroshima chapter.  Monday 11 November in the

evening--4-6? or 5-7?  that I will be in Hiroshima and will be free.  (Free 

both in the sense of available and free in the sense that I am volunteering 

my services.)


I've been meaning to write to everyone. But my life has just turned

upside down the past few months. So, I'm glad you wrote. And thank you

for the complement. You've always been very kind and supportive. I like

you as well, and wish you all the luck at Hirodai and where ever else

you and your family may go. And, thank you for your best wishes.

Yes, I've "escaped" Hirodai, but not under the circumstance I would have

wished. In fact, I'm rather sad and disappointed that Koto-Sensei has

not made clear my reasons for resigning. Both of my parents have been

quite ill. I asked for an additional six months leave to stay and take

care of my parents. Koto sent me this amazing letter saying that while

he thinks it was good for society that a law was passed making it

possible for people to take compassion leave, no one should actually

apply for the leave. Well, any way, he made it very clear to me what was

expected of me after I returned, and why I should return. After thinking

about it for some time, I realized that if I did return then I'd still

have to fly back to the USA often to take care of my parents; thus, I

couldn't fulfill my responsibilities to Hirodai. It would also be an

awful burden financially. I saw little options but to resign.

Resigning has been a disaster for my career. I am currently unemployed.

You are free to talk about this with others, but I will circulate a letter of

my own soon. Right now, things are rather crazy. We're moving once

again, something like the fourth time this year, and I've got a conference

to prepare for.

Take care and say hi to Sachiko and George for us!


Dear Mike,

I was trying to reach you by phone, but in vain. If it is still not too late,

I would like to teach the English Voluntary Course you had told me about.

Please tell more about it!

Sincerely yours,


Hi Lissa,

Thanks for note!  I love the boundary waters--did we do it together in boy

scouts?  It's the only time I've been.  My daughter Fay would love to

canoe there--she's now a freshman at NAU in environmental science and

goes backpacking whenever she can.  She always thought she'd go to UA

in Tucson which is like UW -Madison in Wisconsin, but it turned out that

the better program in env. sci. was here and the music program she

wanted.  It's great having her this close.  Have you thought about college

options for George yet?

I'm glad you enjoyed the TJ book.  We took a family trip to Washington,

D.C. this summer and saw the sights and had a family reunion t here too.

Great fun.

I'd love to see a photo of you all, and especially George!  Got one online

you can send me? Come visit us and see Grand Canyon etc. next summer,

if you can!




    As kind and inviting as your suggestion is, I regret that I have to

decline at this time.  Right now, both my wife and I have got a couple of

extra things going on at work, and outside of normal work.

    I do think it would be a very nice thing to get together, but it's almost

impossible for us during the week because even without the extra things

we are doing now, our regular weekday evenings and Saturdays are busy

with a myriad of activities - English classes, homework, karate, ballet,

juku, hula, cheerleading practices, and so on.

    Would a Sunday be convenient for you?  I was thinking maybe you'd

like to see the base at Iwakuni.  You'd only need to take the train to

Iwakuni Station, and I would pick you up and give you the grand tour of

the base, as well as Iwakuni (if you are interested).  If a Sunday is not

convenient, then how about a Japanese holiday - like this coming

Monday?  (Monday is a normal work day for the base, although there is no

school on base that day because of a teacher's workshop.)

    Please let me know what you think.


Hi Everyone,

In order to celebrate my new life in Hiroshima city,

I would like to invite you to a special house warming party.

When: Friday, 27 September, 2002 at 8 pm

Where: 9-12-203 Hikarimachi 2-Chome

I would like to request that everyone bring something for 4 to 6 people

to eat or drink.

Please RSVP as soon as you can so that I can estimate how many people

will be here and what everyone will bring.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Timothy Favre


How's everything going?  Things aren't going so well here.  They just

let me know that they are cutting all the full time foreign staff here, so I

will need a job next year. I was wondering if you know anyone that's hiring. 

If you do, please let me know. 

    Also I'm thinking of doing a presentation at Hirodai about how to

database Hot Potatoes score results, and generally discuss cgi and html

applications.  Are you interested?  I'm going to get in touch with Noda-

san and see what I should do.  I'm thinking late August, or early


Keep cool!

Judy Bengston

Hi Howard and Amy...

It was great meeting you this week! You both are VERY NICE.

The chocolate is in our refrigerator now. We look forward to eating it

often throughout this fall!

I hope things go well for you in the coming months, Amy and Howard! I'll

send e-mail again soon.

Love, Reiko.

Hi Johanna! Thanks for the very nice e-mail. I just printed it out for

Hiroko to read later today.

Wow, it sounds like Alicia and Monica had terrible times in the hospital.

But I'm very happy to hear that they are better! And they seem to be

very smart-- getting scholarships! No doubt they have good parents.

In August Bob and I went canoeing for 5 days in the Boundary Waters

of northern Minnesota. That was interesting. But there were mosquitoes

and rain.

Take care, Johanna. When you come to Hiroshima, we'll go out to a

restaurant together!

Love, Michihiro.

Hi Carol,

I hope things are going well with you these days.

Did I hear a rumor that you would be willing to talk at the Hiroshima

JALT meeting at Peace Park on Saturday, October 19?

It would be the same topic as what you're going to do at the national


If so, I'll put you, Ian Suzuki, and Adam Timmerman on the schedule.

Maybe one or two other people, also. I'll contact you later this month

regarding timing details.

Everyone would be interested in hearing you talk at Hiroshima JALT in

October! I hope you answer "yes."

Sincerely, Jessica.

Dear Keita,

It was so nice to hear from you.  I'm glad school is going well in

Hiroshima.  I'm sure you enjoy the motor club; you are so good with cars.

Do you have your own car now or are you using public transportation? 

When you have an okonomiyaki (not sure of spelling)  in Hiroshima, think

of us. They are soooo delicious.

Jon and I are fine, and Yuki, too.  Jon continues to work hard but he also

enjoys lots of good grilling -- salmon, ribs, chicken.  They all taste so

good when he grills them.  I have enjoyed working with the Bandos so

much, but my last day of tutoring with them was yesterday.  The

company pays for one year of tutoring and that has already passed.  I will

still stay in  contact with them. 

They are such a nice family.  Midori Bando had a great visit in Japan last

week with your mother. Can you send me your family's  current e-mail

address.  I definitely want to stay in touch with them, too. Well, you have

had your English lesson for today by reading this longer  e-mail.  Take

care and continue to stay in touch.  Jon still has his bengoshi e-mail

address, but I can use this one at home more easily.

Rebecca Williams

P.S. Jon says "hi," too.


I was glad to hear from you and happy to know that you are confident in

your university life.  We had a good harvest this summer and fall.  Rabbits

are still jumping around but their appetite is under control with fencing. 

We enjoyed tomatoes, okura, cucumbers, and shiso-no-ha, but not

carrots this year.

Temperature dropped below a freezing point about a week ago, and many

autumn flowers, especially cosmos, are now gone.  Enjoy studying

engineering materials.




So nice to hear from you by mail and now by e-mail.  Your classes do

sound challenging, but I have confidence that you can pass Ist Level STEP. 

With such diligent effort, you will also do very well at Hiroshima University. 

Jon and I wish you the very best.

Do you see your family often?  How are they adjusting to life back in


Recently, I took some of the Japanese ladies to pick strawberries and

then taught them how to make jam; I wish your mom could have been

with us. She would have enjoyed the activity and your family would have

liked the jam, I think.

Jon and I worked on his "salsa garden" yesterday.  He has a nice crop of

tomatoes and chile peppers planted again this year.

Does your family have an e-mail address?

Take care.Study hard.You will always be a welcome visitor in our home.

Don Berg



