Journey to the West 9: the Monkey King's Weapon




第九章 猴王的兵器

Since the Monkey King returned home, defeated the first monster, got a big knife, he kept training the little monkeys everyday.


He taught them to make weapons with bamboo and wood.


One day while training, he suddenly thought, "we are practicing here every day, maybe disturbed the king of human, birds or beasts..."



"If they think we're going to rebel and send troops to destroy us, but we only have bamboo poles and wooden knives, how could we deal with the enemy?"


"sharp weapons are necessary! But where to get them?"


There are four old monkeys in the group, who are quite knowledgeable. At this time, one old monkey said, "Your Majesty is far-sighted! It's not difficult to get sharp weapons."



"Not difficult?" asked the Monkey King.


Four monkeys said, "From here to the east is the Land of Aolai. There are countless soldiers and civilians, and there must be metal workshops. If your Majesty go there and get some weapons back, teach us to guard the mountain, which will ensure long-term peace!"


Hearing this, Wukong was full of joy. He immediately called the somersault cloud and flew towards Aolai.


"You keep practicing here. Let me get the weapons!"


The Monkey King flew 200 miles in a flash. Sure enough, he saw a city with a large population, thousands of people going about their business in the street, which was very busy.



Wukong thought, there must be a lot of weapons here. Instead of buying a few pieces, why not get more by magic power.


He recited a spell and blew a breath to the ground. Suddenly, it brought a strong wind with a lot of sand dust flying in the air.


The wind blowing hard, people in the city were scared to close their doors and no one dared to come out.


Wukong got down from the cloud and rushed directly into the armory, where there were knives, spears, swords, axes, bows, crossbows…all kinds of weapons.


"How many pieces can I take alone? Why not use the split spell to bring them all back." Wukong said to himself.


He pulled a handful of hairs from his body and recited a spell, chatting, "Change!"



The hairs turned into thousands of little monkeys, grabbing and robbing weapons. Strong monkeys took dozens of pieces, and the weak ones took a few pieces, which soon emptied the armory.


The monkeys at home were playing outside the cave when they suddenly heard the wind. They saw many knives and swords dropping from the air and a group of magic monkeys flying from the distance, which scared them to hide back.


After a while, the Monkey King came down from the cloud, shook his body, and put away the hairs. The magic monkeys disappeared, left a pile of weapons in front of the cave.



"Kids! Come out and get your weapons!"


Hearing this, the monkeys rushed out, grabbed knives and swords, fought for axes and bows, played happily for a whole day.


The next morning, Wukong gathered more than 47000 monkeys to practice, which disturbed animals all over the mountain, such as wolves, snakes, tigers, leopards, lions, deer, cattle and sheep.


With weapons, the monkey kingdom became much more powerful. All the 72 cave owners came up to worship Sun Wukong as their king.



Some of them joined the everyday training and some provided food in harvest time. They were well trained and made the whole mountain as strong as an iron city.


Everyone was happy except the Monkey King. One day he suddenly said, "you are familiar with bows and arrows, good at weapons, but my big knife is really bulky and doesn't work out for me. What should I do?"


Four monkeys suggested, "Your Majesty is immortal, normal weapons are useless. Could your Majesty get into water?"



Wukong answered, "I've learned the 72 changes, and the somersault cloud also with great power. I can hide and escape. As long as I wish, there will be a way to the heaven and a door to the hell. I can walk under the sun and moon without shadow, get into metal and stones without any obstacles. Water can't drown me, fire can't burn me, where can't I go?"


Four monkeys said, "Under this iron bridge, the water leads to the Dragon Palace of the East Sea. Your Majesty has such powerful magic, why not go into the water, ask the old dragon king for a perfect weapon?"


Good idea! Hearing this, the Monkey King was delighted, "Let me go to the Dragon King."




1. defeat 击败,战胜

2. bamboo 竹子

3. rebel 造反

4. troop 军队

5. pole 杆,柱

6. enemy 敌人

7. sharp 锋利的,尖的

8. necessary 必要的,必需的

9. knowledgeable 知识渊博的

10. far-sighted 有远见的

11. civilian 平民,百姓

12. workshop 作坊

13. long-term peace 长治久安

14. armory 兵器库

15. spear 矛,标枪

16. crossbow 弩

17. bulky 笨重的

18. obstacle 障碍



Retold by Melody Yan

Translated by Melody Yan

Pictures from film《大闹天宫》and cartoon 《西游记》

