1.呆若木鸡:transfixed; in a transfixed


3.代罪羔羊:a scapegoat

4.待价而沽:wait to sell at a good price; wait for the highest bid

5.待人接物:the way one gets along with people

6.待字闺中:staying in the boudoir waiting to be betrothed-not yet betrothed

7.戴高帽子:receive flattery or compliment; flatter

8.戴罪立功:atone for one’s crimes by doing good deeds; redeem oneself by good service

9.担惊受怕:feel fear; trembles

10.单刀直入:go directly to the point

11.单口相声:one-man comic talk

12.单枪匹马:all by oneself; single handedly

13.殚精竭虑:do one’s utmost; go all out

14.箪食壶浆:welcome with food and drink

15.胆大妄为:reckless; dare; devil


17.胆小如鼠:timid as a mouse

18.胆战心惊:tremble with fear

19.旦夕之间:between morning and evening

20.淡泊明志:show high ideals by simple living

21.淡而无味:insipid; tasteless; watery

22.淡妆浓抹:whether lightly or heavily made up

23.弹尽粮绝:run out of ammunition and provisions

24.弹无虚发:every shot tells

