

Still from Tenet. (Credit: Warner Bros.)

Audience word-of-mouth is in on Christopher Nolan’s time-bending return to screens “Tenet.” According to CinemaScore, which polls audiences to grade films on a scale from F to A , “Tenet” has received a B rating. That’s not a death knell, but it’s likely below expectations for audience-beloved Nolan and “Tenet” distributor Warner Bros., already fielding mixed reviews for the movie starring John David Washington and Robert Pattinson (including from IndieWire). It’s Nolan’s lowest since “The Prestige,” one of the filmmaker’s more modest-grossing, and also more modestly budgeted, efforts.

克里斯多夫·诺兰关于逆转时间的大作《信条》回归影院后,观众口碑已经出炉!CinemaScore揭晓的观众评分为B(最低为F,最高为A )。虽然没有判死刑,但是很可能达不到人们对深受观众喜爱的导演诺兰和发行方华纳兄弟公司的期待值。先前包括IndieWire网站在内的评论界对约翰·大卫·华盛顿和罗伯特·帕丁森主演的这部电影也是褒贬不一。这是诺兰自《致命魔术》以后评分最低的电影,《致命魔术》是诺兰票房较低但成本也较低的一部作品。

Past Nolan CinemaScores are as follows:

“Insomnia” (2002): B;

“Batman Begins” (2005): A;

“The Prestige” (2006): B;

“The Dark Knight” (2008): A;

“Inception” (2010): B ;

“The Dark Knight Rises” (2012): A;

“Interstellar” (2014): B ;

“Dunkirk” (2017): A-.


《失眠症》(2002年) B;

《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜》(2005年 )A;

《致命魔术》(2006 年) B;

《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》(2008 年) A;

《盗梦空间》(2010 年) B ;

《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》(2012 年) A;

《星际穿越》(2014年) B ;

《敦刻尔克》(2017 年) A-;

To be fair, the “B” stamp is also the first CinemaScore we’ve seen in some time, though “Words on Bathroom Walls”(2020) did score an A. (CinemaScore also reportedly doesn’t list movies on less than 1,500 screens on its website. “Tenet” is right now on about 2,800 screens in the United States.)


Reviews, meanwhile, have been scattered between accusing the film of being overly complicated in its conceit combining espionage and science-fiction, and hailing “Tenet” as a messianic return to theaters. Audiences are reportedly also being challenged by the movie’s sound mixing. “Tenet” also packs in a lot of exposition to explain its plot.


Per IndieWire’s review, “What kind of picture is it? Big, certainly: IMAX-scaled, and a hefty 150 minutes even after a visibly ruthless edit. As second comings go, ‘Tenet’ is like witnessing a Sermon on the Mount preached by a savior who speaks exclusively in dour, drawn-out riddles. Any awe is flattened by follow-up questions.”


Per [pə(r)]: prep. 经;按照

dour [dʊə(r); ˈdaʊə(r)]: adj. 严厉的;阴沉的

Even without New York or Los Angeles markets, “Tenet” is still faring well at the box office stateside and abroad. “Tenet” is projected to gross more than $100 million internationally over the Labor Day weekend, and is also currently ruling the box office in China, with more than $20 million so far.




