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Why Adobe Flash is no longer being used?【译】为什么Adobe公司的Flash不再被使用?【单词】Adobe [uh-'doh-bee][ə'dəʊbi] n. 美国奥多比电脑软件公司,是Flash技术及相关软件的持有者【单词】Flash [flash][flæʃ] [计算机]Adobe公司的动画技术

For that matter what does it even do??【译】关于这方面,它到底做了什么??

Flash was invented in 1996 during an earlier era of the internet when browsers were much more limited.【译】Flash发明于1996年,那时候正值互联网发展的早期,当时浏览器受到了很大的限制。【单词】invented 原型:invent [in-'vent][ɪn'vent] vt. 发明【单词】era ['eer-uh, 'er-uh]['ɪərə] n. 纪元;时代;年代【单词】internet ['in-ter-net]['ɪntənet] n. 因特网【单词】browsers ['brou-zer][b'raʊzəz] 浏览器【单词】limited 原型:limit ['lim-it]['lɪmɪt] vt. 限制;限定

Adobe Flash allowed for video playback, interactive components of websites, and flash based animations that were revolutionary at the time.【译】Adobe Flash允许视频播放、网站的交互组件和基于Flash的动画,这些在当时是革命性的。【短语】at the time 在那时,那时候;例句:I agree at the time but later changed my mind. 我当时同意了,但后来又变了主意。【单词】playback ['pley-bak]['pleɪbæk] n. 回放【单词】interactive [in-ter-'ak-tiv][ˌɪntər'æktɪv] adj. 相互作用的;交互的【单词】components 原型:component [kuhm-'poh-nuhnt, kom-][kəm'pəʊnənt] n. 元件;组成部分;成分【单词】websites ['web-sahyt]['websaɪts] n. 网站(名词website的复数形式)【单词】based 原型:base [beys][beɪs] vt. 以 ... 作基础【单词】animations 名词复数形式 animations n. 动画片(animation的复数【单词】revolutionary [rev-uh-'loo-shuh-ner-ee][ˌrevə'luːʃənəri] adj. 革命的 n. 革命者

Flash resulted in a renaissance of sorts with flash based video games and flash cartoons becoming popular ways to waste time just as the internet was becoming common place.【译】Flash带来了一种复兴,基于Flash的视频游戏和Flash卡通成为了消磨时间的流行方式,就像互联网变得越来越普遍一样。【短语】result in 表示“结果是;导致”。如:They result in poor capital allocation. 它们会导致资本配置不当。【单词】renaissance [ren-uh-'sahns][rɪ'neɪsns] n. 文艺复兴;再生【单词】cartoons 原型:cartoon [kahr-'toon][kɑː'tuːn] n. 卡通;漫画【单词】waste [weyst][weɪst] v. 浪费;消耗

So why are we killing it?【译】那我们为什么要让它消亡?【单词】killing 原型:kill [kil][kɪl] v. 杀死;终止;消灭

Because Flash is a dinosaur.【译】因为Flash是恐龙(指过时的食物)。【单词】dinosaur ['dahy-nuh-sawr]['daɪnəsɔː] n. 恐龙 n. (俚)过时、落伍的人或事物

The flash plugin is full of security holes and despite Adobe's hard work over the past few years to patch it the industry has moved on.【译】flash插件充满了安全漏洞,尽管Adobe在过去几年里努力修补它,但这个行业仍在向前发展。【短语】move on 表示“继续前进;离开”。如:What part of yourself will you forgive in order to move on?【短语】hard work 努力工作;繁重的工作【单词】plugin ['pluhg-in]['plʌgɪn] n. (计算机技术中的)插件【单词】holes 原型:hole [hohl][həʊl] n. 洞;孔;漏洞【单词】patch [pach][pætʃ] n. (计算机技术中的)补丁

Newer technologies like HTML5 have taken it' place and are honestly better at doing what Flash used to do.【译】像HTML5这样的新技术已经取代了它的位置,而且确实比Flash做的更好。【单词】honestly ['on-ist-lee]['ɒnɪstli] adv. 诚实地;老实地;的确;实在

Continuing to use flash on your website today merely puts your website and your users at risk.【译】今天继续在你的网站上使用flash只会给你的网站和用户带来风险。【短语】at risk 处于危险中,(置)于风险中;例句:The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk. 疾病正在流行,所有的幼儿都有危险。【单词】website ['web-sahyt]['websaɪt] n. 网站【单词】merely ['meer-lee]['mɪəli] adv. 仅仅;只不过【单词】users 原型:user ['yoo-zer]['juːzə] n. 用户;使用者


Adobe meanwhile is happy to be rid of it because they have been effectively handing it out for free for years now.【译】与此同时,Adobe很高兴能摆脱它,因为多年来他们事实上一直在免费地分发它。【单词】meanwhile ['meen-hwahyl, -wahyl]['miːnwaɪl] adv. 其间;同时【单词】rid [rid][rɪd] vt. 摆脱;除去【单词】effectively [ih-'fek-tiv][ɪ'fektɪvli] adv. 事实上;有效地

They made their money selling tools that made flash based websites and games, but that well has long since dried up so to them spending money to patch an obsolete protocol is nothing more than an unnecessary cost.【译】他们靠销售制作基于flash的网站和游戏的工具赚钱,但这口井早就干涸了,所以对他们来说,花钱修补过时的协议只不过是不必要的成本。【单词】selling 原型:sell [sel][sel] v. 出售;卖【单词】tools 原型:tool [tool][tuːl] n. 工具;用具;手段【单词】dried [drahyd][draid] adj. 弄干了的【单词】spending 原型:spend [spend][spend] v. 花费;浪费【单词】obsolete [ob-suh-'leet, 'ob-suh-leet]['ɒbsəliːt] adj. 已废弃的;过时的【单词】protocol ['proh-tuh-kawl]['prəʊtəkɒl] n. 协议;规章制度【单词】unnecessary [uhn-'nes-uh-ser-ee][ʌn'nesəsəri] adj. 不必要的;多余的

So they have willingly killed off their own product.【译】所以他们甘愿终结自己的产品。【单词】willingly ['wil-ing]['wɪlɪŋli] adv. 乐意地;心甘情愿地

Basically we don't need it anymore and keeping it around is causing more problems than it's worth.【译】基本上我们不再需要它了,把它放在身边会带来更多的问题。【单词】Basically 原型:basically 副词 ['bey-sik-lee]['beɪsɪkli] adv. 基本上;主要地【单词】anymore [en-ee-'mawr, -'mohr]['enɪmɔː] adv. (通常用于疑问句或否定句中,与not连用)再,也,还

Other people have covered the what was it aspect, I'll cover why it's no longer being used.【译】其他人已经介绍了“它是什么”这方面,而我接下来将介绍为什么不再使用它。【单词】aspect ['as-pekt]['æspekt] n. 方面;方位

I worked at Apple when a lot of this was happening.【译】很多相关事情发生的时候,我恰好在苹果公司工作。【单词】happening 原型:happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇【专有名词】Apple ['ap-uhl]['æpl] n. 美国苹果公司

When Apple was developing the iPhone, they wanted to provide the best mobile computing experience they could.【译】当苹果开发iPhone时,他们希望提供最好的移动计算体验。【单词】developing 原型:develop [dih-'vel-uh p][dɪ'veləp] v. 发展;发育;开发【单词】iPhone 原型:iphone ['aɪfon] n. 美国苹果公司2007年夏天推出的智能手机;据称选用iPhone作为手机名称是为了利用苹果Mp3播放器iPod在国际的知名度【单词】mobile ['moh-buh l, -bahyl]['məʊbaɪl] adj. 移动的,手机端的【单词】computing 原型:compute [kuhm-'pyoot][kəm'pjuːt] v. (用计算机或计数器)计算;估计

At the time, something like 90% of desktop Safari crashes originated in the Flash plugin, and it was a driver for calls to AppleCare, which was costing Apple money.【译】当时,大约90%的桌面Safari崩溃源于Flash插件,它是用户们访问AppleCare服务的驱动程序,这让苹果付出了不少代价。【单词】desktop ['desk-top]['desktɒp] n. 桌面;台式电脑 adj. 台式的;桌上用的【专有名词】Safari [suh-'fahr-ee][sə'fɑːri] n. Safari 苹果系列产品中默认浏览器的名称【单词】crashes 原型:crash [krash][kræʃ] v. 崩溃【单词】originated 原型:originate [uh-'rij-uh-neyt][ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt] v. 发起;开始;起源于;[计算机] 起始【单词】driver ['drahy-ver]['draɪvə] n. 这里指驱动程序【专有名词】AppleCare 苹果的售后服务品牌

And because it was a buggy mess, it was a primary vector for malware and other noxious code that wanted to gain access to your computer.【译】因为这是一个有缺陷的混乱,它是恶意软件和其他有害代码的主要载体,希望获得访问您的计算机的权限。【单词】buggy ['buhg-ee]['bʌɡi] adj. 多虫的【单词】mess [mes][mes] n. 混乱;混杂【单词】primary ['prahy-mer-ee, -muh-ree]['praɪməri] adj. 首要的;主要的;根本的【单词】vector ['vek-ter]['vektə] n. 向量;矢量;带菌者【单词】malware 名词 n. 恶意软件【单词】noxious ['nok-shuhs]['nɒkʃəs] adj. <正式>有害的;有毒的【单词】code [kohd][kəʊd] n. 代码,编码,程序源码【单词】gain [geyn][ɡeɪn] v. 获得;到达;增加;获利【单词】computer [kuh m-'pyoo-ter][kəm'pjuːtə(r)] n. 电脑;计算机

And it sucked power like nobody's business, a Flash supporting browser could drain a laptop battery in a few hours; translated to a phone with a much smaller battery you'd need to plug the phone in by noon, which was something that was going to cause a PR shitstorm if the iPhone shipped that way.【译】而且它像没人管的那样耗电,一个支持Flash的浏览器可以在几个小时内耗尽笔记本电脑的电池;换成一个电池小得多的手机,你需要在中午之前把手机插上电源,如果iPhone以这种方式发货,这会引起公关风暴。【单词】sucked 原型:suck [suhk][sʌk] vt. 啜;吸入;吸收 vi. 吸;吸收【单词】nobody ['noh-bod-ee]['nəʊbədi] pron. 没有人【单词】browser ['brou-zer]['braʊzə] n. [计算机]浏览器【单词】drain [dreyn][dreɪn] v. 排出;排干;喝光;耗尽【单词】laptop ['lap-top]['læptɒp] n. 便携式电脑;笔记本电脑【单词】battery ['bat-uh-ree]['bætərɪ] n. 电池

【单词】translated 原型:translate [trans-'leyt][træns'leɪt] v. 转移;调动【单词】phone [fohn][fəʊn] n. 电话;电话机【单词】plug [pluhg][plʌɡ] v. 塞;堵;插上插头【单词】noon [noon][nuːn] n. 正午;中午【单词】shipped 原型:ship [ship][ʃɪp] v. 装运;(用船)运送,这里指iPhone产品的发售【专有名词】PR [ˌpiː'ɑː(r)] abbr. (=public relation) 公共关系

All this probably wasn't helped by the fact that there were engineers on the Apple payroll whose job was basically to babysit Adobe and try to clean up their buggy mess.【译】所有这一切可能都没有帮助的事实上,苹果公司养着一些工程师,他们的工作基本上就是维护Adobe(Flash)和试图清理他们造成的混乱。【单词】engineers 原型:engineer [en-juh-'neer][ˌendʒɪ'nɪə] n. 工程师;机(械)师 【单词】payroll ['pey-rohl]['peɪrəʊl] n. 工资单;工薪总额【单词】babysit ['bey-bee-sit]['beɪbisɪt] v. 临时代人照看婴儿

So the decision was made to not support Flash on iOS.【译】所以后来(苹果公司)决定不支持iOS上的Flash。【单词】iOS 苹果公司iPhone及iPad等产品上搭载的操作系统名称,它是基于MacOS操作系统为移动终端专门定制开发的

It got a lot of criticism at the time, and Android actually tried to use "we support Flash" as a marketing point, but they ran hard into the battery drain issue and it got quietly shunted aside.【译】当时它受到了很多批评,Android实际上试图用“我们支持Flash”作为营销点,但他们在电池耗尽问题上遇到了重重困难,它被悄悄地分流到了一边。【短语】run into ... 偶然碰到……,撞上……,冲进……;例句:On the way they had run into a high wind. 在路上,他们碰上了大风。The gangster run into the bar and start shooting it up. 歹徒们冲进酒吧胡乱扫射一通。【单词】criticism ['krit-uh-siz-uhm]['krɪtɪsɪzəm] n. 批评;评论【单词】quietly ['kwahy-it]['kwaɪətli] adv. 安静地;悄悄地;平静地【单词】shunted [shuhnt]['ʃʌntɪd] v. 使 ... 成分路(短路; 调车; 拖延) adj. 分流的(分路的; 并联的)【单词】aside [uh-'sahyd][ə'saɪd] adv. 在一边;另外;离开【专有名词】Android ['an-droid]['ændrɔɪd] n. 安卓系统(Google开发的基于Linux平台的手机操作系统)

With mobile refusing/effectively unable to support Flash, and with an increasing percentage of website views coming from mobile platforms, Flash became less viable for websites: they'd be cutting off a lucrative chunk of their potential market since Apple users are more likely to pay for other things too.【译】随着手机拒绝/实际上无法支持Flash,以及越来越多的网站浏览量来自移动平台,Flash对于网站来说变得不那么可行:它们将切断其潜在市场中利润丰厚的一大块,因为苹果用户看起来更可能为其他东西付费。【单词】unable [uhn-'ey-buh l][ʌn'eɪbl] adj. 不能的;不会的【单词】percentage [per-'sen-tij][pə'sentɪdʒ] n. 百分率;比例;部分;好处【单词】platforms 原型:platform ['plat-fawrm]['plætfɔːm] n. 平台【单词】viable ['vahy-uh-buhl]['vaɪəbl] adj. 能生存的;可行的【单词】lucrative ['loo-kruh-tiv]['luːkrətɪv] adj. 合算的;获利的【单词】chunk [chuhngk][tʃʌŋk] n. 厚块(片);相当大的量

They could still use it for desktop systems, but they'd need to provide a mobile version too which doubled their workload, so a lot of them just dropped Flash in favor of the new HTML 5 which was adding support for a lot of things Flash had been used for, like video.【译】他们仍然可以在桌面系统上使用它,但是他们也需要提供一个移动版本,这使他们的工作负载增加了一倍,所以他们中的很多人只是放弃了Flash,转而支持新的html5,它增加了对Flash曾经用于的很多方面的支持,比如视频。【单词】version ['vur-zhuhn, -shuhn]['vɜːʃn] n. 版本;形式【单词】doubled 原型:double ['duhb-uh l]['dʌbl] v. 翻一番;使 ... 加倍【单词】workload ['wurk-lohd]['wɜːkləʊd] n. 工作量【专有名词】HTML abbr. 超文本置标语言(==Hypertext Markup Language),网页主要使用的语言


And that's how and why Flash died.【译】这就是为什么Flash最终被终结的原因了。【单词】died 原型:die [dahy][daɪ] v. 死;枯竭;消失
