Long是长的意思,说一件事情是long shot,意思就是成功的可能性很小,不过还是值得尝试。A long shot这个习惯用语是从十九世纪末开始流行的。最早起源于打枪。枪支刚刚出现时,准性很差,距离稍微远一点就打不中目标。因此,a long shot就成了成功可能性很小的意思。

Sure, it's a long shot, but why not? You thought you weren't going to get your current job! You said they'd never hire you straight out of college. But you got that job and who knows, maybe you'll get this one too.


In this year's Kentucky Derby, Brother Derek is a safe bet but if he wins you'll only win a small amount. However, if you want to take a long shot, put your money on Giacomo. He doesn't have the best record, but if he wins you'll win a lot of money!"


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内容来自VOA - Words And Idioms。
