Which Asian Nations Were Never Colonized by Europe?


英文作者:Kallie Szczepanski 翻译:好脾气


Between the 16th and 20th centuries, various European nations set out to conquer the world and take all of its wealth. They seized lands in North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, Africa, and Asia as colonies. Some countries were able to fend off annexation, however, either through rugged terrain, fierce fighting, skillful diplomacy, or a lack of attractive resources. Which Asian countries, then, escaped colonization by Europeans?


This question seems straightforward, but the answer is rather complicated. Many Asian regions escaped direct annexation as colonies by the European powers, yet were still under various degrees of domination by the western powers. Here then are the Asian nations that were not colonized, roughly ordered from most autonomous to least autonomous:



Faced with the threat of western encroachment, Tokugawa Japan reacted by completely revolutionizing its social and political structures in the Meiji Restoration of 1868. By 1895, it was able to defeat the former East Asian great power, Qing China, in the First Sino-Japanese War. Meiji Japan stunned Russia and the other European powers in 1905 when it won the Russo-Japanese War. It would go on to annex Korea and Manchuria, and then seize much of Asia during World War II. Rather than being colonized, Japan became an imperial power in its own right.





Siam (Thailand):

Late in the nineteenth century, the Kingdom of Siam found itself in an uncomfortable position between the French imperial possessions of French Indochina (now Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) to the east, and British Burma (now Myanmar) to the west. The Siamese king Chulalongkorn the Great, also called Rama V, managed to fend off both the French and the British through skillful diplomacy. He adopted many European customs and was intensely interested in European technologies. He also played the British and French off one another, preserving most of Siam's territory and its independence.​





The Ottoman Empire (Turkey):

The Ottoman Empire was too large, powerful, and complex for any one European power to simply annex it outright. However, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the European powers peeled off its territories in northern Africa and southeast Europe by seizing them directly or by encouraging and supplying local independence movements. Beginning with the Crimean War (1853-56), the Ottoman government or Sublime Porte had to borrow money from European banks to finance its operations. When it was unable to repay the money it owed to the London and Paris-based banks, they took control of the Ottoman revenue system, seriously infringing on the Porte's sovereignty. Foreign interests also invested heavily in railroad, port, and infrastructure projects, giving them even more power within the tottering empire. The Ottoman Empire remained self-governing until it fell after World War I, but foreign banks and investors wielded an inordinate amount of power there.




Crimean War/克里米亚战争


Like the Ottoman Empire, Qing China was too large for any single European power to simply grab. Instead, Britain and France got a foothold through trade, which they then expanded through the First and Second Opium Wars. Once they had gained major concessions in the treaties following those wars, other powers such as Russia, Italy, the US, and even Japan demanded similar favored nation status. The powers divided coastal China up into "spheres of influence" and stripped the hapless Qing Dynasty of much of its sovereignty, without ever actually annexing the country. Japan did annex the Qing homeland of Manchuria in 1931, however.




Both Great Britain and Russia hoped to seize Afghanistan as part of their "Great Game" - a competition for land and influence in Central Asia. However, the Afghans had other ideas; they famously "don't like foreigners with guns in their country," as Zbigniew Brzezinski once remarked. They slaughtered or captured an entire British army in the First Anglo-Afghan War (1839 - 1842), with only one army medic making it back to India to tell the tale. In the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878 - 1880), Britain fared somewhat better. It was able to make a deal with the newly-installed ruler, Amir Abdur Rahman, that gave Britain control of Afghanistan's foreign relations, while the amir took care of domestic matters. This shielded British India from Russian expansionism while leaving Afghanistan more or less independent.


英国和俄国都希望占领阿富汗作为他们“大博弈”的一部分——争夺中亚的土地和影响力。然而,阿富汗人并不惯毛病,正如美国著名地缘战略理论家兹比格涅夫•布热津斯基(Zbigniew Brzezinski)曾经说过的那样,他们“不喜欢外国人在他们的国家持有枪支”。在第一次英阿战争(1839 - 1842)中,他们消灭并俘虏一整支英国军队,只有一名军医逃回到印度。在第二次英阿战争(1878 - 1880)中,英国要稍微有一些面子。它与新上任的统治者阿米尔·阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼(Amir Abdur Rahman)达成协议,让英国控制阿富汗的外交关系,而阿米尔则负责国内事务。这保护了英属印度免受俄罗斯扩张主义的影响,同时让阿富汗一定程度上保持了独立。(结合今天来看,阿富汗也是战斗民族啊)。


the First Anglo-Afghan War/第一次英阿战争

Persia (Iran):

Like Afghanistan, the British and Russians considered Persia an important piece in the Great Game. During the 19th century, Russia nibbled away at northern Persian territory in the Caucasus and in what is now Turkmenistan. Britain extended its influence into the eastern Persian Balochistan region, which bordered on part of British India (now Pakistan). In 1907, the Anglo-Russian Convention laid out a British sphere of influence in Balochistan, while Russia got a sphere of influence covering most of the northern half of Persia. Like the Ottomans, the Qajar rulers of Persia had borrowed money from European banks for projects like railroads and other infrastructure improvements, and could not pay back the money. Britain and Russia agreed without consulting the Persian government that they would split the revenues from Persian customs, fisheries, and other industries to amortize the debts. Persia never became a formal colony, but it temporarily lost control of its revenue stream and much of its territory — a source of bitterness to this day.



The Great Game:中间的小猫是波斯,难道因为波斯猫所以波斯要画成猫么


1、annexation:n.吞并 动词annex eg: It would go on to annex Korea and Manchuria, and then seize much of Asia during World War II。

2、Meiji Restoration:明治维新

3、The Ottoman Empire:奥斯曼帝国,下次看见要知道不是奥特曼就可以了。

4、Opium Wars:鸦片战争

5、fend off :挡开避开 eg:Some countries were able to fend off annexation/有些国家能够抵御兼并
