
摄影者 | V越野小曦

译者 | V越野高野

编辑 | V越野刚子

配图人物 | V越野雷神

Salomon S-Lab Sense 5 Ultra(180美金)可以说是一双有着复杂冗长名字的,最标志性的越野跑鞋。


Sense Ultra可能是整个越野跑鞋市场里面,唯一设计成竞速款的鞋。我们大多数人都会穿着那些为了比赛而训练的跑鞋,有时会追求更快配速的训练,但是我们从来不想穿着轻量化的跑鞋,进行路跑的速度训练。

It is safe to say that the Salomon S-Lab Sense 5 Ultra ($180) may be the most iconic trail running shoe ever designed with an incredibly complicated and wordy name. This simple, yet incredibly refined red-and-white beauty continues to excel at exactly what it was intended for: racing on hard ground and bombing up and down mountains. The Sense Ultra may be the only racing-flat type of shoe designed for trail running in the entire market. Most of us will wear the shoe that we’ve been training in for races and even faster-paced workouts, never giving a thought to the normal road-running practice of doing speed workouts and racing in lighter-weight racing shoes.

无以伦比贴合的鞋面,和混合硬度、低落差的缓冲材料让Sense Ultra成为一双非常好的比赛日用鞋。但是穿着能跑多久,真的取决于使用者,Sense Ultra是一双我希望可以穿的更多的跑鞋。


但是考虑到我从Sense Ultra获得惊人的舒适度和多年的穿着,我觉得这双鞋还真的挺值的。

The combination of an incredible-fitting upper, racing last, and semi-firm low-drop cushioning make the Sense Ultra a great race-day shoe. However long that distance is really varies by wearer, and the Sense Ultra becomes a shoe that I wish I could wear more often. Some of you were instantly repulsed by the price tag, but when considering the incredible durability and years of use that I’ve gotten out of my past Sense Ultras, this shoe is actually a bargain.

Salomon S-LAB SENSE 5 ULTRA 鞋面




In this review I want to give runners some ideas of why this shoe may be, or maybe not be, right for you. I’ll highlight some of the design changes in this version as well as some of the basic principles that Salomon has long incorporated into this shoe that makes it feel eons ahead of other similar shoes on the market.







I can’t get over it. The red and white. The simple fact that Salomon has never strayed from this color scheme in this, their signature shoe, is absolutely brilliant in my opinion. I don’t think there is a better-looking trail running shoe on the market. While we all know that color doesn’t mean a thing I view it as a fringe benefit of great shoe design.






这额外的脚趾空间,正是我发现和前几代Sense 5 Ultra不同的地方。

For those of you who haven’t worn a shoe from the S-Lab series of Salomon shoes, the initial fit can be a bit constricting when you first try to put your foot inside the shoe. Salomon’s Endofit technology is absolutely the best tech on the market to hold your foot securely on technical terrain, and I really can’t say enough positive things about it. Imagine your foot being held by a seamless midfoot wrap that once you’re locked into, you feel absolutely secure yet your toes have enough room to splay and feel the ground, and I had zero issues or hotspots going barefoot for short trail runs. That extra bit of toe-box room is exactly what I find different with the Sense 5 Ultra versus past versions.

Salomon同样会更新了更加透气的鞋面网布,类似给Kilian Jornet在2011年的Western States设计的原始版本。







Salomon also updates the mesh to be much more breathable, similar to the original model which was designed for Kilian Jornet at Western States in 2011. This mesh is surprisingly durable despite being nearly see-through, although it does allow some dust and sand into the shoe. On very hot days I could even sense the wind having a cooling affect on my toes through the open mesh toe box. This mesh is reinforced throughout the upper rubberized laminate overlays that are also seamless. My favorite part of the entire upper is the rubberized toecap which maintains the structure of the toe box from wrinkling and creating hotspots as well as allowing for just enough protection when you catch a toe. The standard and very effective Salomon Quicklace system with kevlar laces and a lace garage in the tongue of the shoe continue to impress me.




最开始用这双鞋的时候,因为我的足前部非常酸痛,跑起来有点费劲。但是当我驯服了这双鞋,穿着Sense 5 Ultra跑步会感觉更加流畅。我感到市面上没有比它更灵巧的越野跑鞋了。




A large part of the reason this shoe holds up so well over time is the triple-density midsole material used on this model. This means you initially experience a very firm ride which softens a bit after about 50 miles. At the outset I had trouble running in this shoe in part due to the fact that I was struggling with some soreness in my forefoot. However, after they broke in, runs in the Sense 5 Ultra felt much smoother and there isn’t a more nimble trail shoe on the market. That being said I max out at about 10 miles in this shoe, and while it is a blast to run in my feet certainly take a beating.


做个参考,使用Sense 5 Ultra大概感觉像是Adidas Adios路跑的软硬程度,但它的鞋头和鞋跟的落差却比Adios小了很多,Sense5的落差是4毫米。

在我看来找到另外一双像是Sense 5 Ultra一样坚实又快速的跑鞋,是件很困难的事情。

鞋中部的坚实程度可以提供非常棒的路面脚感和保护,并且ProFeel Film科技足以掌控技术地形,实现轻量化和防护性的有效平衡。

To give you an idea of how firm triple-density midsole foam is I can’t really depress the foam with my thumb like I can on any other trail running shoe. For reference, the ride of the Sense 5 Ultra is probably most like an Adidas Adios road-racing flat in firmness but it has a much lower heel drop at 4mm. I have difficulty finding other shoes to compare it to as the feel of the Sense 5 Ultra is very firm and fast. This firmness provides great ground feel and protection, and the ProFeel Film rock plate is just enough to handle technical terrain.




它能非常好的抓住石头路面,在平坦路面,即使是公路,跑起来也顺畅的很。高度防磨损橡胶底使用寿命很长,磨损的很慢,我的Sense 5 Ultra即使跑过了150英里的距离,看起来仍然毫无磨损。


Salomon’s Wet Traction Contragrip outsole rubber is something to behold. It grabs rock wonderfully and doesn’t get in the way on smooth surfaces, even road. This high-abrasion rubber wears down very slowly and my Sense 5 Ultras show no wear after about 150 miles. Wet rock is really where this outsole shines and combined with the excellent drainage capabilities this is a great shoe for wet and rocky conditions that don’t have a lot of mud.

Salomon的OS Tendon科技让足跟至脚尖的转换,就像是坚实的杠杆原理,可以跑出更快的配速。

这对于配速快的跑步经历感觉很好,但有时鞋中部的坚硬程度和OS Tendon科技的结合,在慢速跑步的时候对我是一种折磨。但是当腿和脚在长距离攀爬非常疲惫的时候,Sense 5 Ultra的坚硬程度却恰到好处。

Salomon’s OS Tendon technology acts as a firm lever during the heel-to-toe transition and increases the stiffness of the forefoot for a faster cadence. This is great for faster-paced running but sometimes the stiffness of the midsole and OS Tendon combined feels like overkill to me at slower paces. However, this stiffness makes the Sense 5 Ultra a great shoe for long climbs when the legs and feet become fatigued.




我听说有的跑者甚至穿着他们的Sense Ultra跑了接近1000英里。对于Andrew Miller如何穿着这双跑鞋跑了100英里赢得了2016年的Western States,其实我仍然无法理解。我猜他一定有着一双有力、高效、以及20岁的脚。不幸的是,我已经错过了穿着这样坚硬跑鞋跑长距离的年龄。但是我仍然很喜欢穿着它们来高速奔行或者爬山的日子。

This is a state-of-the-art shoe, designed for racing, and even at $180 this is a great shoe for any runner who can wear it given the excellent design, fit, and durability. I’ve heard from several runners that they can get close to 1,000 miles in their Sense Ultras. I have no idea how Andrew Miller wore these shoes for 100 miles to win Western States 2016. My guess is that he has great, efficient form and 20-year-old feet. Unfortunately, I’m past my days of being able to wear a shoe this firm for any long distances, but I’ve really appreciated them on speedwork or hill days.




事实上我几乎感觉我是穿着一双带有相反落差的短跑钉鞋,Sense 5 Ultra真的把我放到了我的前足部。这感觉很棒,但是跑一阵子就会感觉到小腿肚和脚踝有一些酸痛。



However, there are some issues I have with this shoe that I’ve experienced and other runners have as well. The 4mm heel drop does not feel like your typical 4mm drop. In fact, I almost get the sensation that I’m wearing a track spike with a reverse drop and the Sense 5 Ultra really puts me on my forefoot. This is great, but I’ve experienced some calf and Achilles soreness after a few runs in a row in this shoe. This sensation seems to be compounded by the overall firmness of the midsole, which seems somewhat unnecessary in my opinion. I think this shoe would have a much larger audience if the midsole thickness was maintained with some softer EVA foam.

Although I love the 7.9-ounce weight of the Sense 5 Ultra, the Sense Pro is more of a shoe that I can consistently train and race ultra distances in. In fact, a slightly more protective version of this shoe will be debuting in February of 2017 with the Salomon S-Lab Sense Ultra which will feature a 9mm drop and more midsole cushioning. Maybe that shoe will be more my speed, and I can continue to pretend I can wear the Sense 5 Ultra on speedwork days.

即使我很喜欢Sense Ultra 5的224克鞋重,但Sense Pro是一双我能穿的更多,并且跑一些超远距离的跑鞋。

事实上,在2017年的2月份,Salomon S-Lab Sense Ultra将首次推出一个带有更多保护的版本,它将带有9毫米落差,以及更多的鞋中底的缓冲。

也许这双鞋将更适合我的速度,我也可以继续穿着Sense 5 Ultra做一些竞速的跑步。

Are you running in the Salomon S-Lab Sense 5 Ultra? What do you think of the shoe?

Have you run in multiple iterations of the Sense Ultras? If so, what do you think of the updates to this model?

What are your thoughts on the shoe’s firm midsole? And what kind of mileage can your body tolerate in these shoes?




