2. Home Life (I) 场景二:家庭生活(I,现在小编就来说说关于中英文对照阅读好吗?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



2. Home Life (I) 场景二:家庭生活(I


Getting Up with the Jacksons 杰克森一家起床啦



1)The alarm clock in Mr. and Mrs. Jackson's bedroom goes off at 6:30 A.M. Sleepily, Mr. Jackson reaches toward it to turn it off. He gives up trying to reach it and lets it run down.


go off: ring, sound (an alarm clock or a similar device) 铃响,闹钟或类似的设备响起来

e.g.: My alarm clock did not go off this morning. 今天早上我的闹钟没响。

2)By now Mrs. Jackson is awake. She turns on the light beside the bed and shakes her husband.“It's time to get up, George," she tells him. 这时杰克森太太醒了。她打开床头灯、推了推她丈夫,说:“乔治,该起床了。”

3)“Aw- don't- ”he mutters. But she keeps on shaking him until he too is awake. He sits up, but his eyes are still closed. Finally he stands up.

“懊——— 不”,他嘟囔着说。但是杰克森太太继续摇着杰克森先生的身体,直到他也醒了。他坐起身,眼睛还是合着的。最后他起身了。

mutter:to speak or say sth in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth 咕哝地抱怨,含糊地说;自言自语地说

4)Mrs. Jackson puts on a bathrobe. Mr. Jackson goes in to take a shower and, awake at last, goes downstairs to set the table.



go in: enter, move from one place into another. 进入,走到另一个地方。

5)In the kitchen Mrs. Jackson plugs in the coffee maker. She wants to boil eggs but remembers that they used up the eggs yesterday. She puts bread into the toaster and waits for it to pop up. Mr. Jackson puts cereal, milk, and juice on the table.


plug in: (plugged in, have plugged in) start (a toaster, etc) by putting its plug into an electrical outlet 把烤面包机、咖啡机、饮水机等接通电源

pop up: rise suddenly 突然弹起 (本场景中,面包片烤好后弹出)

6)Then Mrs. Jackson lets out the cat. She calls the sixteen-year-old twins. “Breakfast!" she shouts.

“Jim! Jane!”

然后杰克森太太把猫放出门;然后叫着16岁双胞胎的名字“Jim! Jane!”喊他们吃早餐。

7)In a few minutes all four are at the table. “What in the world do you have on?” Jim asks Jane.

几分钟之内,家中四口人都坐在餐桌旁了。Jim 问Jane:“老天,你穿的是啥?”

8)“I forgot to wash out my clothes last night, so this morning I hunted up these things to wear .’


hunt up: look for and find 寻找,找出

9)“I thought you had given those old things away long ago," Jim tells her. “They look shabby.’


shabby: [ˈʃæbi] 1. (of buildings, clothes, objects, etc. )in poor condition because they have been used a lot (建筑物、衣服、物品等) 破旧的;破败的;破烂的 2. (of a person) badly dressed in clothes that have been worn a lot( 人) 衣着破旧的

10)’Leave me alone!" she says angrily.

Jane 愤怒地说了一句:“别管我!”

11)’ Children," Mrs. Jackson begs,“please don' t get into a fight. I' m running out of patience with both of you. I don't feel like listening to another argument. Tom did not often argue before he left for college. Jane, you should put your clothes away. Then you could find something better to wear. I've told both of you again and again,' Please hang up your clothes.’

杰克森太太恳求道:“孩子们,别吵了!我对你俩耐心已尽,我不想再听你们吵架。 Tom上大学以前都不吵架。 Jane,你应该把自己衣服收拾好,这样你就能找到好一点的衣服穿。我跟你俩说了一次又一次:“请把衣服挂起来。” ”

run out of: lose (patience), come to the end of (usually money or time)


12)George Jackson is reading the newspaper. He laughs softly.“If you come across something funny or even interesting, you might let us in on it,” his wife says.



come across: find, happen to find, notice, see


let sb. in on sth. : allow someone else to share (some information)


13)“I m just looking at the sports pages, Edna," he tells her.“You usually don' t care for professional sports.’


care for: enjoy, like 喜欢 (通常用在否定句或问句中)

14)She goes to see about the cat and lets it in. The twins pick up their schoolbooks and go to school.


see about …: attend to, take care of, check the safety of


15)George puts his coat on. As he sets out for work, he says to his wife,“Have a good day, Edna.’


set out: start (a trip) 启程,出发(通常跟介词on)

e.g..The sailors set out in January on their long journey. 水手们一月份启航出远门。
