一,上班是会呼吸的痛 它活在我身上的每个角落。

Going to work is the pain of breathing. It lives in every corner of me

二,这天气上班就得吹西北风 不上班就等着喝西北风,工作再累也要坚持 因为没钱就不能生活以前不上班的都觉得在混日子,之后才知道原来上班才是真正的混日子。

If you go to work in this weather, you have to blow the northwest wind. If you don't go to work, you will wait to drink the northwest wind. If you are tired, you must persist because you can't live without money. Those who didn't go to work before feel that they are fooling around, and then they know that going to work is the real fooling around



The most painful thing in the world is going to work. You resist every day, but you have to do it every day


No matter how tired you work, you must persist because you can't live without money


五,我们对生活的热情 总是在日复一日的工作中消失殆尽。

Our passion for life always disappears in our daily work.

六,累到一定的程度 连生气和计较的力气都没有。

Tired to a certain extent, I don't even have the strength to get angry and care about it


七,每天嘻嘻哈哈的笑着,只有自己知道有多累 ,这一路的跌跌撞撞 遍体鳞伤 都是成长所要付代价。

Laughing every day, only you know how tired you are. The stumbling and bruises all the way are the price to pay for your growth

八,这个世界,除了朝九晚五 还有很多人要加班到深夜,没有双休,没有热好的粥,没有灯火通明的家,只能用尽全力去生活。

In this world, in addition to nine to five, there are still many people who have to work overtime until late at night. There is no double break, no hot porridge, no brightly lit home, and they can only use their best to live


九,每天闹钟一响 脑子里就出现五百条请假理由 不想去上班 但每一条靠谱。

Every day when the alarm clock goes off, there are 500 reasons for asking for leave, but each one is reliable.


In order to make up for the debts owed by the current class when they skipped classes


十一,上班就像旧时代的婚姻 明明不幸福还要长相厮守。

Going to work is like an old marriage. You have to stay together when you are unhappy.


Two headache things: salary can't go up and weight can't go down


I have confirmed that eyes are social volunteers who work overtime



What do you mean, you are angry 10 thousand times a day, but you still don't resign


Going to work is like falling out of love, and not going to work is like falling in love
